Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

I can slightly agree with most you said, minus the “10 whole seconds” …kick is 5 seconds? What are you referring to?

Also…they have a s**t ton of CC, just no hard cc such as stun.

Mage Counterspell is 10s.

And no, snares are not CC.

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CC = crowd control. So yes…slows, binds, disorient, stun…etc etc etc… are CC.

Good luck finding a mage who uses that right.

You cannot reliably use Earthbind/Frost Shock to CC Hunter pets. They’re too fast and have a strong resistances. So no, it’s not a CC.

And plenty do. It’s an instant cast spell on a 30s CD and Ele Shamans need to be in the thick of it hardcasting. Very susceptible to Mages.

I will just let you live your fantasy…at first i truly agreed with a lot you said.

Then you said binds and the mentioned above are no CC. And even referenced pets.

What does resisting have to do with something not being a “CC”

I would google or wiki CC. Have a nice night brother. :slight_smile:

Because pets gain elemental resistances through training which increase their likelihood to resist Earthbind (Nature) and Frost Shock (Frost), and Beastial Swiftness / Dash means that can still stick to you even if the snare does hit?

More people complaining about how strong they imagine Shamans to be without playing one…

This is where i say “you know nothing John Snow” you don’t even know the definition of CC. So whatever you say is null and void. Night playa. Be easy.

Fine, if you want to be technical, snares are a form of “positional” CC, which are objectively worse than “loss of control” CCs (of which Shamans have none). And in no group ever has somebody considered Crippling Poison to be comparable to Polymorph, even if both are CCs.

Nice “gotcha” moment to cover how wrong you were about everything else.

So they aren’t actually broken at all, and this is just an OverPowered whine.

No one said it was comparable to anything…you just don’t know the definition of CC. There was no “gotcha” moment. You’re just either dumb…or oblivious to the definition.

Still destroying in AB, not in the nether realm.

Says the guy who didn’t even know Counterspell existed, and doesn’t understand why Resistances impact CC.

Bro…you are regarded. Where is it that I said resistances don’t affect CC. You are dumb AF. Your argument was because CC can be resisted then its not CC…if that’s the case nothing is CC. Again look up the definition. Google is your friend. Even regards like you can figure it out. On another note, no one said counter spell didn’t exist. You went from a mildly argumentative view to a nobody real quick. Stfü

Whatever, dude. I expressed ways in which Shamans had exploitable weaknesses, you started harping on an asinine technicality about how snares are still CC, and now you’re calling me slurs.

And you deserve it…since you’re still saying

Like…i gave you the resources to see that it is CC, and that in fact shamans do have CC…just not hard CC. You can’t even use google. Go to another thread. Peace.

Stop being obtuse. You and every other player understand perfectly well that Snares are different from proper Crowd Control.

If you were in a raid and somebody marked a mob for you to “CC”, and you ran up and hit it with Crippling Poison, they’d think you were joking. If you stood up and started arguing that it’s still technically a CC, you’d be kicked from the group.

I never said they weren’t overly performant. In fact I have multiple times in multiple posts said this across the forums.

I just figured if you were going to be so condescending when responding to someone…

… you should at least be correct.

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Truthfully if the nameplates were 41 yards instead of like the 20 or so they are in classic that would help a lot! Haha

It isn’t ele or resto most people have issues with, it’s enhance’s damage coupled with their utility

Top kek.

Never played as or against a shaman huh?