Shaman tanks

I didn’t play lock in vanilla so it’s a new class to me for classic and I’ve only done SL one weekend of early pvp. Other than testing SM/ruin vs DS/ruin I haven’t played much else besides staying DS for raid logging.

I might play around with it since my respec cost should be a little lower than max now and I can give a buffer to drop again before aq.

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don’t even know to whom you are referring, so simply put, just no? or what? like heh?

I have saved my group from wiping countless times during progression.

I regularly parse well over 120 dps, so this is simply false. shaman tanks can easily go well over 500 tps in a fight. sure it requires dps to watch their threat, but they typically have to do that regardless who is tanking.

You continue to grasp at straws, and when you’re not doing that you’re blatantly lying or just making up random numbers. I stand by my earlier evaluation of your behavior, you are sad because you feel shaman tanking cheapens what you had to do for recognition back in vanilla as a druid tank. You got bullied and now you want to seize the opportunity to pay it forward. Haters gonna hate. Proof positive is that there isn’t a single warrior tank on here putting the same effort as you do in all out lying and falsifying data to fit a bs narrative. shamans are tanks because, hey look, they’re tanking BWL despite what you say. Results win out, always, and we are succeeding.


Spamming Earth Shock so you can get threat and survive for 10 seconds after your three tanks and a couple other melee die isn’t tanking.

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Bro, just stop. Shaman “tanks” are a meme, and the fact that your guild lets you do it means your guild is trash.


I was referring to your guild’s Broodlord DPS… where nearly half the raid is at or BELOW 100 DPS. Also… 120 DPS? That’s… beyond bad, especially since your TPS doesn’t scale well with DPS anyway. Which is hilarious when you say nonsense like this:

Because first… no. Hilariously no. Especially without gimping your already piss-poor EH.

Secondly… 500 TPS is pathetic. It is a good thing your Raid DPS (as in your entire Raid) is so low because if you had any half-competent DPS they’d be threat capped on every fight with you.

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This. That is extremely low threat gen

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I think this dude meant paladins.

So regardless of how the Soul Link stuff works out for damage transfer, a set like this:

This isn’t optimized by any sort of measure, but it gets to roughly what you’d wear for high Stamina, appropriate set bonuses, and maximum Shadow Resist. This set would put you at 316 Shadow Resist assuming you get the Priest buff and Gift of Arthas, along with around 8.2k Health with Flask of the Titans.

Spell Power would be around 424 (for Fire), leaving your Searing Pains to deal around 384 damage on average (no Hit, 26.99% Crit), or ~512 TPS which should be PLENTY given the only people on your target would be casters anyway. And that’s without counting Curse of Elements or Improved Scorch, so you’d get an even bigger boost as well, but at the same rate as everyone else.

I admitted that 120dps is low… and I did say that the dps is well over that, you’re not reading. That, or you are making things up. We have done the math for hundreds of sets, dozens of different times, tps well over 500 is easily obtained. 500 dps is by far, well more than enough to get the job done in BWL, not to mention several classes can manage there threat and go well over, and this just continues to show that your only interest is to beat people down. You haven’t done the work for shaman tanks, therefor you have no idea what you’re talking about and are just throwing out random numbers to fit your false narrative. The overwhelming evidence flies in the face of your false narrative. Both EH and threat good enough to clear the content are easily obtained, we’ve done the math and you haven’t. All you’ve proven is that you are bias, plain and simple. This is the one and only place shaman tanking faces push back nowadays, from a butt-hurt druid tank, who is emotionally damaged from failing at tanking back in Vanilla. Get over it.

If anyone who isn’t a brainless git want’s to learn more, find me in game and I can link you the spread sheet we use for tps.

except they’d have to be a brainless git to want to be a shaman “tank”.

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Your raid’s DPS, as in the sum of all your DPS, was an average of 120 DPS. That’s… beyond pathetic.

First, don’t mix and match TPS and DPS.

Second, I know for a fact none of you have done any math as the only person to have done anything even close to math is Caperfin and his spreadsheet can’t even accurately handle the difference between Dodge and Parry.

Third, 500 TPS (as opposed to DPS, which Shaman can’t manage anyway) requires dropping your EH when your MAXIMUM EH for BWL still leaves you open to insta-death by Broodlord and all three Drakes.

Like you splatting from a mere 7.5k?

Or link it here. Don’t be a coward now.

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which i have never done? another falsification

100% false, I’m looking at one right now that he has had no mathematical input in, your ignorance on full display

it absolutely doesn’t, your ignorance is astounding.

I’ll link it to people who are committed to the cause, you are shamefully ignorant and push false data, so committed.

You were saying?

Then post it up or be called a liar and a coward.

“I’ll just keep saying so without verifying anything!”


I’ll 100% concede everything and not say a word about Shaman Tanks again if you can show me a Phase 3 obtainable set, every item and enchant, and the buffs/debuffs included, that achieves 23,096.88 total EH and can simultaneously break 500 average TPS without relying on one-time-only buffs like Dire Maul Tribute or Call of the Dragonslayer. All other consumables that can be regularly farmed are fair game.

You can assume zero Nature Resist.
You can assume infinite Mana.
You can assume any buffs or debuffs available are available at the start and never drop.

The EH value of 23,096.88 is minimum threshold for surviving Broodlord’s largest MS and follow-up largest melee swing that critically strikes, assuming 5/5 Improved Demoralizing Shout and Curse of Recklessness are applied.

The TPS value of 500 is chosen because you preened you could easily hit that value while surviving Broodlord.

Otherwise, you’re simply a liar. Since you (allegedly) have access to a wondrous spreadsheet created by an unknown theorycrafter of impeccable skill, finding such a set to support your claims should be trivial.

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I want to see an example of a successful Shaman tank. I didn’t see one in this thread, maybe I missed a link?

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There aren’t any outside those that have done MC in the present Phase, which is just one (Reft - Fairbanks) I think. The others haven’t actually managed all the MC bosses at all.

None have done BWL.

Wait, so this fully geared “Shaman tank” with a Greater Stoneshield potion went in and got slapped by Broodlord instantly and parsed 0% (first 0 I’ve ever seen tbh) is supposed to be the prime example of Shaman tanking prowess here?

-0.38s Broodlord Lashlayer Mortal Strike Reft 6500 (O: 19)


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No thanks ill take 1 Tiger Tank over 3 shamans

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We let a shaman tank ony saturday, worked out for the first phase.

I’m referring to 500dps by the damage dealers, no myself, pleb.

I don’t recognize your qualifiers, not only is it not necessary to reach anywhere close to that EH, but world buffs are perfectly fine to use as they are an intended part of the game. In any case here is a situation where I put out 460tps in my tank gear, without being hit by boss and triggering lightening shield or other similar effects or abilities. Enjoy:

so that’s the damage I put out on magmadar tonight, the math to find overall tps is pretty simple. 180 tps from melee, 213 from earth shock, and 72tps from rockbiter (actually comes out to just under 70tps once I do the full calculation). That’s 460tps, without lightening shield triggering as well as various other threat inducing abilities which trigger when being hit. As you can also see, I am wearing my tank set, so no data is fudged. Can ballpark lightening shield around 60to70 tps, comes out to ~520to530 tps. I was mostly attacking from behind though, so it is a little less. Even so, 500tps is quite obviously an easy achievement even before best in slot. As for EH, we top out around 19k for p3. We’ve already had that conversation, casual guilds drop their warrior/feral tanks all the time, so, that happening on occasion really doesn’t matter due to there being plenty of other tanks around to keep the fight rolling. By your standards it’s not enough, but in real time, going splat on a fight where other classes do the same simply isn’t relevant. Of course a shaman tank has a higher chance of going splat on the harder hitting bosses, nobody has once denied that.