TBC Shaman Tank Talents

You argued Shaman could meet/exceed Druid EH. Shush.


Tank Comparison
To showcase our max potential a full BiS geared and buffed shaman will be the closest in stats to approach a Druid tank. Let’s look at the stats to see the differences. As a guideline, the Example Druid Tank below is BiS/buffed and able to clear most bosses with no issue. A shaman like other tanks tailors his gear versus the boss they’re facing. Obviously, the Example Druid Tank can reach higher numbers and has a plethora of defensive spells, but the goal is to showcase the class with the closest similarity to a shaman in stats across the board that gets the job done in high-end raids.

Funnily enough, you’ve scrubbed all these comparisons from your guides now because they were ludicrous when you made them and couldn’t withstand scrutiny when AQ40/Naxx arrived and folks couldn’t just dismiss them as “bad theorycrafting” anymore. You’re a bad liar.

Oh and this gem:

From the same thread. You’re a troll, and a bad one.

Tanking isn’t some personal whim and the fact you and every Shaman ‘Tank’ wannabe want to treat it as such doesn’t make it so. You can either stand toe-to-toe with the enemies/boss without flinching and without needing a bail-out while the content is still relevant (thus a Tank) or you cannot (thus are not a Tank).

The video you posted shows a Shaman using the Brutalizer (Black Temple weapon) and shoulders from ZA, and he’s struggling, badly. That’s p-server garbage.