I would say only for elemental. It’s super cool for enhancement when you have primordial storm to follow. Because enhancement has no problems spreading flame shock, with both lava lash and voltaic blaze. Elemental needs such tools. At least VB.
this, new primordial wave is garbage, leave iut as it is for season 1
To be honest I have yet to see a reason why it was changed for resto shaman either. From what I hear the replacement talents won’t be used. It seems badish for resto and just outright awful as a change for ele.
The irony is apparently the very ability that is being complained about also has major bugs.
And I fully understand that this patch ruined a lot, out of all the M+ I have done since Tuesday every dungeons had something wrong, and that’s just dungeons about to be irrelevant.
Don’t know about Resto much but 100% mainly Ele. Enhance shouldn’t be changed interactions wise, it honestly feels amazing, the Pwave changes just made it even better.
The LB and Primordial wave change was enough to shelve my shammy after much excitement of leveling. The animation stinks and loved the gameplay of ele before this patch. Hard pass Blizz change it back.
Well, as enhance I personally prefer the new one even if it’s less throughput. But yeah, for ele it feels lame. Just make it work differently for each spec or give us choice nodes for how it works
Prim wave change is great for enhance, awful for Ele. They are 2 different specs that function entirely different, you cannot have an ability that you “need to keep the same” across both specs because it has the same name. Thats not okay. Its okay for it to do different things.
Please revert it for Ele, it should not have been changed. Ele was in a great spot, the rework it got was fantastic it really needed no changes, I’m not sure why after reaching a damn near perfect spot with a spec did a change have to come in and mess that up.
For reference, PTR thread is this one: Primordial Wave change - Ele feedback this ran all the way from the very first week of PTR until now.
I haven’t tried it on my ele shammy, but on my enhancement it’s awesome.
Yeah they built it around enhance. Enhance got a rework to its spec tree, and got a completely new talent that functions with this new version of Pwave. It also got buffed for enhance too.
For ele it removed a way to apply flame shock which ele struggles with, and they never buffed it nor compensated for the loss of maelstrom gen or damage.
The main reason Pwave is different for Enhance than Ele is that Enhance has multiple ways to apply Flame Shock in AoE with a short cooldown (Voltaic Blaze, Totemic Whirling Earth, natural Lava Lash) so setting it up is a nonissue.
Elemental does not, and Liquid Magma Totem has a long cooldown.
The damage of Pwave for Ele is weird. Especially since it can’t Overload or generate significant Maelstrom. Just hotfix both damage and Maelstrom generation by 200% so it doesn’t feel as bad for a couple weeks.
It is crazy they haven’t given more to ele. Like voltaic blaze would fit in just fine. Or hell, add a passive that gives their lightning spells a chance to apply flame shock. Lightning strikes cause fire in the real world, so it’s thematic.
I mean realistically if they actually wanted to simplify gameplay of pwave for ele, they could have just baked liquid magma totem into Pwave itself.
So instead of having to set up shocks with liquid magma totem+a few extra flame shocks and then press Pwave, they could make it so pwave cleaves 5 targets and applies flame shock to them. It basically just removes a button press, so it actually simplifies the gameplay and gives ele more flame shocks out as well right before you lava burst.
They copy pasted the enh dev note for ele, so i’m not sure they even had a goal with this for ele, but if simplification is the goal, they went the complete wrong way and actually made pwave more complex to use. Removing lava burst from pwave did nothing to simplify gameplay, i understand lightning bolt was an extra button press enhance didnt need from pwave, but ele was not the same way.
I’ve said my take on new PW in another thread but I do agree that ELE PW is awful now. I hated PW from its inception all the way to the end of DF but I finally started liking it in TWW with farseer interaction and ancestral swiftness combo-can.
Now it just feels off and clunky. It’s not fun to use. I’ve gone to Stormbringer entirely even in single target because it’s at least fun. I don’t do any serious content as ele so I don’t care if it’s a minor or major DPS loss.
Enhance PW seems fine from what I played of it but I don’t play enhance enough to really say. It at least has Primordial Storm which is great looking at the minimum.
The removal of PW from resto may be controversial for some but I am glad it’s gone. The replacement doesn’t seem very good but just seeing it dead and buried is great. Should never have come back, not with Vesper Totem and Chain Harvest as options to move forward.
There’s an idea - replace this crap Ele PW with Chain Harvest.
Yes, please Blizzard take all this feedback to heart and revert the P Wave change. The new button is terrible to press and feels exceptionally bad since it’s the core ability of one of our hero specs.
The reason for making it a ‘Megathread’ was primarily because of the fact there’d been over several threads already made upon the subject — And more, were naturally going to follow.
- Within the past 24 hours alone of making this thread, there’d already been SEVEN that were made regarding the purpose of this thread too.
So as opposed to there potentially being 50+ threads eventually on the same subject, I tied together a handful of the threads and presented a core megathread on the matter
I LOVED how it used to function before – back in season 1, it felt awesome!
Primordial Wave was tremendously fun and came in handy for multiple scenarios & occasions and ultimately felt like it truly rocked out the core fantasy of ‘Shaman’ rather gloriously — Whereas now (at least for elementait just feels … Trivial.
- Overall the spell felt FAR more enjoyable and fun BEFORE this patch – than it does now with the Undermine(d) changes
Honestly, this change was such a tragically gutting change to the elemental spec — It feels like they ripped the heart of fun right out of the class’s spec and threw it in the players face
Well, hopefully with the changes to come (as all new patches have) they respond to the mass outcries and make the better decision to changing it back.
Here to put in my two cents.
I strongly dislike the changes made to Primordial Wave.
Pressing Primordial Wave feels disruptive to my rotation in single target rather than fitting in naturally as the previous iteration did. This is mostly due to the fact that PWave no longer applies Flame Shock and requires Flame Shock to be already present on the target before use. Lava Burst functionally exists with this restriction already, so adding it to PWave feels wholly unnecessary.
In multitarget situations, rather than reducing complexity (as was the intent behind the change) it actually ADDS button presses and complexity.
Finally, as a small gripe, no longer watching multiple Lava Bursts fly at my enemies after hitting PWave is a huge loss of fun and visual spectacle, which is where elemental shaman excels.
To conclude, the previous iteration of Primordial Wave was a fun, versatile, visually pleasing spell. It was a FUN button to press. Now pressing Primordial Wave feels bad because I would rather press anything else.
I would just like to voice my opinion here as well. I Really think that keeping the old way and adjusting the numbers would be a much nicer way to to nerf this ability. I can understand Blizzards concerns of this button, however gameplay wise. It just feels terrible now. PLease reconsider this change Blizz!!
After doing raid tonight, the new P.Wave FELT really really bad to play with.
On Mythic Queen, it did a whooping 4.78Mil damage (0.7% of the damage).
Earthen Rage (talent) did 13mil…
Hell even IceFury did 14.45mil damage with only 1 more cast than P.Wave
Commenting here to keep this thread up and going…
It’s clear that whoever made this change does not play ele at all. It’s terrible and needs to be reverted, or at least deal the “big damage” as promised because this new version is complete trash.
Same goes with ele’s defensive after they took away AG. Either buff our totem, or healing surge to compensate. What we got wasn’t enough.
Jumping on this train too. The New Primodial wave feels so bad to play, and takes away so much fun. Plus the big damage that was advertised is pitiful, it hits like a wet noodle even with 6 flameshocks out.
Primodial wave being one of the focal points of farseer make this change that much worse, it feels gutted.