I’m pretty used to Blizzard ignoring us Shamans I mean it took them from BFA all the way to the War Within prepatch to fix Enhancement Shaman auto-attacks
Honestly, sometimes it feels like they bend down to kiss one spec — whilst simultaneously blowing out thunderous gastro diarrhea upon the other specs that’s behind them when they bent over.
Even though it’s just “One spell” — Elemental Shaman doesn’t feel quite as fun anymore with the change they made to Primordial Wave.
I’ve never posted or even logged in to the forums before. First time poster just to say new pwave sucks and ele feels worse because of it.
Damage aside, ele’s largest flaw the last two expansions has easily been flame shock application to me. Losing out on anything that applies flame shock for free feels bad. Losing free lava bursts feels bad. It felt cool and powerful to see 12 lava bursts going flying out in all directions when paired with ascendance. Now it feels like the spell only exists to make Farseer functional.
If I were to change pwave on my own biased opinion. I’d like to see it at least spread active flameshocks or do anything unique on its own.
Overall, I don’t like the change.
Golly, that would be glorious. I’d accept the loss of it applying FS to target if it would - like Lava Lash (used to do?) - spread the FS on the target to everything within 10y. Then make it prime your next Lava Burst to shoot everything with an active FS? It. Would. Be. GLORIOUS.
At this point I’d be happy enough to have Farseer connected to some other talent entirely like Icefury casts or triggered by Elemental Equilibrium.
Let Pwave sit dead until they can figure out how they want the fire build to work properly.
Was going to do Shaman. This change alone made me reconsider, because next they’ll make some other cockamamy (means foolish for those who never heard the word) change no doubt designed to gin up character service sales. Then afterward they’ll reverse it because they want people to roll shaman etc. Balance is a joke. It’s all about getting players to buy their character services I think. I suspect that’s also why they’ve never bothered to do the right thing with professions and make it so if you drop one you don’t have to relevel it from scratch.
Gotta have those token sales.
It never ends, so I’m going Mage which is evidently immune to this sort of hackneyed bullcrap.
If you really want to play the chosen golden child of the WoW devs literally since vanilla, go druid.
Well that and Frost Mage, because they cast “Blizzard” but yes your right on the money there.
Didn’t druid enter this season going 4/4 on their specs largely being duds?
If I hadn’t already joined the Primalists — I’d do so merely to revolt against Blizzard and get my Primordial Wave back to the way it was before this season morbidly ruined it with its completely & utterly changed playstyle
I think LMT is fine in concept if it applied Flame Shock to 5 or 6 targets and they amp its damage since it is a legit means to do uncapped AoE damage. Though the issue is that during beta when they changed LMT to a 30 sec CD (24 with talents) and buffed it’s damage, it was doing so much damage that builds were taking it and using it on single target to refresh Flame Shock instead of manually applying it in-between Pwave.
I’ve often suggested both for Enhance and Ele during beta that Pwave be modified to function as it normally did prechange but then apply Flame Shock not only to the target but others as well.
Icefury would honestly be awful since you can sometimes go a long time without a proc. It would likely then get completely desynced from Stormkeeper, which is terrible since you want those together, so you are guaranteed to have a good number of insta casts to make Grandpa’s fire a good number of spells. Same issue with Elemental Equilibrium unless you’re throwing a naked Frost Shock to trigger it ASAP in an opener, which just led to more Desync, or forcing Elemental Blast over Earth Shock which is pretty much antithetical to Farseer seeing as it works better with insta casts. And Pwave itself ensures that Elemental Equilibrium is triggering within roughly our CD windows, without it, the only way to proc it without convoluted tracking is Elemental Blast, which is gonna likely lead to that happening as much.
They could only realistically tie it with SK since it’s the shortest CD we have outside of Pwave (outside of LMT). They’d likely eliminate Herald of the Storms (2 second CDR per LB or CL cast) to avoid the bolt-spam gameplay that FoL endorsed. And making it so it’s tied to a 1 minute CD sounds god awful since half the damage is from Grandpa’s. They realistically can’t buff any of our Single Target Builders or Spenders because that would cause Stormbringer to balloon out of control damage wise, so it would make the time outside CDs even more miserable than it is now.
Putting aside that there aren’t fire or lightning builds anymore, the funny thing is that even with Pwave in this state and nerfs to the tier set, Farseer is roughly like 5-7% ahead in single target over Stormbringer and the raid doesn’t have enough prolonged AoE/Cleave that would make Stormbringer pull ahead (unsure about Gallywix).
That would be neat for AoE but for single target it doesn’t fix the problems the change caused to our optimal opener desyncing our CDs from each other, nor does it fix all the GCDs needed to keep Flame Shock up on the target. Even if you’re perfectly refreshing Flame Shock in the pandemic window everytime for the extended duration, you often still end up needing to manually apply Flame Shock regardless of the remaining duration before using Pwave/AS since it will likely not last for the whole duration of Grandpas, Splintered Elements, and Elemental Equilibrium since you don’t want to burn a GCD on a Flame Shock when you could be casting other spells (unless you luck out with a DRE proc at the right time).
PWave feels bad enough after the rework that I’m no longer planning on playing my Shaman this patch. If they insist on its current iteration, I suggest reworking Flame Shock so that it’s not as clunky to spread.
Honestly they should just “rework” it by reverting Pwave back to how it was
99% of the elemental playerbase enjoyed how it was … Until they ruined it this patch
Blizzard has done the unthinkable. They united those that love the old primordial wave and those that hated it by making a new version that both sides absolutely hate even more than the old one.
Really showcases the saying “you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone”
I very much appreciated it before.
It was my favourite ability, lol
… or at least it WAS* my favourite ability
Adding another annoyed shaman voice to the mix. Please revert primordisl wave. This has done a ton of damage tob the elemental specc.
Sounds almost like a kid in high school that claims they have a boyfriend but in another state – you know - Phillip Glass.
As was said many times during PTR and after the patch release, the change to primordial wave is awful for ele sham.
Please revert this change blizzard.
I tried to play regardless of the Primordial Wave change and the playstyle just feels lacking and no where near as invigorating as it use to feel
Before there was a hype build up and the Primordial Wave felt like a wave of excitement — When you’d pop your additional flameshock and unleash a plethora of lava-bursts on the mobs that stood before you.
- It felt powerful, relieving and immensely satisfying … Whereas now it just feels pathetic.
Having them revert the change would be in the best interests of the shaman community — as well as Blizzard, towards the extent of preventing such a playerbase from having further emphasis on their disheartened disappointment of WoW and even quitting the game.