Ah yes… the mathematical certainty of dropping dead in a video game is synonymous to dating preferences…
I’m likening preferences you troll.
Which is why this is a moronic conversation. Your guild doesn’t have its own definition of viability, they just don’t care about viability. The fact of viability doesn’t change anymore than a girl being short or tall, your preference for it is entirely another matter.
All you’ve been saying is that viable or not, your guild lets you play Tank, because they don’t care about viability.
If you kill the boss you’re viable. I tank and we kill bosses, that’s viable lol. I’d say thinking a 5% chance to be one shot and MAYBE not kill a boss on attempt one is more elitist than someone not being viable. You confuse optimal with viable, or are blending the two somehow. It is not optimal to have a dead tank at the end of a fight, yet it is possible to have someone do a good portion of the tanking and then die, and the boss die to. Which is viable. It’s not optimal obviously. But it’s viable. Viable is subjective, optimal has the finite values. This is just another attempt to exclude other tanks from the tanking conversation to make yourself feel good about all the number crunching you did to get a pat on the back from elitist warrior tanks. Stop being petty and get over it dude. A shaman can main tank any boss in the game right now, not reliably, but reliably enough to clear the raid in an amount of time that isn’t totally absurd.
So every class and spec is viable for everything, provided you’re propped up by the rest of your raiding guild, including dying on the pull and doing nothing.
I would say yes with a small caveat being the threshold is the people you’re playing with need to be satisfied with your performance. Which implies a certain level of reliability. For you 95% isn’t enough. Okay. Nobody cares.
You can reliably die on every pull and your Guild can be just agog with happiness you’re there.
If this is your “viability” you can keep it, and any statements made about success, competitiveness, rising to a challenge, etc, are all meaningless dribble.
No I can’t, I’ve already survived countless pulls making dying ‘every pull’ already a mathematic impossiblity. Viability is subjective to what your group can get the job done with. If they get the job done with a shaman tank, it’s viable, if they get it done with a warlock tank, it’s viable. Viability is an extremely low threshold, and that’s the fact I’m trying to get through to you. Classic is easy, pretty much any class can fit into most rolls, the idea that you have to be 1 of 2 specs per class is out dated. Nobody is pushing for world firsts or top parses on a shaman tank, it’s for fun, and it does work. We’ve already established your many bias and motives for making it seem otherwise, it’d be cool if you’d just let people have fun with their video game. But if you want to keep arguing about how a less than 5% chance to be critically hit by 2 abilities in the entire raid is a reason why shaman isn’t viable even though there will be countless guilds doing it and people have been doing it for MC, then fine, whatever dude, we’ve already established that’s your kind of thing too. Like I said, nobody cares what YOUR threshold for viable is, it’s obviously confused with optimal.
Impossibility? We just making up word meanings now?
Not dying to unavoidable spike isn’t even close to “optimal”
You’ve proved your definition of viable and optimal are convoluted so there is no way to tell what this sentence even means.
No? I survived tanking broodlord second most of our tanks in weeks 2, even if I die every pull from here on out it is impossible for me to die on ‘every pull’ I already survived one. Thought you were good at math.
You probably should reread…
I’m good. seeing as there is no difference between the words viable and optimal to you, other than spelling, it’s clear you’re a numbers guy. If i need any numbers crunched I’ll let you know.
they cant take the damage at 60 plain and simple.
We’ve linked countless MC logs and I did link a Brood Lord log where I tank for almost a minute without dying. so your statement is categorically false. We can take the damage at 60, however, as Fas has pointed out, a small percentage of bosses have a 5% chance to 1 shot us with their special ability, but not regular melee swings.
11.3% chance in the absolute best EH gear, which you don’t have, so you have a worse chance than that, and the special swing is the whole crux of the fight else Broodlord would be a loot pinata.
an inaccurate number I’m sure
How could you know?
We have already established you don’t know the best way to gear a shaman.
No, you just blindly stated it despite many of the gear items on the list being items that you’re currently wearing.
currently wearing? I’ve already said that I’m in dungeon blues multiple times and nowhere close to done gearing through even MC. It’s a far smaller percentage. Either way, 1 in 10 chance on a mortal strike is good enough chances to get some tanking in, warrior tanks and druid tanks are dying anyway, so a 10% chance of dying to the hardest hit in the instance seems par for the course. Non-hardcore guilds will not care.