As a pvp resto shaman i will miss Primordial Wave, they just deleted it from the spec.
I haven’t had a chance to try it in keys yet but is PWave a dead talent for Ele Stormbringer now? Seems like it would be. Farseer is forced to use it for Ancestor procs atleast.
It did, but it really didn’t. It’s damage was negligible at best and besides applying flame shock, it allowed lava burst to do stuff, which is why you then had to press lava burst for it to actually do stuff. That’s why they had to make it give an instant lava burst because it felt really clunky and bad without that. That was the issue with primordial wave, you needed to press 2 buttons, not including the flame shock setup, for it to really do things.
All Blizzard needed to do to fix the clunkiness was just make it fire off the lava burst so it was all encapsulated in a single button push. Weirdly, Ele Ascendance does exactly what primordial wave should be doing. So there is no excuse for Blizzard not doing it right when they could just copy/paste it.
I feel like ele as a whole is just in a bad in-cohesive state. We have a bunch of elemental summon talents that don’t feel good to take since we only use them every 2.5 mins. Primordial wave isn’t worth pushing anymore.We have a bunch of flame shock talents that feel awful to take because we have no good/easy way of spreading them. LMT is way worse than enhancement’s multiple ways of spreading flame shock and it being a capstone is just the salt in the wound. Overload could have been amazing, but they nerfed that in favor of Ascendance. Ascendance is insanely good, but it’s 3m cooldown making anytime you’re waiting on it feel awful. I personally hate ascendance, I don’t like being a 3 min spec, don’t like it transforming my character breaking immersion, and I hate being forced to take it because everything else is balanced around it. The rest is just a hodgepodge of stuff that’s good but not fun,exciting, or interesting. Ele just lacks identity and fun buttons to push.
They should at least give it a flashy and powerful follow-up like the version Enhancement got. As is it just feels weak and worthless.
Some things we need to see for compensation or to fix this. I AM FINE. playing with harder hitting, less spammy prim wave goes. BUT, we need to be compensated for it.
We lost our Earth Shock damage from our old tier set from s1
- We need to see Earth shock damage buffed by 5%-10%.
We lost Primordial Wave- This is a long one
There are a few differerent things to do here that are possible(not all at once, or you could with less % increases),
- Primordial Wave damage needs to be buffed by 40-50%
- Primordial Wave generates 10 Maelstrom for each hit on enemies
- Primordial Wave extends the duration of Flame Shock by 8 seconds
- Primordial Wave increases Flame Shock damage by 80% for 10 seconds.
Next up is the Lava Burst, This is no longer as spammy as it used to be due to Primordial Wave change,
- Lava burst damage increased by 10%
I think these changes could allow ele to be different without the “old” playstyle. If they truly want to move away from it. This would bring ele back into a hard hitting more casting style like it used to be (think pre BFA), Ele casting a lava burst that hits for 20% of someones HP is (in my opinion) more fun than spamming a bunch of little lava bursts that hit for 300k, when you could have one chunk for 900-1m.
These are just some thoughts, but I hope we see some numbers tuning somewhere or better interaction with prim wave. This doesn’t account for ANY lightning build changes… That (especially for PvP where I only play) is tough because the damage is really bad due to the need to cast.
Absolutely awful change.
Yep. But that doesn’t mean that this thread is mega yet.
That explains a LOT to me then. Thank you. I was wondering what was happening.
Adding my voice to the chorus, sometimes you have to recognize a change was bad. Please revert.
I may be the odd one out here, but i think Primordial Wave shouldnt even be in the game. There is honestly no reason for this spell to even be a talent. Lava Burst could proc on its own to be spread to all targets that have Flame Shock applied to them. Why use another spell to apply a different spells effect? Why? The way it is now kills Maelstrom Generation even for Enhancement. Thats what Tempest was for. So i ask again. Why is Primordial Wave even in the game?
Great post to the OP too.
There are soooo many things that needs fixed (just look at the bug forum) and they chose to fix something that was not broken. Great use of time.
I want it back the way it was too. Also bring back Ride the Lightning for Enhance.
(old) PWave was fun. Bring it back.
Current version is garbage, interacts with nothing in a way that matters, and as such it’s just not getting used (depending on context), which means we lose a rotational button, we lose a haste talent tied to it (and haste feels good!), and we lose a totem (no point in Liquid Magma Totem if we’re not caring about PWave Lava Bursts). This also means the value of the Totem CD Reset Talent on the class tree goes WAY down, so we’re not taking that either.
Even if they just outright buff the numbers to make PWave’s flat damage on Flame Shock targets worth using (and therefore the followup talents also worth using), it’s still worse than the previous iteration.
Hitting it and applying Flame Shock automatically felt good. It was doing multiple things at once.
Hitting it and getting a free Lava Surge proc felt good. Another instant cast that we can funnel into a boss or whatever.
Hitting the followup Lava Burst and getting that burst of Maelstrom in AoE felt good. More Resource is more good.
The current PWave does none of that. It’s Malefic Rupture on a CD but for Shamans and I don’t know a single soul who doesn’t hate Malefic Rupture.
Change it back plz
Or how about make it an actual frontal wave that applies flame & frost Shocks
why does this NEED a megathread?
because it’s an incredibly unpopular change, and having 1 thread containing the discussion rather than 14 threads about the same thing is a better way to go about it?
Let us complain, the change is hot garbage and made because it was “too complicated”.
A single setup button is not complicated. If PWave was too complicated, Ancestral Swiftness is too complicated.
God forbid Lightning Rod now that we’re essentially forced into Echoes of Great Sundering due to the talent changes. Micromanaging that across an AoE pull is a nightmare compared to anything you had to do to make the best use of old PWave.
Clearly the only solution is to delete Shaman.
Blizz pls revert this change to prim wave. This spell is absolutely useless right now. Feels terrible to press. How you could write that it was complicated to use is beyond me. Now its unusable.
It’s an abhorrent change not just because of the nerf aspect but in terms of sheer qol. In open world content most, fights used to start with pwave because it made sense as an opener spell. We don’t really have a replacement that feels good for open world/delve style content. And thats before the whole:
new pwave doesn’t feel good in a rotation and forces us to use way more natty flame shocks for upkeep.
new pwave wouldn’t be used if it wasn’t stapled to our single target damage hero tree so instead we are forced to use it despite it feeling awful to use.
new pwave does not give us a spender worth of maelstrom in aoe even though old pwave did.
old pwaves lava burst volley was the best visual elemental shamans had and its gone.
and more that didn’t immediately spring to mind while I was typing.