Shaman tanks

If your definition of viability is anything less than “able to guarantee survival through the stress-test boss mechanics”, then you extend viability down to literally anyone and anything provided the rest of the raid is able to kill the boss, up to and including a dead/AFK player.

If your viability definition doesn’t set a minimal threshold, then you don’t have a viability definition.

Lol these crazy shamans…


haters gonna hate, that’s pretty much where this conversation has been at for months. Meanwhile, countless shaman out there tanking BWL. gg haters

3 of you. And you all die in a bloody mist on Broodlord and none of you can stand up to the Drakes… so none of you are Tanks in BWL.

Go back to hugging trees you filthy shamans.

far more than 3 I’m certain. I have half a dozen logs where I don’t die on Broodlord for every 1 that ‘you’ say I fail, much like every other warrior in my guild. so again, you are incorrect. gg hater


Any log of you eating MS and not dying is because you took nothing else for a period of time after, managed to avoid the next hit, or Broodlord simply hit you with the weaker end of his damage range. You survive due to RNG. If the Warriors doing the actual Tanking are dying to similar damage, they’re being stupid and risking death by RNG as well.

Your guild’s DPS is nothing even close to spectacular, so no Warrior should be risking spontaneous death in order to squeeze out more DPS/TPS. You on the other hand can’t help but explode if the Boss hits you with a high end MS+Melee, or in the case of your logs, a low end MS+CritMelee.

Players that get globaled aren’t Tanks unless they have a way to consistently prevent that. Shaman cannot. They aren’t Tanks.

I tanked Onyxia for more than 10 seconds phase 3. Let’s convert over to warlock discussions. I’m going to try broodlord because if rng lines up it’ll work. Think my guild will go for it?

I didn’t really read this thread but I wanted to be included.


okay dude, you’ll stretch anything to fit your narrative. just a hater. meanwhile countless tanks continue to prove you wrong by tanking BWL. xD


This man gets it! Also on a serious note, I have a bare-bones mock up of a Warlock “tank” setup. The amount of EH (Effective Health) a Warlock can achieve is surprisingly high, especially with the 15% Stamina talent, Soul Link, and Master Demonology with either a Void Walker for physical or Felhunter for magic.

3 people attempting it is very countable. I just did. 1. 2. 3. And none of you are Tanking BWL. You’re sloppily exploding on Broodlord and snagging the random add between Vael and Broodlord’s room.

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you couldn’t be further from the truth, and that is okay. anyone who has followed the convo knows you’re bias and have ulterior motives. You’re just plain wrong about it, and don’t know what you’re talking about. You’ve changed the goal post countless times as well. Talking to you is futile.

Boogity boogity oooooooOOOOOOOoooooooo

My motives have always been very open: be honest and don’t direct people to do destructive and stupid things and expect different results.

Advocacy for Shaman Tanking outside of novelty and outdated and dramatically overgeared content falls under that category. Simple!

Dead-smear in 0.0s says what?

like I said, for every 1 log you can link where i get killed on broodlord, i have one where a warrior tank in the same group has the same happen, and half a dozen others where it doesn’t happen to me at all. I also have a few where I have more tanking uptime on the boss than the other warriors. You stretching to make arguments, and now you’re reiterating some which I have disproved. shaman tanking is possible, plain and simple. it’s okay that you’re wrong, I forgive you.

Which doesn’t change anything about the shortcomings of Shaman. You don’t link to the top parses of Rogues who had unusually high Hit/Crit streaks for their gear and declare that as the expected average.

Having your threat chunked by the Boss tends to do that. You still deal subpar DPS/TPS to even an EH focused Druid, let alone a Warrior.

Lying is a sin, child.

bottom line is that a hater like you isn’t going to stop shaman tanks in raids, and we have a huge community of shaman tanks promoting it and theorycrafting it to make it better. You’re simply way off base, and simply detrimental to the game, just stop. Rein in your jealousy. You clearly believe that shaman tanking cheapens your theorycrafting of druids, which nobody is suggesting. Get over yourself and let people play the video game the way they, and countless others, want to. It’s about fun, you’ve lost sight of that.

No one can stop dumb people from doing dumb things. Your “theorycrafting” is done by a kid who livestreams himself questing while he listens to electronica and otherwise says nothing…


Odd concept you got there, you should really check your own biases at the door.

Exploding inexplicably dampens the fun of 39 other people who expected you to not explode inexplicably. But if you wish to ruin your own raids… by all means. But if your final bastion of defense is “my sub my rules” then you are just at bare minimum. You can ruin raids if you want. Your raid can average 120 DPS if they want (holy crap no wonder you guys die so much…). No one is stopping you from being mediocre.

Just refrain from spreading your mediocrity to others. Good luck!

I’m a little offended. I thought I made it clear I want to hijack this thread and make it about me. Thx

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I’ll get your numbers soon. Promise!

Question about Soul Link. When it splits the damage does the type remain the same or does it do some kind of filtering where Soul Link itself calculates what the pet takes and gives them the damage?


  • Angioplasty has SL and a Void Walker out.
  • Defias Pillager casts Fireball on Angioplasty and lands 200 Fire Damage, no resists
  • Option A Angioplasty takes 140 Fire Damage from Defias Pillager, Void Walker takes 60 Fire Damage from Defias Pillager
  • Option B Angioplasty takes 140 Fire Damage from Defias Pillager, Void Walker takes 60 ??? Damage from Soul Link

My second question is about Master Demonology’s interaction. For instance, if you take a big fat melee swing to the face and 30% of that damage transfers to the Void Walker, does the Void Walker then reduce that by 10% (because talent) and only take 27% of the damage instead?

Third question, are Master Demonology and Soul Link additive (30% plus 10% for 40% total) or multiplicative (30% after 10% for 37% total)?


Its a great question since emps are coming up and I hadn’t really delved too deep past knowing I’d respec just for the fight and have been building shadow resist options plus bis hit pieces.

I’m curious if someone more adept with numbers has already crunched it. Going to do some reading while at work and see though.

I’d test it if I had a high enough Warlock but alas mine is only in the 20’s. Just seeing what the combat log does to your pet would be enough. My immediate cursory look didn’t bring anything definitive to the table so let me know if you find something.