Shaman, It’s happening

Please read the post quoted in the OP. The shaman package of changes is coming to next weeks beta build.

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Primordial Wave should not be the main focus of talents and rotations for Ele. It’s rap design, imo. Magnarok is correct.

Why the hell are we focused on a Covenant ability and not all of the main abilities they have? My Druid doesn’t focus on solely Convoke or Adaptive Swarm. They’re just there. And one is being removed.

It’s clunky in rotation for Ele and annoying. Not to mention does not fit class fantasy to me.

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I like the cleave aspect it adds, but imo could just be added baseline into LB with an ICD or something.

Incoming water themed shaman tank.

Correct that its another repetitive way of casting lightning bolt on multiple mobs


How does it not fit the class fantasy?

By that, you must mean casting flame shock also doesnt fit the class fantasy.

It being a former covenant ability is irrelevant.

I just see a lot of shaman alts that want sham just turned into lightning bolt and chain lightning spam with no thought put into anything.

Clunky is the absolutely worst way to describe a rotation. It gives no worthwhile feedback.

How is the rotation being messed up? What is your preferred rotation/gameplay loop for ele sham?

And it’s not.

Lava Surge is.

Primordial Wave exacerbates the problems with Elemental, but it is not the cause of them.

It’s a covenant ability based off of some weird necromancy place in Shadowlands.

I’m not asking for that. Ele used to be a lot more interesting when it was a mix of spells and not just Lava Burst or Lightning Bolt.

I’m not giving Blizzard feedback on it in my post. I’m simply explaining how it feels to me. I’ve given in depth feedback to Blizz on it already. My opinion on this forum to you in a reply is not that.

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Why does it being based off some weird necromancy place matter? It must matter. You keep bringing it up.

yet here we are. asking for anything to create a mix of spells to be removed.


Clunky is just such a vague and nondescript way of describing a rotation that no one has any clue whats even being referenced.

I dont see how removing pwave makes the rotation less “clunky”

Class fantasy.

That spell doesn’t add anything for mixing it up in Ele.

Sounds like a you problem. :dracthyr_shrug:

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But pwave has nothing to do with that covenant atm. That makes no sense. Casting a flame shock followed by lava bursts has nothing to do with class fantasy?

So it both interrupts the flow, while not mixing it up?

It is the main focus and causes you to do something different…because its the main focus. But it doesn’t mix it up?

Not really. I am just tired of people that barely play the spec trying to ruin it.

They even re-did the animation for the spell to distance it from being the “necromancy” ability. Primordial wave fits the shaman theme very well as it stands currently.

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That’s where it came from. Changing the art on it doesn’t change where it came from.

You claimed you play Enh. I’m talking about Ele. And Ele hasn’t been good in ages. It was ruined ages ago. It needs an overhaul.

Agree to disagree, but I tried maining my Shaman again and still hate it.

Not much more to be said here.

Where it came from is irrelevant to how its currently incorporated.


I play shaman.

Awesome. Me too. Getting ready to run a +10 AV as ele.

You can hate it. I dont care. But saying nonsensical things like “it ruins class fantasy” is just silly.

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Your opinion is not mine. That doesn’t mean it’s nonsensical. But hey, thanks for acting like a jerk about it. Have a better day.

I am having a great day.

Just threads are clunky when people that barely touch the class and some that dont understand it are suggesting sweeping changes.

Even when ones dont want to admit that pwave’s “class fantasy” has changed, and its no longer tied to the shadowlands expansion in its functionality. And dead areas just have nothing to do with class fantasy. Despite the fact that shaman have an entire branch of their lore connected to speaking with the dead.

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Is primordial wave getting deleted? I hate that spell and how every spec revolves around it.

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Look, I despised Shadowlands as much as the next player, but if people are still hating Primordial Wave solely for originating from there, then they’re just holding a grudge for the sake of holding a grudge.

Ele being a Lava Burst spam bot is not Primordial Wave’s fault, and would still be the case if Primordial Wave were removed tomorrow. Elemental’s spec design as a whole is the problem, not PWave, and needs a complete rework from top to bottom to solve its problems. Deleting PWave won’t stop Ele from spamming Lava Burst, it would just make it worse at it.

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People shouldn’t get their hopes up. This close to prepatch and the wording in the post means this is going to be a minor adjustment. I doubt they’re doing anything substantial with this little time.

Really the tier set makes Primordial Wave define the spec atm. Lava Burst is mediocre without it. The single target damage rotation is designed around it, but it isn’t really spec-defining.

The icon still looks necromancy, and they should have changed the name. It’s also really weird to have the “same” spell on different specs and it does different things. The elemental and resto versions are okay, the enhancement version makes no sense (fire attracts lightning ???).

As I only play my Shaman as Enhancement , having the Surging totem be a target skill will probably force me to roll a different class in TWW. I find auto feet totems much smoother to my rotation. Ideally there would just be a toggle on how the player wants his totems deployed.