No that page is accurate. This page was the page at the release of TBC. Obviously things changed from there to TBC Phase 5. We were talking about Blizzard’s intentions. So at the start of TBC their intentions had not changed.
Actually shamans have shown that they are viable tanks from TBC P1 onwards for many situations normal dungeons, heroic dungeons, 10-mans, and viable off-tanks for raid scenarios. Also let’s not confuse viable with optimal.
I MT’d and OT’d ZG all the time when it was newly out. It was a blast. Main reason I did it, because I was told it couldn’t be done. MC and BWL as an OT too, and was a soaker on Patchwerk prepatch.
Nice!! In classic I even MT’d ZG a couple of times. I OT’d in MC, BWL, AQ-40, and in Naxx. So I can say that shammys can be OTs throughout.
Now in TBC. In P1 leveled as a tank, tanked heroics, tanked in Kara and OT’d for Gruul and Mag. In P2 I got to OT in SSC and TK. In P3 and P4 I haven’t done much with the shammy (my guild had too many tanks so obviously made sense for me to switch).
But I did get to tank the first three bosses in ZA yesterday! that was super fun!
It is literally inaccurate with Shamans being top healers in TBC within Sunwell.
They were already better than paladins and druids overall too before that.
Actually no.
Shamans didn’t tank Gruul.
Shamans didn’t tank Mag
Shamans didn’t tank HKM.
I’ll never understand why people get salty in threads like this. Is it optimal? Of course it isn’t. But neither was a 40 Hunter raid killing Onyxia or a 38 fire mage Wrathion speedkill or 40 paladins downing Ragnaros, etc etc.
It’s done for fun. Because you can. The min/max metaculture of modern gaming really is a disease. It’s a video game. It is meant to be played for fun, not distilled and diluted and rendered down to ItS eItHeR mEtA oR iT sUcKs.
None of you are being paid to play this game at a professional level. Even if you were, how does someone else doing something that isn’t meta because it’s fun for them affect you IN ANY WAY.
oMg HeS sO bAd ShAmAn R nOt MeAnT tO tAnK
Yeah, you got him. Congratulations, go put a tally mark in your “Internet Arguments Won” column.
ugh yes the last one degenerated into several people flaming and throwing insults at each other. SO MUCH REPORTING. I’m starting to think the mods just ignore this subforum.
Gonna go out on a limb and say its not so much the fact that a shaman is tanking that people hate, but rather that the shaman doesnt understand what tanking is.
Its a common line of thought imo that all shamans “tanks” have a misunderstanding of what it means to be classified as a tank.
A more precise discription of what is being done would go more like…I held this mobs attention for x amount of time and didnt die.
You left out the 40 shaman MC run. Which took 4 hours. Was it ideal, hell no. And the guys doing it knew that. Did they down Rag? Yep! I’ll do that just for the fun of it every single time