Gotta love the chains running to the tanks
Right after I took a lash too. Oh well, it was still fun
Thanks for posting the video, showing that the raid had to spend more mana healing him and he also died.
Shamans are unfit for tanking. This video is another undeniable proof.
You did see what killed me right?
Yes. Stupidity.
Neat, congradulations and all that. I’m sure you put in alot of effort and work for this.
I’m still of the opinion to ignore the naysayers. Anything not meta triggers some people on here, it’s not just shaman tanking.
A mistake, but not on the tanks part. The druid tank had maybe 2K more health than me and survived, the paly tank didn’t take damage on that lash. The beams from fatal attraction was brought to us. A lot of tanks wouldn’t have survived that.
Most tanks aren’t stacking shadow resistance gear on that fight so getting hit by the explosion would lead to them dying rather quickly, especially with having just taken a sabre lash.
It’s unfortunate, but that is how it is.
I don’t mind the naysayers. I post to piss them off, which it seems to do. I find it amusing. Yes, I know shamans aren’t true tanks, but I enjoy it on a game that I’ve already played and beat content back when it came out. This gives me something different to try. Everyone can beat content now since all the strats and gear are well documented.
Does saber lash even do anything beyond base damage? Crit/crush etc? Or is this literally bragging about being a damage sponge that any warrior or druid dps could also do with basically no effort?
It was a sponge, damage spread among 3 tanks. It is still not normally done by anyone but warriors, paladins and bears. I am crit/crush immune though. And yes, it is bragging because it was not intended to be a shaman in that position. And I enjoy doing it. Not sure why it butt hurts everyone so much, but I have fun with it
That’s hardly tanking then. Being a damage sponge is pretty unimpressive considering its such low damage output that warriors don’t even wear shields for it. This is like the lowest possible bar in p3 content behind RoS p1, Supremus hateful soaking, and tanking the council priest.
At least that other fun shaman tanking thread actually had a shaman tanking things.
It is damage spread among the 3 tanks. If we used 2 tanks, it’s spread among the 2. I still soaked damage that someone else would have taken. It is still in the position the game mechanics consider a tank. Though I value your input and I do agree, it was a lower bar but still fun and not a normal mechanic for a shaman. And again, an 18 year old game, go out of your comfort zone and try something different. Stop being sheep =)
A tank doesn’t die there.
A shaman with delusions of being a tank dies.
The bear tank almost died. He had 2K more health than I did. I died because of beams, not because of lash. Beams shouldn’t be taken to the tanks, ever.
Well, you see, that is the difference between a tank and a non-tank.
You’re oblivious to BT fights, eh?
Plenty of groups wipe from having chains ran to melee/tanks.
It’s the same Shaman.