Had a SHAMMIE tank ZF other day went well.
Shammans can tank 5 man’s easy, raids is harder.
Heck a hunter can pet tank 5 mans. The only issue is aggro. If the group is paying attention it’s a non issue.
Yes the run will be slower, but it’s doable (and requires specific gear / talents)
If you want to roll a Shaman Tank come to Fairbanks! We’ll love you <3
I have tanked raid content in vanilla, and bc (original) and i tank now in classic. IF you want to have a really detailed explanation of the situation i can help you understand it perfectly and how to be amazing as a shaman tank, tanking raid content.
Contact me, or my alt nuuri on classic server incendius (horde).
Shaman tanks are a thing and continue to be until Wotlk. They are more than capable of keeping up with threat from others. They are not “fake tanks” by any means and most of the time an indication of a VERY good player considering everything that goes into them. Their threat is not “crigity crap” and damn near optimal compared to feral. I’ve played as a shaman tank for years and still continue on stream and more than happy to discuss it further.
Post it here. Equations, modeling assumptions, the whole nine yards. If you have the goods we can compare notes and models.
They are indeed fake tanks because of the inordinate amount of cajoling needed to get them up to basic par.
Is just sad that he got shat on by the war community during vanilla for trying to tank as feral, and now that he sees shaman tanks in MC he feels the need to pay it forward. Classy guy I cant even count the number of shaman I know tanking MC and who are raid ready to tank into BWL next week, but here we are, some months later still arguing about it. Shaman are tanks, I’ve done it, I’ve seen it done, and there are countless guilds out there supporting it. Get over yourself.
Squishier than a warrior. Less AoE threat than a warrior. Less damage overall than a warrior. Less control over threat than a warrior.
Shamans have one and only one gimmick in the form of single target TPS; it’s arguably the highest in the game under the right conditions. However, shamans are unsuited for everything else expected of a tank. Shaman tanks are a meme, and a bad meme at that. I’ll bring a boomkin, kitty dps, ret paladin, and even a second shadow priest before I brought a shaman tank to anything.
Because counting on a Tauren is difficult with only six fingers and two hooves…
Endure Broodlord’s Mortal Strike and we can talk.
You know how on social media people spam the same short phrase in all-caps over and over as an idiotic form of activism? Same thing here.
The idea is that warriors have far more than enough efficacy in their kit to get the job done, feral have a little less to work with, and shaman the least. But it is still very possible to get it done as a shaman, you really just need to have an above average player, put above average effort to get maximum consumes, in a guild/raid willing to learn the ways to work around the obvious limitations of having a shaman tanking significant encounters in your raid journey. Which is surprisingly easy. I’ve tanked MC fully in under 2 hrs. Doesn’t really matter what you think or what happened to you that scarred you so deeply, shaman tanking in raids is here to stay.
What made Blizzard think a another furry race was a good idea? Yeah me too.
Which is slow, and you weren’t the tank. Bulox, Homogenized, Suge, and Silverback (four Warriors) did all the actual Tanking. You have two clears of MC total.
You got to hold a Core Rager for awhile on Golemagg, the things that melee as hard as a 5man boss. And a single Firesworn on Garr, neat! And in dealing with a single Elite on Majordomo you took 33% MORE damage while actively tanking anything for HALF as long…
Those are two logs, i tank multiple adds on the regular in MC. My guild is trying to get me tanking more bosses but I’m not confident enough or even close to half BiS so I keep declining, and in multiple MC pugs I have tanked I have had healer groups prefer me over the warrior tanks by the end of the clear. Most warrior tanks are just plain bad.
If I gave you a diagram, could you point to where the bad warrior men touched you? I’m just trying to figure out where all the hate for reality is coming from. Shaman are raid tank capable, nothing you say changes that when there are so many actually doing it. Nobody cares to prove anything to you by jumping through your hoop requirements with statistics, we’re all too busy actually making it work. Video games are for fun, not punching numbers, I’m sorry the warrior community took that from you.
It needs to be here to start before it can be here to stay. Shaman tanking is a meme, and you’ll find out that shaman tanking in MC or on Ony is very different from Shaman tanking in a raid once BWL hits.
Convenient you don’t have any evidence of such an event… or your existence in any raids beyond the two.
Then prove it. MT MC. Until then sit down.
I don’t know where you’re getting 33% from. But I take more damage than the other tanks because I had 97.62% tanking uptime, the next highest was 83%, followed by 65% and then 39%. My threat was superior to theirs, and they MADE me tank that long because I was doing better than some of the warriors in the group.
Yeah so in short, I have had to pug MC on my server for the first two phases due to negative stigma and refusing to roll heals, but pug groups I’ve been in have all looted me tank gear/allowed me to roll on the gear lists I’ve sent them because I actually do some tanking. Proving it by numbers is an exercise in futility when I have several guilds who contact me to come thank for them when they are down a tank. I don’t have anything to prove to you, you’re just a sad Druid who got bullied by elitist warriors 15 years ago and can’t let it go.
Who said anything about main tanking the whole thing? Can definitely tank most bosses with a little better gear since I’m in mostly pre-raid bis. I’m only arguing that shaman are raid tank viable, which means bare minimum all trash and a few bosses. I tank all trashes and more than a few bosses, it was more than enough to get 3 different guilds to allow me to roll against their warrior tanks for gear. That classified as raid tanking, nuff said.
You want to be a real tank, you need to do real tank duties.
Guilds have let me roll on ToEP as a Feral Tank, guess that makes Feral a Healing spec. Hahaha…
Total damage taken from all sources in terms of just melee hits. Next folks took 150 or less DTPS for the fight, you took just shy of 200 DTPS. Even tossing in all the extra magic damage thrown to everyone, you’re still far ahead of the entire raid on damage. Then there’s the whole mitigating 5% less despite avoiding far more hits… that’s significantly bad news compared to a Warrior in absolutely terrible gear.
They don’t exist, so I dunno.
Okay and I also had 97% tanking uptime which is far and away the most for that particular encounter. I was tanking an elite 20% longer than the warrior tank and only took 5K more damage, despite also tanking another add for the first 15% of the fight. I had longer uptime on the same add, and was tanking an additional add, and only took 5K more damage…