Shaman: Primordial Wave MEGATHREAD

This is bait but I’ll bite since I’m bored.

So is it still functioning the same way as it is currently where it requires a Flame Shock needing to be already on the target otherwise it’s unusable or is this with it functioning the way it did before the change where it applies Flame Shock to the target and makes your next Lava Burst cleave all Flame Shock targets but on 6 second CD? Is it applying Flame Shock AND hitting the target at the same time? Is it still hitting all targets that have Flame Shock on them? Does Splintered Elements work the same way meaning everytime I use Pwave on this 6 second CD I’m getting Splintered Elements everytime? If I’m playing Farseer will it still summon an Ancestor each time I use it on it’s 6 second CD? Is anything changing with any of the Farseer Hero Talents or are they working the exact same way as they do now?

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It’s not bait I genuinely dislike Primordial Wave and if they want me to take it in order for the spec to work then I want it to replace something already on my bar.

As to all your other questions, I’m not sure what the right answer is. Perhaps maybe it make it work like Wellspring from Resto, where it looks like an actually wave. and every target it touches applies flame shock, if the target already has it then it refreshes and grants Lava Surge per target refreshed. Again idk what the right answer is.

So putting aside the fact that they would never have a button that is so loaded with numerous interactions with other talents, let alone being the main linchpin of a Hero Talent’s gameplay, on a 6 second CD.

So LMT but hitting 6 targets…which is widely redundant since the only reason to care about Flame Shock spread as of now is because of Primordial Wave and maximizing the cleave on all Flame Shock targets and getting increased Haste per targets hit, which in your example doesn’t seem thats what Pwave is doing. People who were playing a full Echos of the Great Sundering Builds with Stormbringer last season (and will be this season) in M+ post rework weren’t taking any Pwave talents or LMT because you quite literally only need to have 1 Flame Shock active to get Lava Surge and theres no benefit to spend time to get multiple out in said build since it’s proc rate (along with Searing Flames) was normalized to be the same regardless how many active Flame Shocks are out during beta. So basically a useless talent which Stormbringer would never take and that would cripple Farseer since current Pwave would be better than that.

Hitting Pwave now and before the change granted you Lava Surge and Lava Surge does not stack. So it would largely redundant even if the intended idea was to always have access to an instant cast Lava Burst to buff your AoE spells, something they are very much against given the normalization of Lava Surge procs.

I’m going to be mean but this is the biggest “world smallest violin” non-reason to not like an ability. I understand not liking the gameplay loop sure but its literally one button which if it did replace Flame Shock like you said, would require you to talent a completely different ability and put that on your bars.


I am pretty sure I could look at any spec and remove a single spell from them and they would be noticeably worse.


Again, I’m not here to debate how it should be designed. I’m just saying I don’t take it. And further it seems required which makes me not want to take it even more - going back to my point of building an entire spec around one button.

Brother, I don’t know how to tell you this, EVERY class / spec is like that. How about making eye beam single target and hit for less, and remove the fury gen from it, and require another buff to be present for it to even work.


I mean do you feel the same about Ascendance and DRE? Because the spec regardless of hero talent build lives or dies based on Ascendance and DRE. You can play Stormbringer without taking anything related to Pwave since the spec isn’t balanced around it. Hell, Farseer isn’t really built around Pwave either, given that apparently Pwave just needs to be pressed and summon an Ancestor, and Farseer pulls ahead of Stormbringer in Single Target, despite it relatively doing nothing.

But if they break Ascendance, the spec literally dies. So do you hate Ascendance then?


This is incorrect

I don’t take Ascendence but I take DRE - I like the passive playstyle.

patently false.

Can you give me one spec that doesnt have an ability I could pick to remove, and it wouldnt drastically change the spec?

It seems like you are asking for specs with a bunch of mediocre abilities. Nothing actually good. So they can plug and play for no dps loss.

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Since you claimed it, please provide each class and spec and the single button the entire spec depends on.

No, I don’t think I will. If you need me to elaborate on everything like that, you clearly have no idea about game balance.

You implied the inverse. And I asked for clarification.

You assumed there ever was balance in this game - stunning.

bro can’t be serious :skull:

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Sure: BDK, remove DND and it doesn’t drastically change the spec - same for Hearstrike.

Unlike Farseer in Ele - at least San’lyn transforms and existing core spell (Heartstrike) as opposed to the Hero talent tree saying “You must take Primordial Wave” in order for Farseer to work…not a good design.


I get to pick.

I wanted you to pick a spec, and I would tell you the ability.

I can pick an ability for every spec the spec is more or less built around. That removing it would drastically weaken the spec.

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I don’t agree it has to be something low in the tree, like a Primordial Wave, that you are forced to pick in order for a spec to work (like Farseer for Ele). Otherwise you’re comparing Apples to Oranges.

So given that this person is not interested in the concerns related to the state of elemental and is here to display his distaste for Pwave and make unhinged claims, I suggest just ignoring the troll who’s trying to say that DnD and Heartstrike being removed wouldn’t change Blood DK and isn’t taking Ascendance or either Preeminiance/First Ascendant but is taking DRE while playing Ele.


Well now we are just moving the goal posts.

So does this mean if pwave was easier to access you would be 100% ok with it?

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