one hundred percent
Hmm … Honestly unless Blizzard revert it, I think I’ll cancel my subscription.
Not enjoying the playstyle of my classes anymore; particularly elemental shaman, which I –
enjoying, until Blizzard absolutely ruined it in the Undermine(d) patch
- And as evidentially seen, it seems many other shaman players feel the same way
Ultimately: The content can be bountiful with fun mechanics & have tremendously awesome themes – But if the playstyle of your character isn’t fun to play, you’re not really going to get much enjoyment out of it all.
very punny
Omgosh I only just realised the pun now
Lmao, whoops!
Doesn’t matter how “good” it looks if it’s not a bolt of lightning arcing directly between the shaman’s hand and their target. That’s shaman’s thing and I’m glad they didn’t mess with chain lightning too.
But they also thought that new warbreaker animation was a good idea lmao. It’s really confusing how they made such blunders in the same patch that was an objective win for the first step in cleaning up hunter fantasy.
It used to be a glob of lightning with missile speed.
I came back to say as an Elemental this is a a total screw up. More than oen lon requiring Magma totem is the dumbest thing ive played in awhile.
After the latest class tuning i lost hope and started learning Enhance. The difference is night and day especially for world content it’s much more enjoyable and efficient. Enhance PW is so good! the only problem is that i hate being on melee.
I never understood why blizzard hates shamans so much. I haven’t enjoyed shaman since cataclysm.
Count me in as well.
Ele was in a good spot.
PW felt satisfying to use.
Imagine the surprise when i sign in, start to make my way to Undermine, fight my first mob and it’s like “wait…what…this isn’t right”.
As an Ele main it sucks.
Ele now feels clunky.
I just started really learning enchance a month ago and it’s harder to play correctly than any other spec I’ve done. I liked primordial wave the way it was.
So I agree put it back the way it was for all shammies. Throwing in my noob support.
Agreed, Primordial Wave changes are terrible and make the ele spec significantly less fun and more clunky to play.
I never take it in any spec, it’s very gimmicky on a long CD
Yeah that’s how my experience went too
Then read the ability and how it functions in Undermine(d) and was like “What the actual fel”
Hopefully for elemental, they change it back to how it functioned before the Undermine(d) patch – back to its former glory of the season 1 variation
I only alt a Shaman or raid as Resto, but yeah for Ele it’s especially terrible. If this was my main i’d be flipping tables
What an awful change to Pwave! It felt satisfying to use in the previous season. I’m not sure what the goal was to drastically change its functionality, other than to make it as “un-fun” as possible for Elemental.
bump, put pwave back to the way it was
This is one of the biggest gripes. We have had to switch around how we play in raid 3 times and M+ twice going from different hero talents, spec talents, and rotational changes. Us potentially switching up with a new patch makes sense but this change has caused such a shake up and the likely thing thats going to happen is that we’ll get a fix to this in 11.1.5, which is continuing the trend of needing to relearn the spec every 2 months or so which is getting tiring.
Primordial wave truly feels absolutely awful to use now. (FOR ELEMENTAL)
You have to manually refresh flame shock now before you can even use prim wave so you’re using 2 gcd’s on maintenance abilities which feels extremely clunky in the heat of battle.
It hits for less than lightning bolt, lost its lava burst split cleave ability entirely (which also means it lost its maelstrom generation from those lava bursts and those overloads) , cannot overload itself so doesn’t work at all with mastery, only generates 3??? maelstrom on button press, doesn’t proc Fusion of Elements anymore, and most importantly doesn’t give us an extra flame shock anymore which was very handy for dealing with regular flame shocks 6 second cooldown…It lost every bit of its flavor…for no reason.
The vast majority of ele shaman were happy with primordial wave as it felt like it added mini spikes of excitement to the spec and gave it a nice way to have a minor split cleave damage profile but also worked well in single target. It was literally perfect for ele IMO.
I hope the devs see this was clearly a fine change for enhancement, but for elemental it’s a completely different story and the spell should be tuned/work differently per spec so they fit in each spec’s rotation comfortably.
Then you simply didn’t know how to play ele sham. Simple as.
That’s your opinion. My opinion is that it goes back to the old saying: “dont force a spec to build around a single spell” which Primordial Wave fits