Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

maybe if affy locks actually did enough damage that decurse was actually valuable sure. other than wildgrowth all they are is walking starfire casts. great for stv but for bg teamfights nah not without clone. rogues never really belong in a teamfight so kind of non relevant to this post. shadow priests are very strong though i wouldn’t call them game breaking in a teamfight like shaman is.

Shamans ain’t an issue.

Hunters get it all… top PvE dmg
Extremely deadly in PvP
(skill issue 100% if you disagree)


great argument. (sarcasm)

anyways off topic but also in terms of pve the devs weigh in utility vs damage. melee hunter which is “top dps” as you say now with lone wolf as the meta has literally 0 utility lol like less than a fury warrior. classes with higher amounts of group utility such as shadow priest and elemental shaman are balanced to do less damage in pve respectively or there would be 0 reason to run a class with 0 utility such as melee hunter. welcome to pve balancing 101.

Shaman’s actually a fairly big issue but hunter spriest and boomy are too without the damage reduction.

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Bruh, this is completely asinine and a non issue. Tremor is not a fear immunity, you get feared full duration with it down routinely. It has no cd, why would decoy share a cd with it?

A choice was made, the shaman chose to use his freedom to run in and drop a fear ward totem.


pallies are fine. shaman are not. shaman op. paladin have 1, 5 minute CD.


asinine huh? imagine saying someones statements are asinine then proceeding to provide semantics/non-argument. you’re pretty much creating a strawman around trying to redefine what the choice is and when it is made. you’re a hypocrite at the very least lol.

no sir the choice i am talking about is between using two powerful totems. one grants freedom to you the other grants fear immunity to your whole party. what you’re attemping to semantically refering to is not having to make this choice at all rather be able to plant both. it is hardly a nerf in anything but reducing the brokeness of stacking shamans in a teamfight and brings back at least a smigen of braincells that were required to play shaman in classic era pvp.

hopefully when aggrand finally nerfs shamans he does something like this instead of a crippling nerf such as freedom buff being removed when the totem dies which I wouldnt want because i am not trying to cripple the class or reduce anything other than how stackingly broken it is the more of them that are in a teamfight.

boomkins hit just as hard

skill issue,git gud

the way tremor works is it pulses every 4 or 5 seconds to break fears and whatever else it breaks.

often even if you place it right by everyone in the perfect placement , an aoe fear can go off and people run out of range of the totem and the fear wont get broken.

its kinda a toss up. sometimes its great and sometimes the pulse doesnt go off for forever and is too late to really do any good.

its not an immediate break like you think more times than not.

They will experience not being able to find a game because their faction is so tucked they don’t even queue up

Dam bro that’s crazy

what part of “i played ele resto in classic” isn’t ringing a bell to you? i literally mained the class. it pulses every 3 seconds billy with a 30 yard range and it’s not a toss up or it wouldnt be heavily relied upon for magmadar in molten core. odds are if you precast it if you get feared 2 seconds after a pulse it removes the fear after only 1 second.

you should not be able to twist a 30 yard range party wide 3 second timed fear dispell alongside a freedom/attack grounding totem. a fix to this that causes decoy totem to give a 10 second forbearance to other earth totems would prose 0 nerf to anything outside of group pvp.

what the heck are you afraid so much to cause you to irrationally defend a class being so broken in bgs that it is causing people to leave for cata? is psychic scream into a mindflay too much for you to handle? because that is literally the only class/spec with both a fear and slow in the game.

actually baffling.

edit: thank you though for your attempts at providing counter arguments to this post. i do appreciate it. it just proves that it is pretty much impossible to defend whats going on with this class right now and how stacking 4-5 of them on a premade is breaking bgs. my hope is that if the dev team does read this that they look at my suggestions and do something similiar instead of nerfing the class to the floor. they did a very good job with the hunter nerfs however so i do have faith in them.

Patch 2.4 Tbc.
“ * [Tremor Totem](https:// wowwiki-archive.fandom. com/wiki/Tremor_Totem) now pulses every 3 seconds, down from 4 seconds.”

If you can’t pre kill a tremor fear and rewand the dropped tremor in between 4 second pulses…. Seek help. Also do people just not use nameplates. How does any self respecting class just not see the tremor icon and squash before the fear.

That’s like 1400 level play.

Tremor totem is every 4 seconds, actually. And with inconsistent positioning in PvP (versus your PvE example), it’s a crapshoot whether you will still be within 30y when it pulses.

But while Shamans are a very versatile class, their weaknesses are massively exploitable. For example, since 90% of Shaman spells are Nature, every time a Mage gets a Counterspell off the Shaman is out of play for 10 full seconds.

this isnt rbgs buddy nor does classic or sod allow for totem stomping macros. this is pub battle ground teamfights. i must say though your argument is pretty 1400 sounds like you’re projecting.

anyways this is probably the 3rd or 4th time ive reiterrated this to the “bUt YoU cAn JuSt KiLl ToTeM” andies. regardless if we are talking 2600+ play where players are good at clicking and not just trying to enjoy themselves if you have 4 shamans on a team all using tremor totem thats at the bare minimum 4 globals that you take away from the other team at the start of the fight since you can preplant and instantly totem project your totems into a teamfight.

if you include 4 poison cleanse totems thats at least 8 globals if you are tab targeting and instant casting spells at each totem lets say a frost mage with ice lance LOL which is unrealistic but regardless. you understand how much damage 8 globals is correct? go dual your buddy outside of orgrimar for 12 seconds and see if you can kill him. no 5 minute cooldown nothing you just default start a fight either auto dispelling fear and poisons or start 2 globals (3 seconds) ahead per shaman you have on your team while theyre run in with freedom.

the reason i want maelstrom to force shamans to use lava lash for a faster proc (while buffing its damage) instead of enabling atuo attacks to cause instant cast 1-1.5k lava bursts follows the same logic. a shaman can be melee’ing one target then if they see another target low or half instantly swap to that target and delete it leaving 0 room for counter play.

i understand the difficulty in wrapping your head around this though as it is not one thing in particular that is making shamans busted in bgs rather the culmination of several. i just hope the dev team figures it out.

They’re busted because they stop what they’re doing and start healing, purging, cleansing and slowing everything in sight and there’s like 5 of them per BG.

  1. This is not a Shaman problem. Stacking Classes and exploiting their strengths is a universal problem. What would I do if the enemy team had four Hunter and they put all their pets on me at once? Clearly OP, nerf pet.

  2. If Shamans are running in and wasting GCDs on dropping Poison Cleansing and Tremor Totems - just kill them while they are contributing nothing to the fight.

:pinching_hand: :brain: shaman main detected

“Wasting” was perhaps a poor choice but are you seriously defending OP with this farcical proposition that Horde are coordinating parties of 4+ Shamans to run into fights, dropping all the utility totems so they can attempt to cleanse four poisons every second, and ostensibly OP can do nothing about it while the Shamans spend several GCDs neither healing nor fighting?

That is like saying Paladins need a nerf because Alliance are coordinating 4+ parties of Paladins who all drop bubble at once and then demolish the enemy team while they are invulnerable for 12 seconds. It’s not actually happening.

you need to get a reader rabbit bro. what part of precasting totems and instant casting them into a teamfigth with totemic projection do you not understand?

also name one other class if stacked in a teamfight like shaman will have the same effect lol

please explain to me where there needs to be cordination? every shaman just runs the same totems and does the same thing before every teamfight. nobody needs to talk to eachother lol.

and that doesnt happen with paladins lol they just get kited because they have 0 movement speed. honestly hilarious comments keep them coming.