We in the #NerfShamans community stand united with our brothers and sisters :expressionless:
The shaman favoritism has gone too far.

I know it’s fun to meme on certain classes etc but we’ve all played alliance and horde at some point, not matter what faction or class you choose everybody is the same…


Perhaps it’s best to focus on your own priorities rather than making assumptions about others.

You’re probably one of the only consistent shaman players who openly acknowledge how strong they are! With a busted premade the kill totals can be anything but what the hardest kind of person to argue with is a class player who’s delusional on imbalance (not just sod shaman but all of wow’s pvp history, OG demon hunter per example)

Going to have to stop you right there.
Your post is entirely too wholesome and neutral for this topic.

I made no assumptions. I calculated an average amount of time you played JUST AB in one day based on statistics you provided, and expressed concern. (There is no state where 10+ hour of repetitive digital activity is mentally or physically healthy.)

i already made a post like yours that got 2k+ views and over 200 responses. except in my post i detailed how and why shamans are overpowered in group pvp though only group pvp and attempted to give solutions that would not ruin the class in 1v1 pvp or pve but tone down their game breaking performance in group pvp that has been ruining bgs.

and a lot of the same people trying to hopeless/thoughtlessly defend the broken class they bandwagon who were on my forum post are here. and literally not a single one of them remotely provent me wrong about how and why shamans are in group pvp and yet now theyre here arguing with you. after being scolded/proven wrong.

these guys will literally try to lie and decieve with strawman arguments, they don’t care if they are wrong or right and probably already know that the class is very overtuned for group pvp or are just too deep of a casual classic andy in other words bad to realize how overtuned it is etc. don’t try to argue with them because they don’t even know what they’re talking about.

here it is. read it its. actually eye bleach level of mouth breather responses. and stop arguing with them. they’ve been proven wrong and they don’t care. its like trying to talk to a dog from another country with a helmet on its head.


In every post, I’ve made it clear that all matches were in Warsong Gulch during WSG weekend. Yet, you’re still making assumptions based on AB games. As a SysAdmin by profession, repetitive digital activity is a big part of my life, and I’m perfectly capable of handling it physically and mentally. However, that’s beside the point and none of your concern. We’re here to discuss the faction imbalance, and you’re attempting to redirect the conversation to something outside of our topic.

I stand corrected on the venue, which drops the average game to about 15 minutes.

I was just making a comment of concern about your health.
Binge gaming is bad.

(And WSG binge gaming is arguably worse than waterboarding or cold room torture…)

he did the same thing in my forum post. he knows the class is busted and doesn’t want to lose it. which is understandable. i for one hope they keep shamans strong in 1v1 format as outside of ele resto they were terrible in classic era. though the amount of utility when there are 5 of them stacked on a team needs tuning.

this can be done via changing maelstrom weapon to proc off abilitiy cooldowns instead of melee attacks which will make lava lash much more mandatory and reduce a shamans ability to go tank spec with instant cast lava bursts. stormwolf has reiterrated to me multiple times over a forum thread that he can easily catch a hunter without needing the use of lava burst so i see this not hurting shamans in 1v1 pvp rather just drastically reducing their brokeness in group pvp as 5 maelstrom lava burst procs from 5 shamans in a team fight is obscene.

this can also be done by removing the attack grounding effect by decoy totem and causing all earth totems to be placed on a 10 second cooldown when decoy totem is activated. as the more shamans that press decoy totem at the beginning of a fight the drastically more damage they negate as well as preventing them from twisting decoy totem and tremor totem at the same time having both fear and freedom immunity which only shadow priest has both a fear and a slow so i don’t see this affecting them in a 1v1 situation mainly group pvp where it is very broken when stacked.

this can also be done by making mana tide totem a lot more needed and a lot more powerful as you will see it so in later expansions such as wrath which gives shamans then the choice between stacking/overlapping disease and poison cleansing totems and having good mana regen.

and this can finally also be done by increasing the cooldown on totemic projection or limiting it to 2 uses before totems need to be replaced as the ability essentiall gives shamans the totemic mastery talent essentiall for free which other than natures swiftness is pretty much half the reason in classic you went ele resto as opposed to pure ele. this will also heavily reduce the blatant damage difference at the beginning of a teamfight as shamans have their totems out immediately and the enemy team must either choose to sacrifice globals to totem stomp or choose to let the totems cleanse their damaging and mana draining abilities all while the shaman team is getting further ahead of them in damage. the way this was prevented in classic was shamans having to waste globals to put down each totem. which here they can simply put down their totems before a fight and instantly move them into the group fight.

the changes are pretty simple. none of them heavily harm shamans in 1v1 pvp. yet i swear by god the majority of the people in here will just cherry pick or purposely misread and misrepresent what you say because they don’t want their bandwagon class nerfed and to go back to their actual mains.

I was really enjoying those battlegrounds after the nerf. Initially, my goal was just 35k, then 45k. Finally, it felt like my class was performing as it should, and I was having a blast in BGs. With the added enjoyment and the free time I had, I seized the opportunity to push further. As a healer, I love the chaos of BG healing, which I had nearly given up on since level 26. Now that it was back, I wanted to experience the fun I had been unable to enjoy since level 25. Again, how I got those stats has zero to do with why I’m here.

Edit: I’m really glad I made the effort, because since then, they’ve reverted back to the old way, where it’s no longer fun and very difficult to earn honor as Alliance.

I was just thinking Hunters need another round of nerfs…

And here you are.

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That’s fair,

Still think that much BG (let alone WSG) in a day is unhealthy- but I am glad you had fun. :slight_smile:

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We are the Horde = Paladin.
Now you know what is like to go up against. Us…

Whine a little more…

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Disrespecter kinda based, I wanted to alt a sham as well until I found out DW was vastly superior to 2H in every way. rets and 2H enhance want the same thing, to have more viable 2h abilities (divine storm is just dead now, so I get to use exorcism, crusader strike, and maintain seal of martyrdom+judgement) and that’s pretty much it for my damage, aside from instant hammer of wrath at execute range which is actually pretty solid despite the big mana cost. but we are optimal with a fast 2h to reset exorcism. kinda lame.

nerf MSW healing and make 2H enhance actually viable, and make divine storm great again. give them another button to press

EDIT also they do 2H enhance enjoyers so dirty by taunting them with a cool STV weapon to farm just to be not only suboptimal, but just bad in comparison to DW

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I’m in favor of this, though here’s a little more information. Taking the healing spells off of MSW would actually help 2H for PvP. For DW, a 5-stack is easier to achieve, heals can come through pretty consistently. 2H would sacrifice a lot of their damage using it for a heal over Lava Burst.

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literally been getting shot by 2h enchancement shamans. for god sakes how can a shaman even think they need more buffs, this server is a joke

Oh I mean it’s just a wait for AV angle regardless, the honor you get per hour is nutty comparatively

I think as an h pal with the 50% reduction would be a blast! Come 60 they have potential to be bonkers good! Especially paired with a war… GG (depending upon what % damage reduction blizz chooses)

so youre wanting to gut shaman utility and counter play ?

no you wouldnt see that cause youre blind.

i just wanted to respond to this .

if they did go through and gut shaman utility they need to do the same exact thing to pallies so careful what youre asking for.

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please explain to me how in a 1v1 situation that this remotely guts counter play? better yet name one class that can both fear and slow you outside of shadow priest which’s slow is a channeled cast? having decoy totem which essentially with 55% movement speed ghost wolf grounding totem tremor totem totemic projection and frost shock on a 6 second cd gives you by far the best gap closing of any class in the entire game other than maybe rogues. all im asking for is that you can’t totem twist tremor with decoy totem which is beyond broken in group pvp.

you’re making these false statements with 0 backing to them other than that they’re edgy. you did this on my forum post too. like please stop. nothing i have said or suggested will gut the class in any shape or form and only fix the broken unitily stacking they have in group pvp which is ruining bgs right now 50% damage reduction or not.

paladins ret does not have nearly the broken power that enhance shaman has been given in sod. literally most if not all of their runes are to improve the damage that they entirely lack in classic except to the extent that they can’t even run a slow avengers shield (which doesn’t even silence like it does in other iterations of the game) or pummel kick to have any decent damage which also are both on the same rune slot.

they move at normal run and walk speed outside of the measily 8% from their talent tree. they have literally nothing. i know i have dualed them and it made me feel embarassed by the absolute terrible state they are in. i don’t think i have dualed a paladin yet and left with less than 75% hp.

the only argument ive seen made about them is but “Oh tHeY HaVe BubBlEs” which both are on a much longer cooldown than anything shaman has and have been in classic era and i can tell you first hand as a ele resto main for the entirity of classic that they are not half of a healer or damage dealer or have half the utility that that class has built in.

the counter to that is so blatantly simple in 1v1 run away from them until it goes away as they have 0 gap close then go back to pushing their crap in. in group pvp literally go damage something else. it is excruciatingly that simple and yet so many of the wow playerbase cannot do that. in classic era the only class they remotely hard counter is rogues which i never had a problem with on my rogue what so ever.

their healing/damage reduction is only single target outside of beacon of light which only provides group healing if its target is actually taking damage and divine sacrifice which requires pally bubble to really use without killing yourself. sure bop can remove physical stuff like fear but whoever is bopped cannot do damage and is on a cooldown that is both placed on the paladin and the person bopped with forbearance where as something like tremor or poison cleanse/disease cleanse work off the global and do all of that without a cd for free and grounding totem with a 15 second cd as well as decoy with only a 20 second cd. that in combination with the utter raw power damage aoe healing and utility that an ele resto has baked in without even the sod changes makes holy paladin laughable at best. the only reason they are remotely strong in classic era is because classic era is an even more heavy damage meta in group pvp than sod has ever been which makes paladins lengthy bubble cds actually worth while though still much worse than any good ele resto worth their salt.

literally everyone arguing about rets or paladins in general not needing buffs/reworks right now in pvp is just excruciately unknowledgeable or bad at wow.

more hollow statements. i have backed literally everything i have said and not a single person has been able to substantially prove what i have said false. don’t you want bg’s to be normalized again? don’t you want all the average bandwagon andies to hop off your class so you can actually have a chance at raid loot?

i wanted that when hunters were busted and im happy they nerfed them to actually having a skill curve with lock and load and i have noticed how all the broken class bandwagoners have fled my class other than the strictly pve melee hunters (as melee hunter is 0 utility trash in pvp) and it is awesome.

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