Shaman, It’s happening

The bad news: the new Shaman dev is dyslexic, and implements a Sherman Tank.

The good news: you get the Easy Eight with the 76mm main gun.


Rejoice, rejoice, rejoice!

…oh, wait. All the Shaman have left …so, nevermind!

Literally has barely changed since i mained it on MoP in a bad way.

Praying for mire interesting healing than chain heal spam in the rework

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As a main elemental mediocre pvp’er, i really hope they give us some better defensives and a Icefury tweak to better fit into the rotation.

For Enhance, more gap-closer besides feral lunge would be nice.

Also making both specs less reliant on PW could be cool too.

Also more customization on our wolf form and other spells. (Like a glyph to change the “base element” of our Lava Burst. Insted shooting a Lava ball, we change it into a boulder or a big lightning/water ball via Glyph).

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I want Shaman to feel good in TWW. It’s the last class I need for my warband group storyline. :pray:

Pwave was always a garbage ability, that bliz clearly put no thought or effort into. I refuse to spec into it, I don’t care how gimped that may or may not make me. Remove it from the game immediately.

I mean.

I’d say that the 3 other covenant abilities were worse in that regard.

Why not Geomancer?

Chain Harvest felt good for Enhancement and Resto, personally. Much moreso for Enhance for obvious reasons, but on Resto I liked it in early M+

I agree that they were all kinda terrible. One of the main reasons I didn’t play much shaman during SL.

What always baffled me is that they kept a lot of the abilities that no one really liked, and didn’t keep really popular abilities like Ashen Hallow or Fallen Order.

I just wish there were options besides Elemental Blast for Enhance. It’s boring and lazy when Lava Surge and Ice Fury exist as castable abilities.

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No. It’s just the Shaman meme at this point. We’ve been asking for Shammy tanks since vanilla and they’ve never done it. They even took out/ changed all of the psudo-tanking abilities we’ve had over the years.

The ONLY hope is that since they added a random spec to Evoker mid expansion that Shaman could theoretically get their tanking spec at any point without notice.


Hm. Idk, I like it with it using MSW, but I can understand the thought. It’s a flavor more tuned to Ele.

Sure. But as far as effort being put into designing an ability. It’s the least.

Sure. They could.

But no one has had a 4th new play style added. Not without removing a previous.

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I can agree with that - though it IS worth noting that for some reason, CH works different compared to CL. I forget details, but something about it chaining only off of the primary target so its range being more limited in reality.

Chain heal visual update: We know many want the animation that was promised back in 7.3 that is more reminiscent of the original spell animation/effect instead of just throwing water at people.

We have adjusted Chain Heal’s animation to now feature exactly 28.74% more fecal matter in order to achieve that true “toilet water” feel.

Homeopathy at its finest.

I think the problem with the DPS side of Shamans is that ‘The Elements’ isn’t being embellished in either build. For Enhance it goes about skin deep when our only castable abilities we can use is Elemental Blast (‘Elemental Damage’) and Chain Lightning/Lightning Bolt (Nature).

We get so many Maelstrom stacks you put Elemental Blast on CD and all your left with is Lightning Bolt (which is really bad since Elemental Spirits are combo’d with Nature/Ice/Fire).

How did you feel about our implementation in Wrath? Did you play Enh then?