Their entire argument can’t stand if they don’t move that goal post Shaman: Primordial Wave MEGATHREAD - #146 by Vallanesh-terokkar
I can’t help that you picked a poor spell to compare Pwave to - again you’re forcing a square peg into a round hole - and then tried to gaslight your way into validation.
I didnt pick any spell.
You keep changing the parameters on why you dislike pwave.
I say we make eye beam single target. After all, if the spec is built around it and suffers as a result of changing 1 spell, it’s a bad build.
It even forces you into it. How horrible.
Let’s nerf fire mage pyro, let’s nerf pet damage from hunters. Like, come on dude.
Never changed once, sir.
Tell me, does the Farseer tree show red when you don’t take Primordial Wave? Curious.
Where exactly did I “change the parameters” on why I dislike Pwave? My parameters were its gimmicky and it feels forced. Never once did I deviate. Please provide evidence good sir.
This is a big thing for me. Tbh, it’s been like this for awhile imo, but it is even more pronounced now with the Pwave changes.
Pwave changes for Ele also seem to have crippled Ele in PvP, at least from feedback I’ve seen. Haven’t PvPed yet since the change, but considering the playstyle prior this feels like a major nerf, especially with modern PvP pacing.
I don’t think manually refreshing Flame Shock is problematic, however with this Pwave change and the multiple Flame Shock changes in past expansions… it’s worse than it should be. Flame Shock lost duration, has a CD, and doesn’t have auto refresh like Enhance does.
This has been a problem Ele has had to deal with for awhile. Arguably, this was mitigated when Fire Elemental was better and Flame Shock duration was like 40 seconds, that’s not the reality we live in though and it’s all coming to a head.
I mean, before the change, that is how many of us played it.
Hot take I kinda agree, if pwave stays in its current garbage form they should tie farseer to another ability. I’d 100000% more prefer they just revert the pwave change however. Also, there are a ton of shaman talents I’d rather have gone before pwave which is actually a fun button to press or rather it was until a few days ago. Echoes of the great sundering for example…
Yep, it use to be a cluster of fun & excitement to play with, prior to the rework of the spell.
Before it was an awesome sledgehammer that made the whole spec lighten up to a whole heap of fun
But now, since they changed it in Undermine(d)? … It’s really underwhelming.
And not really that fun to play, in all honesty.
The Playstyle
I mean sure, they could “Buff” the damage of it, whilst keeping the new way of how it works now – but it still wouldn’t really solve the root problem the majority of the shaman playerbase have with it → People enjoyed the PLAYSTYLE of how it functioned before. The current playstyle of its new iteration just feels clunky and unamusing to play with.
Flat out wrong. Ele on single target spends an absurd amount of GCDs in order to maintain Flame Shock on a single target. Often even with using the pandemic window this leads to further desync between Stormkeeper, Pwave/AS, and Ascendance. Our opener in order to maximize Ascendance GCDs during lust due to this change desyncs Stormkeeper from Ascendance by 4 GCDs and Pwave by 3 GCDs where as before those abilities were used one after another.
It was honestly just far more fun to play with too
The reworked spell just doesn’t invigorate that same kind of excitement like it use to
i think the perfect mix is to join PW and LMT into the same button. what makes PW clunky is having to spread the dots first, if it were all in a single button it would make it smoother since those abilities always go together anyway.
I have little hope that they’ll listen to any feedback at this point, honestly. But I’m open to surprises lol. I hope something is changed with tuesday’s reset or very shortly after and not weeks into the season.
If things remain the same, then I’ll probably stick to my priest or take a break as I don’t find any other class as fun, unfortunately.
I’d be surprised if it is reverted before 11.1.5 (if it ever is) but would be a welcome surprise.
I’m surprised that given the outrage they haven’t even remotely addressed it …
I just specc’ed out of it. Wish I could spec out of “Lightning Bolt”.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure that sums up about 99.9% of the shaman playerbase.
It’s outrageous Blizzard haven’t even remotely responded to the utter revolt & riot from the shaman community.
If they simply got a lot on their plate at the moment, sure – Understandable with new patches … But I’ve also given that benefit of the doubt before, with tremendous amounts of time that passed and yet to no avail.
You can, reroll destro lock. It’s ele, but cooler.
First time ? xD
No But honestly, when it sucks THIS bad, with an audience THIS large, hating it THIS much → Usually they buckle and at least make a statement on the matter.
Whether it’s:
- Doubling down & providing their reason (even if seen as flawed by the masses).
- Or thanking the community for the feedback and advising they’re either reverting the change – and/or perhaps even making a compromise (eg. Decision-slot in talents).
But radio-silence to a whole significant portion of the playerbase (Shaman community) is just going to make them feel ostracised and alienated