Shaman tanks

An off tank is needed for the conflagration, but if the shaman tanks the first add and picks up Drakk when the kiter brings him back it’s actually quite easy to build enough threat on Drakk to be able to stay at number 2 in threat for when the OT gets the second conflag. From there Drakk should be down before a third conflagration.

Yea you just can’t taunt back, i’ve never tried if i was that shaman tank i’d just make the wars/druids in the group do it lol

That’s why you have to grab him first and take the first conflagration. Then you have an OT taunt him for the second one. As a shaman usually your threat is OP enough that when the second conflagration hits the OT you’ll be number 2 in threat and you’ll get him back. Idk how it would be on a pally though

You obviously haven’t done the very basic necessary research and yet feel qualified enough to speak about it…

Blessing’s threat is capped. Shaman Threat is not capped. Shaman deal aoe threat with Chain Lightning on 3 targets. For 3+ targets you heal.

Do heals mention anything about threat in the tooltip? Because clearly they cause threat. Earthshock mentions it because it causes more threat then a damage spell of similar amounts would cause.

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At least horde would have a third tank option, the alliance third option depends on mana as well.

@raven you are getting pretty obscure with healing threat arguement. There is however talent points in every dps or healer talent tree to reduce threat, implying it’s bad to have threat.

Raven is a troll, don’t mind him.

It was a response to the notion that a buff causing threat was clearly a bug, because it generates threat yet doesnt mention it in the tooltip.

Almost everything causes threat, almost nothing lists that it causes threat in the tooltip. The exceptions being where threat is generated or lowered in amounts that would not normally be expected considering the ability being used.

The original arguement is earth shock with a similar cooldown, is superior to judgement for tanking, and essentially a taunt. You went down an absurd tangent that adds nothing in this thread.

Also stone claw is an aoe taunt which transfers aggro to the shaman once killed. All totems can pull initial aggro then ittransfers threat to the shaman once they are killed. Fire totems cause so much threat that they can pull aggro as a single dps, burst or sustain aoe.

Ill reprint the whole thing as you are clearly unable to see what is in response to what.>

Thats you stating threat generation from kings is clearly a bug because it doesnt say it causes threat in the tooltip.

I responded :

So now that its laid out so even a child can follow it, kindly refrain from your vitriol.

Warriors are the only tank tell TBC lol.

kinda, sorta. Alliance classes are at a massive advantage when it comes to tanking. A properly geared Alliance blue warlock tank with the right guild can rival a shaman tank. The shaman tank however allows for more freedom and is not as strict or “tryhard” and circumvents problems that might arise, while the lock is very risky and on another level of complexity.

For 5s they’re fine, but they’re even harder to raid tank with than a paladin. If you want to tank and you don’t wish to do so as a warrior the. A druid is your best bet of the other three. Main tanked my guild’s full raid clears of Ony/MC except for Rag. Still collecting FR.

Troll. Or ignorant AF.

I tanked a dungeon as a shaman, it was a lot of fun, but there was this group of really toxic players who were furious when I sat to drink lol. Even though I agreed to tank for them to save them a good thirty minutes trying to find a “proper” tank.


You dodged a lot more than him and RNG favored you to not take a critical hit compared to his six. That’s well within the slush of those parameters, especially on such a short fight.

You only “out mitigated him” because RNG favored you this round, nothing more. The irony is that he still beats you on EH by 2-3k without trying, has Taunt, and will scale tremendously better into all future raids.

And every one of these talents is a crutch.

Seriously… if a healer is pulling aggro, the issue is the tanks threat generation.

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You can significantly reduce drink time by equipping an mp5/spirit set while walking/drinking.

and the funny thing is, he’s clearly not going min-max and still managing quite decently.

Even going min-max as a Shaman, a Druid half-assing their gearing is going to outstrip any stats a Shaman can achieve in terms of EH, by a wide margin.

No one is saying or has ever said shaman tanks are better, please stop this strawman. If you actually have to point out that Druids are better you are seriously lost.

Also, please stop speaking on behalf of shaman tanks, especially if you haven’t played one.