Shaman: Primordial Wave MEGATHREAD

It’s not that ele is built around pwave. It’s all the synergies across it that makes it strong. They gutted every single different aspects it had, it’s not just the 1 spell.


Euphemistic language to say you must play around pwave otherwise your build aint good.

Okay then get rid of any and all spell which has any kind of buff or synergy attached to it.

Pretty sure if you do that to every single class / spec they’ll also turn to trash.
Why don’t we nerf fire mage pyro to oblivion. Obviously, if they become bad because of it, it’s a bad build.
how about removing dot spread from unholy dk?

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Because Pyroblast has been part of the class since classic and it fits with class identity. Primordial Wave was contrived for a borrowed power scheme in Shadowlands and they’re trying so desperately to force the community to take it for whatever reason…paying homage to SL? idk but it feels forced

Sounds a whole lot like of a goalpost being moved.


Goalpost moving? Explain.

Equating a spec being bad because a change blizz made that entirely guts a core part of the rotation to being okay because it’s a “contrived” borrowed power, also because it “doesn’t fit the class identity” is completely irrelevant to not using the spec properly if you never used the spell.

Again, it’s the same as nerfing to oblivion other spells which makes other specs work. Of course they’ll become worse.

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Huh? I never said the spec is bad; please review my posts. I just merely stated I think Primordial Wave is gimmicky on a long CD and it feels forced to take. It’s called an opinion.

Factually, Primordial Wave was contrived for SL.

This is opinion. You can play the ele/enh “properly” without taking Primordial Wave.

lmao. That really cements why your opinion should be disregarded.


Yes and it’s my opinion that your opinion should be disregarded as well :slight_smile:

Farseer requires picking Pwave for the hero talents. Farseer is used for raiding due to its much better single target damage.

Do you genuinely use stormbringer in raids?

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Thanks for agreeing with my point above.

Refer to fire mage pyro.

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It’s on a 30 second CD, how is that long?


30 seconds, thats how long

So should it be 15 seconds? 10 seconds? 5 seconds?

30 seconds isn’t even that long considering lava bursts lengthens the duration of FS, which with enough procs, you can keep going for longer than 30 seconds to use another instance of Pwave, add a totem / totemic recall and you can basically have FS permanently up and slapping mobs with pwave on cooldown

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Just make it replace Flame Shock and give it Flame Shock’s CD of 6 sec.

Fun detected, fun removed.

I hate this change.

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I’m generally anti-complain, but this is objectively a bad change, and I wish blizzard would tell us what they were trying to do.

I get the impression they don’t want to tell us what the goal was, because they know they didn’t hit it, and we’d know how far off the mark they were, and they don’t have the time/interest in fixing it. So they say nothing, and there’s the illusion or possibility that this is working as intended .

I’m ok with it being bad so long as they tell us “hey this isn’t what we wanted, there are some logistical challenges, blah blah blah” so long as they reverted the change, and worked on the change until it was ready.

But this is what I sense is the overarching problem with Blizzard every has. Their approach is lazy, they know it’s lazy, they refuse to communicate or acknowledge there’s a problem.

Every player should complain about things like this constantly. If you let them get away with it, you’re part of the problem. Complain - civilly - constantly until it’s fix. This issue and the culture of lazy changes. It needs to be a relentless assault.