100% This. Crazy fun stuff can happen, especially with Hybrid Classes. I will add that it was fairly easy healing this shaman, BUT I’m not going to deny some important facts- the shaman tank had a Skullflame Shield and Hand of Edward the Odd and was pumping out some good instant chained lightning procs which evaporated pulls fairly quickly.
Regarding raids, it is a fact that itemization for shaman tanking is scarce and that will be the hindering/complicating factor in early phases. It is DOABLE, and the talents and mechanics are there, but it will take extra attention from healers and a guild understanding of how shaman tanking works (social work). As later phases are released there will be better suited gear here and there that make tanking full raids possible, but it would probably be best to start raiding as a healing shaman with previous arrangements with guildies to funnel all feasible tanking upgrades to the shaman with a dream. It’s just best done with friends or a community that wants to make it happen.
Personally if I ever did something like this, I would probably just heal with a shaman until I got full Tier 2 equivalent then slap on Hand of Edward the Odd and SkullFlame (the lifesteal proc scales with spell power) and grab a healer to go pull all of BRD, or perform some dirty business in Dire Maul to create some fun gold farming memories.
Just have fun guys. Shaman tanking 5-10mans is possible. It’s a fireworks show that’s really cool to see IMO. Read up on the shaman tanking guides out there and be realistic with how much of a tax you are actually putting on your group and communicate with them to see if its something they can/want to support. Don’t just run in with non-optimal gear, no communication, no mob marking and expect everyone to have as much fun as you are.
The MS was a raw 14,193 with both CoR and Demo falling off. Without AP mods, his MS has a raw damage range of 13,822 - 18,322. So your hit was in the bottom 10th percentile. With only ~7,365 buffed health, you were left with ~296 after a very weak MS and Blast Wave hit you.
You’re supremely lucky to have survived at all because with your EH, even a middle-of-the-road MS would have just flattened you even if you had resisted a ton of the follow-up Blast Wave. Not to mention you’d just straight up disappear in a bloody mist if the MS ever crits. I can’t tell from the log, are you wearing a flask? Also I’d yell at your Warriors for letting Demoralizing Shout drop off, although your Warlocks let Curse of Recklessness drop at the same time… but still.
Only place a shaman tank would legit have is to tank dungeons for fresh 60s cuz no actual tank wants to go. I know some shamans on northdale pserver who used to do that. In a raid though, why?
Shammies, like Paladins, lack a taunt. Without a taunt, no matter how “good” they are, you cannot trust their ability to protect the group. And protecting the group is literally a tanks entire job.
Which is why you’ll notice that Shaman aren’t going to be viable for BWL because they can’t swap the Drakes at all, never mind the random splat from being just too fragile.
The log I linked above shows the “tank” Shaman only ever climbing up high enough on threat to hold Broodlord for a bit with three other Warriors in the roster doing the work.
Why do the ‘experts’ in this thread keep saying it rquires some special effort? We just had a shaman tanking onyxia last night, it wasn’t even an issue to heal him.
Probably because Onyxia’s melee swings are like an anemic toddler punching you in the face. Seriously, her base damage is 1750 +/- 350. Even if you put up CoR and no Demo Shout/Roar, you’re looking at 2750 incoming damage BEFORE Armor and Block and such.
Compare that to Vael and Nef who have a BASELINE swing of ~3130 +/- 626. That’s before any AP is applied.
Onyxia could be “tanked” by anyone with a pulse and enough Health to endure her breath. She’s incredibly weak.
Noori… no. Stop. Between your drive-by’s in this thread and all of the ridiculous threads you made about changing up all the classes and itemization in Classic, you have zero credibility. You’ve shown time and time again to not even understand the fundamentals of the classes you’re trying to change or “balance” and you’ve frequently made unsubstantiated claims to that effect.
You don’t have any authority on this matter.
Until you post proof of tanking content in Vanilla or in present Classic, no one should assume anything differently than that you’re lying. I’m not sure if you’re chasing clout or you just think these boards are your personal blog… but you need to stop.
I’ll kindly retract if you can offer even an inkling of verification. We only have your word to go by and between your insistence on being a GameDev expert (while showcasing the opposite) and arguments about how basic class skills operate (and losing every time), your word means nothing.
That’s just how theorycrafting and development suggestions work. It is profoundly hard to argue with a robust model that proves the opposition wrong. It is trivially easy to dismiss “just trust me” testimonial evidence from 13-15yrs ago. If you can’t handle that kind of scrutiny, don’t set yourself up as any sort of expert.
And yet the truth remains, your a nobody. I do not have to prove anything to you (or anyone for that matter), it is your choice to accept or reject the statement, but coming here demanding things like your king-shift just makes me think that you secretly need my approval to make your pathetic life worth something.
and to be honest, I really could careless about it, you, and your opinion.
ps. if you want to talk about pretend devs, you should go chat with the nostrol guys who could not launch their own titles and had to resort in stealing someone elses game for profit.
I reject your nonsense for the exact reasons I posted. You lack credibility. It is no skin off my back if you never actually prove a thing, but if you continue to post inane garbage, I’ll continue to call it out for what it is.
I’ve seen you use the word “nostrol” more than once and I still have zero idea who or what you’re trying to insult. I assume it is something to do with private servers, but honestly, I couldn’t care less. I’m not a p-server player and all p-servers have done is perpetuate some bad assumptions about the game.
Fasciae is just a butt hurt feral Druid because he was abused by warrior tanks during vanilla for trying to tank progression. If anyone is seriously looking to shaman tank, just ignore Fas. Or take 15 minutes and explore some high traffic threads and you’ll see him on there making other outlandish and absurd claims. It’s what he does, he trolls high traffic threads spewing mostly nonsense (some of it is good, it’s actually helped me improve my tanking). Seriously, 15 minutes of your time and you’ll see why you should just ignore him lol.
Shaman are BWL viable with the correct gear. I’m still rolling in more than half dungeon gear and I was able to, not only have higher threat than our other tanks and Dmg dealers, but I also survived a mortal strike from brood lord. I was also pulling threat off our fury prot warrior and had to tone it down to push through some of the other bosses. It’s more than doable, with my current gear and never having flasked once I’m leaving almost 500 armor and over 2k health on the table, and still surviving long enough to save wipes on broodlord when the tanks die or lose aggro. Look at the log, I had the second most tanking up time on broodlord. I picked up the boss twice, once for 35 second mid fight, and again at the end to combat the rising threat of our dmg dealers. I saved this from being a wipe, if I hadn’t been able to secure the very few pieces I have from MC and one from BWL I most certainly would have died and we would have wiped. Tanking the boss the 2nd most on an encounter, for nearly a minute of the encounter, and on top of it all saving a wipe, classified as viable whether you like it or not
Further more, I don’t need a taunt to tank the three drakes. I just need a warrior tank to taunt for wing buffet so I don’t lose top aggro. Wing buffet timer comes, warrior taunts for buffet, I get the boss right back, fight continues. No taunt needed. Can taunt make it easier? No doubt. Is it needed? Absolutely not.
I get it Fas, it’s extremely infuriating to see other people playing out their class fantasy so easily when it was so difficult for you to do so back in vanilla. It’s truly sad the way the community did that to you back then, but what is worse is how you’re perpetuating it. Shaman tanking in raids is possible if you gear correctly. The most difficult part is finding a raid group, not because it isn’t viable, but because of negative stigma propagated by people like you.