Shaman Spell Batching Exploit

Why are you even arguing with him? He’s literally never been right on anything. The worst part is how much he claims to know paladin and the logs so he’s not as accredited as he says. He also calls people offensive names when you show him he’s wrong.

you seem mad friend - enlighten me on where i’ve been incorrect please

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All you have shown is that was in fact a bug that was intended to be fixed multiple times; meaning it was a known issue. So all of the issues that were in vanilla that they have removed already were mistakes or bad decisions? They have changed the game in many ways already and it is not Vanilla. My whole argument was that this was never meant to be in the game from day one. Also if you read above there is an Elemental Shaman PVP video from vanilla giving proof this was super rare and or was unable to be done intentionally . Please watch that and show me where you see this combo being pulled off with 100% certainty. If you care not to watch, I’ll spoil it for you; it does not happen. You however have only given at best some flimsy proof that this existed in vanilla and suggest that you should as well follow the guidelines you posted.

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Do you see how bad the guy in this video is lagging? Find a video of a Shaman using Elemental Mastery and mashing Earth Shock with low latency and having that Earth Shock not score a crit.

That’s not how this works. If you make a bug report, you need to provide proof that it’s a bug and evidence that it didn’t work in Vanilla. This video of a Shaman with 500+ latency is not evidence of anything.

It was not in vanilla, I was a marshal back in the day with hundreds of hours of pvp. I can tell you for a fact it wasn’t in vanilla. The only reason it is here today is the batching. The only reason it isn’t fixed is probably because one of the devs loves playing it.


It was in Vanilla. Why do you think they “fixed” it in TBC?

This is the guy that wrote Shaman guides and had his topics stickied back in Vanilla. I think he knows what he’s talking about.

explain this blue response here then - no one was able to find vanilla era evidence and yet this was fixed within a few weeks of being reported along with this blue post lol

TLDR - if you find a VANILLA era video showing an Elemental Shaman gaining double crits with Elemental Mastery then you will have won this thread and gotten a me wow

I didn’t see anything about getting triple crits in that post. Was hard to read it all though I must admit.

What? You do know Shamans have natural crit chance as well, right? I can easily find videos of an Elemental Mastery Chain Lightning/Earth Shock crit. I’ll do it when I get some free time. Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow.

that’s quite literally what I and others have been asking you for some time now - you’ve been stalling this entire time friendo

Dude, you don’t seem to realize; you’re the ones claiming this is a bug, you need to provide evidence.

You haven’t. There’s been laggy videos of clickers failing to activate Earth Shock fast enough to have it crit within a batch.

The same thing happens on Classic, if you don’t hit it fast enough, you won’t get the double crit. You need to read the bug report guidelines again:

doesnt work that way friendo - as seen here with the Runeblade sword nerf thread - scaling and snapshotting was nerfed within a few weeks on top of blue post without any vanilla era evidence

TLDR - no one knew for certain whether it scaled or snapshotted in Vanilla as the only evidence found was from TBC onwards and yet decisive action was taken by the devs to nerf it.

Same thing applied to the Blessing of Sacrifice + Reckoning nerf several months ago

PS never mind the fact that we have no idea when the video’s footage was actually recorded, it’s upload date is Jun 28, 2006 - Patch 1.12.1 went live on 26 September 2006 - besides I only see ONE double crit within the batch window with multiple attempts over the course of the video.

That leads me to suspect that the one crit he got was just that, nothing more than a spell crit on the shock itself - if each successive Elemental Mastery cast with Chain Lightning + Shock double crits were shown then by golly you would have something.

Alas you don’t - sorry fam

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If all you’re going to do is move the goalposts after I do what you ask, then there’s no point in ever responding to your posts again.

that would be lovely - but i digress - even you said elemental shaman had an abundance of spell crit in your earlier post…

just simply ask yourself the following questions

If this mechanic was present in Vanilla - why wasn’t the Shaman able to get double crits on each Elemental Mastery cast showcased in the video upon which multiple EM Chain Lightning + Shock combos are cast?

Why was he only able to get ONE crit when several were shown?

You may call it moving the goalpost - I call it simple logic.

These fixes you mentioned were to fix Divine Favor causing a crit by using it AFTER a spell was cast.

You can still cast Divine Favor and Holy Light/Flash of Light and immediately follow up with a Holy Shock to get two guaranteed crits on those spells.

Using Divine Favor immediately following Flash of Light can cause the spell to crit retroactively. - Future Patch

Here’s that post from 2008 I linked before:

If you have Divine Favor up, begin casting either Flash of Light or Holy Light on the target you are healing. Then as your heal goes off, press Holy Shock. If you do it right, both of your skills will get the Divine Favor buff effect, and both will crit. This works 100% of the time. If you have trouble doing it, you can spam a hotkey for Holy Shock. I find this trick to work great while healing hard hitting bosses.

Because his latency wasn’t good enough and he wasn’t spamming Earth Shock. Spell batching wasn’t changed until 2014, this 100% worked in Vanilla.

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I imagine this is easier to do than in vanilla because of the Spell Queue Window, which did not exist in vanilla. If you try to take a combat action while casting/in GCD within 400ms (the default SQW) of the end of the cast/cooldown, you will queue up the spell on the server to go off as soon as your current action is finished.

By spamming a shock while casting chain lightning, you will guarantee the shock will hit the exact same millisecond that chain lightning does, every single time.

Thank you for pointing this out. This was Vanilla…Most people had lag, so it doesn’t make sense to have the same batching. Batching was put in as something to remedy not break the game, so therefore it would be more Vanilla like to have a smaller window to more accurately capture what you see. Sounds to me like you never played Vanilla. If the goal is to recreate the experience of Vanilla, introducing new exploits with Vanilla mechanics does not seem like a step in the right direction.

See this rank 10 title I have? Yeah, I played Vanilla.

I don’t like 400ms spell batching. I don’t like all the flaws in the game but that’s what people wanted, hence the chants of “No-changes” that went largely uncontested, except by people like myself. You can go read posts from the first days of Classic’s announcement and see me fighting back this ridiculous “No-change” philosophy.

Facts are facts though, I’m not going to pretend something isn’t working right because I don’t like it.

welp if it makes you feel better, I don’t even play Classic anymore - not for this bug report but for the absolute craptastic communication job that the devs and QA have done overall with all of the Paladin bugs such as Consecration taking up a debuff slot, to shadow oil’s internal cooldown to lifestealing and life drain procs no longer being able to crit at all anymore

the game is monkey coding upon monkey coding - which is fine if there was actual communication back from the devs and QA - but those bug reports have been up for over 4 months now and not a peep from Blizz

likewise with the diamond flask report compared to runeblade being gutted and nerfed within a few weeks of being report.


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