your reading comprehension is terrible buddy. i suggest picking up a few reader rabbit cds and learning how to wead.
you understand in non bg world pvp that shamans legit 90% hp pool 1-2 global people right? so the pvp damage nerf doesn’t really matter for them. you can go look up youtube videos of these trashcan derpbags runnin around azeroth globaling thinking they’re good at wow.
if anything enhance is in a better spot in a damage reduction meta, longer fights = more maelstrom weapon = more healing at 0 resource cost
I’d be ok with them taking the healing spells off of MSW to be honest.
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based, enhance shaman should be strong but MSW healing sends them over the top
nah the healing is fine. if they didn’t have the healing then they’re screwed in 1v1 pvp. the issue is that the ability procs only off of melee swings which lets tanky enhance shamans use lava burst over lava lash and instant cast it which is just very much so over the top especially with enhance shamans having no issue gap closing now. it just needs to be reworked so that it only procs off of melee attacks like stormstrike and lava lash which will force tanky enhance shamans to run lava lash over lava burst which will very much so normalize how broken stacking 5 shamans in a teamfight for damage is because youre team is not going to be hit by 5 instant cast lava bursts at once. you will be hit by instant chain lightning which does not scale like lava burst does while enhance spec’d.
DiD tHe PaWaDiN CoMpWaIn AbOu- yeah ok donkey, you’re gonna compare a 1 hour cooldown that drains my mana and a 5 min cooldown with being able to straight up immune CC and/or burst every 15/20 seconds lmao
all but literally 1 counter argument to my post has been failed reader rabbit cherry picked strawman garbage. if they start trying to argue with you with that just ignore them.
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So at most you’re looking at 2 stacks every 6 seconds, unless you’re 2H, then it’s just 1 stack every 6 seconds. That’s a lot of time to get 5 stacks for an instant ability with MSW. I don’t know what to say… Do you have an issue with Lava Burst being used for Melee builds?
remind me again which meta are you referring to?
the 1-3 shot meta or the unkillable healers/hybrids meta of the weekend?
if youre referring to the 1-3 shot meta, youre getting 1 grounding and 1 decoy before you get blown up cause the healer cant keep you alive .
if youre referring to the unkillable healer/hybrid meta , that was a joke of a meta and shouldnt be view as anything but.
so in a 1-3 shot meta where you have freedom and 55% ghost wolf aswell as two totems that negate a spell and an attack on a class that is hitting 1-1.5k lava bursts with little to no cast time in combination with windfury instant cast high damage shock spells etc in a hybrid melee tank spec. youre trying to tell me that youre not globalling people as in plural before you’re put down?
interesting sounds like a skill issue. you’re talking as if i havent ever seen the class before let alone been hit by one in world pvp without the 50% damage reduction. i think the only class that has hit me as hard as an enh shaman is a rogue and thats about it though honestly enhance shaman hits harder. this isnt even including the insta cast 2/3 hp pool heal you can dish out from those stacks.
my issue though isn’t even with this burst damage. it is the range of lava burst which is almost entirely unecessary while there is a melee ability intended for your spec in the game that isn’t used. that ability should be hitting people for that kind of damage not a spell that in other iterations of wow is meant for a different spec. and to top all that off lava burst is a completely different spell type from any of your other abilities outside fire totem and flam shock. even if you get kicked while casting it it does nothing but prevent the damage from that ability. it doesn not belong on enhance shaman.
that in combination with having more utility than pretty much any other class in the game that only stacks when there are multiple shamans in the teamfight that are also putting out rogue level burst instant casted from range. it does not matter what % damage meta it is when there are 4-5 shamans in a teamfight its basically gg for the other team.
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we simply need horde v horde and alliance v alliance bgs. that would go a long way to helping the problem.
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Yes, so you can enjoy the experience of pallies in AB on flag defense
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inc xtrasecksi reply:
"heh. but what about paladins bubble?
but ya"
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kind of like pallies… just suck it up and accept the fact Shamans and Pallys are hero classes.
There is no stealing loot. Yes I agree the items should go to the people who benefit the most from it. But even when that statement is true people get mad. IE When warriors was using leather set because it was their bis rogues and druids were losing their minds.
I’d say boomies, rogues, shadow priests, and pallies are more broken currently than shamans.
People crying about grounding totem clearly dont know what rank 1 spells are.
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