Shamans are irreversably broken in PVP

I’m tempted to post the clip jsut because bottom of the barrell trash tier players like you love to talk.

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I wouldn’t.

I literally even juked the earth shock and healed myself. He was outhealing 2 players and it doesn’t even cost mana to self heal. but yeah the only thing I can say for certain is you’re absolute garbage.

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nah using 0 resource to heal yourself to full instantly and having a 6 second kick that also slaps is all skill baby :sunglasses:

I am thinking overall I think the game was pretty balanced before the nerf everyone was a threat some classes were more annoying or weaker than others but overall it was good. And I play vanilla for the world pvp which no other version of the game has and this trash change has ruined world pvp all together.

I often engaged in team fights in stv when my team would last until we ran out of mana and cds. I don’t understand this idea everyone has where every class in the game could push a single button and instantly do 4k damage to anyone 100% of the time. It was never a thing aside from arcane surge. Yeah burst was high and multiple classes could global but it was still manageable now its just boaring and doesn’t feel fun at all. Just let disc priests control the meta oh don’t have disc priests you lose it sucks.

All people want are nerfs instead of buffs for weaker classes which is what they said sod wasn’t supposed to be “everyone should be OP” now only hybrids and healers are.

Irreversably you say? Well then I guess theres nothing that can be done about it then.

Shaman is literally the God classe right now.

It is a class that:

(1) has many useful group-wide buffs that can be deployed easily in PVP scenarios (much easier than Paladin’s buffs at least)

(2) has amazingly good self heal and can also instant heal a bunch of health;

(3) has really good burst that can eat up 30%-40% percent of some player’s health almost instantly; and

(4) has a bunch of utility abilities: single/group slow, anti fear/charm, short cooldown interrupt, blessing of freedom, purg, wind fury, etc.

Except for stuns, Shaman is the perfect class that does so much (burst) damage, buff the party so much, has strong utilities, and CC. It is the perfect class.

Paladin, meanwhile, as the equivalent class to Shaman on the Alliance side, is so much weaker.


Completely agree. We should remove Pally bubble

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heh i wanna say something about all these buffs and the 27 different shocks and all that …

our shocks put all the other shocks on cooldown for 6 seconds. cant use them all back to back instantly.

also our totems are earth air fire and water.

totems are exclusive to each element and you cant use 2 of the same element at once . meaning we cant buff and also grounding totem or decoy and tremor at the same time.

i know you want to put up all our utility like it all happens at the same time but it doesnt.

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I play Shaman, so I know everything u said.

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then why misrepresent it?

Whatever, wouldnt be surprised, if Blizz just turn Paladin into Shamans, which would be nice.

Maybe u misunderstood it?

My comments was based on the assumption that players have some understanding about the class. U basically bring up the class design which does not contradict with what i said.

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sorry i guess.

its just that so many think that all of those things happen at once with like no global cooldown and put it up to be just that.

its not being honest about it.

maybe you werent trying that.

Yeah and the solution is to revert the bad damage nerf change. I see the people in BGs that think the nerf is good. They are skeying mages that want to hard cast frost fire bolt into me as I’m smashing their face in and skeying rogues that are having fun because their kit is so strong and they do so much damage.

The change is so boaring on my shammy in the BG I was basically impossible to kill unless a rogue was stun locking me or I was oom. No one does any dam and it’s lame. Boaring change for boaring players. 10 min blacksmith fights lmao

Arathi was so fun for P3 until that “damage” fix, now its 4-5 cap horde every game because shamans and priests. before that it was 50-50 now its the most frustrating experience. yet again an "unforseen"issue that makes shaman mega tanks with instant heals. great work again guys. At least one of the devs should play this game …

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I mean I literally just said that, grats on repeating me.

Just bring paladin up the same as shaman and both sides will have a heroic class much like a dk is in wrath

Just like how they changed items to make them more appealing to the classes that can wear them, they too will change a lot of perceived ‘useless’ items to make them more appealing. They will definitely add more weapons for vanilla underrepresented classes to use now that SoD gave them a purpose with runes.

Lol imagine writing an essay about how broken shamans are then stating totems are op. What a joke. Maybe just “git gud”.