Shaman tanks

Nor have I, but he actually hits Tanks decently hard while demanding decent threat output because of the drop. He’s a very mechanically easy fight, but his Mortal Strike can hurt. That’s why I said it is a litmus test for Tanks, because if you go in with too squishy of a Tank, a single MS can gib them.

Then I guess our Shaman MT killing Broodlord week 1 will be nice proof that shamans are viable tanks.

Then I guess our Shaman MT killing Broodlord week 1 will be nice proof that shamans are viable tanks.

Yeah I’m pretty hyped about that. Never enough proof though. Thanks all in the thread, was an interesting conversation. Gathering as much information as I can :slight_smile: With video proof as the game progresses we’ll all see some pretty cool stuff.

INB4 haters moonwalk it back to another boss and raise the bar a few pegs higher.

Should be interesting if enough consumables can be stacked to get his EH up to par and if he can avoid eating any Crits/Crushes along the way. According to the very old wiki, it could critically hit a Plate-wearer in excess of 8k.

Good luck!

Thanks homie. Hope your alliance adventure is going well. Druid was a close 2nd for me.

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Oh it is, been super busy so no grinding AV/WSG for the goodies from PvP, but otherwise everything is going well!

You misunderstand the post, the stats he listed are before buffs or consumables. With consumables shaman tank is around 10k armor in MC gear. He’s just stating that warrior tanks don’t generally don’t because, lets face it, the vast majority of warrior tanks are crap.

Rogue raid tanks can reliably get t’ill AQ. When a class can tank the majority of bosses in the game I not only consider them viable but also tanks. Unlike, most I’ve actually played these weird spec and HEAVILY tested, cross-referenced them.

they might be viable but i woudnt be on that group to test it

This is… well… this is silly.

7550 Armor baseline with Toughness, which can get you to just over 10k with Greater Stoneshield Potion, Elixir of Defense, and Mark of the Wild…

If you are a High Warlord and focus only on Armor for other slots

This same set on a Tauren gives you only 4.3k Health, which is abysmally low, and that’s despite the +20 Stamina from having 2pc Epic PvP gear equipped.

Meanwhile a Warrior doesn’t even need 7550 unbuffed Armor to match a Shaman in terms of guaranteed mitigation, thanks to Defensive Stance.

7550 AC = 56.75% for the Shaman

A Warrior only need 6220 AC to match the Shaman. The Warrior doesn’t even need all Plate pieces to achieve this, or even every slot equipped with anything at all for that matter. The Druid can trivially achieve this value as well, by accident.

So let’s not go promising stats that aren’t achievable or even desirable. I’m 90% certain none of you want to wear Invulnerable Mail or Turtle Scale Bracers, and Warlord gear is just not happening.

On private servers

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which are easier.

Which are irrelevant. P-servers are approximated models of Vanilla, nothing more.

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Um yes you’re correct? No one is saying shaman tanks are better than warriors, shaman tanking will require effort hence why people like it. You get out of it as much as you put in. it demands you to take a 15 year old game seriously instead of blazing through it.

Yes, pservers are approximate models of vanilla 2004. But Blizz in ClassicWoW f%$#$# up and allowed for stuff to slip by that trivialised the game further.

You keep highlighting this, but it isn’t true. The “effort” of hitting up the AH like everybody else and popping consumables like everybody else to achieve inferior stats below everybody else isn’t effort at all. The most “complex” thing you do is try to front load as much threat as possible on the pull… after that you’re just hitting autos and ES on CD.

Like I brought up earlier, if you want to make a guide that RPs as some heroic endeavor, by all means, go do RP. But spare me this nonsense when we’re talking about non-RP concepts like viability.


Well if p-server crowd says so… it must be true!

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I know right? Im being ultra charitable saying it requires effort, but many players qualify AH, threat monitor, consumable, etc… as taking effort. Personally, I find shaman tanking actually easy and having to resort to other things like shaman tank progression tanking, world first shaman tanked boss, etc…

Bad players are not really a solid measuring stick for efficacy.