Shaman Talent Trees

Have you checked the combo you can make with Ele and Enhance … Cause Having Op AoE on both spec is really good.

You can reduce Storm Elem with Light bolt and chain light. And with Flame shock

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They all suck.

They are embarrassing.

I also like the Healing buff after casting Flame shock

i know what the tree is nothing new imagine not keeping chain harvest. and so much of it is just all in the wrong spots. i’ll believe good aoe when i see it enhance aoe was straight garbo compared to others lol.

Chain was a boring ability you didnt even need You can spread flame shock anyway. And do 250% Incrase dmg on Frost Shock AoE.

Want more AoE make your wolf do some

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Obvious Troll is Obvious.

ude you crying for litteraly nothing cause you saw a %stat boost.

You the troll


your making crap up our aoe was straight garbage compared to others lol and in the end with tuning it probably will be again.

I actually like the trees, sure somethings need moved around, but overall my resto shammy is going to be super fun to play.

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“It will be super fun to play” has nothing to do with the talent trees. It already is fun to play, it should be even more fun to not only play, but think about playing, and make you want to try and play it new, varied ways.

The talent trees inspire zero creativity and are loaded with terrible garbage and obvious choices. It’s so ridiculously lame and boring I cannot even put into words how bad they are.

6/10 Chunkychod for trolling and committing to the bit.


Agreee. Unless something changed from the shaman class forum recently seemed generally well recieved.

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Chain was the absolute worst. Such a boring spell with no synergy. Oh look, i chain heal/lightning that I can use once a minute…neat. …NOT

Don’t bother with him any further, he’s not providing any contribution to the conversation, offering suggestions, or anything positive.

I like the way elemental is looking for Dragonflight, I really like the focus that I can place in Lightning, Ice, Earth or Fire. It would have been nice to see some crazy spell that summons all four elementals or an AoE storm made of all four elements or something. I may make a suggestion or two for some talent placements later, but I’ve been playing with the builds and it looks nice so far.

Who? Me? The person who made an entire talent tree for shamans just now? Link

I don’t know what’s going on at Blizzard, but their talent trees are about as exciting as a wet paper towel.

Well its cool to see cleave added to frost shock for elem too.

As for summon well with flash of lightning you have to possibility to keep storm elem 100% of the time

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Chain Harvest spread flame shock prior to the return of lava lash so it had some utility there. It also has synergy with Maelstrom Weapon.

In fact, I would wager part of the concern with Chain Harvest is that if it returned, you would get some kind of oonga-bunga burst build with 10X Maelstrom Weapon (as you can now “overcharge” your cast to do triple instead of double damage) into Blood Lust and then PWave for another 10X Maelstrom and then rip a fat Elemental Blast for an absurd amount of PvP burst. Blizzard probably wanted to clamp down on that.

Poison Cleansing Totem is back!

Mic drop

Im glad for stonekin totem too. While earthen wall in on cooldown i can proc Stonekin to still reduce some dmg

That looked like crap to me as well until you fill out the Elemental tree.

Edit: I would also say people should chill out on what’s in the tree right now. Stormkeeper is in the Elemental tree twice. It’s clear that things are going to change. I think resto had 4 of the same talent - HST I think it was.