Shaman, It’s happening

Good. You can all shut up now.

I don’t get what exactly?

I don’t get that elemental doesn’t use lighting bolt in pwave?

Im actually excited either way. If ita great news, great!

If its bad, seeing the uproar on twitter, reddit, and the forums will be a lot of fun.

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I’m not a fan of the Resto version of P.Wave either. It basically does the exact same thing as Ele’s version, just with healing. Instead of making LvB cleave on any enemy with Flame Shock, it cleaves HW on any ally with Riptide.

I prefer running High Tide for more Chain Heals, instead.

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Make it look like it’s coming from above like comet storm and I’m completely sold. :crossed_fingers:

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I want elemental shaman to have more dps buttons, how ele played in legion was really fun. Making elemental blast take over as the spender without it being a powerup instead has made the rotation so simple its dead boring.

There are SO many ideas that would make shaman completely unique. Why not? Riding a wave would be really cool.

What about a Dathea like ability, where you basically are the center of an elemental doing tons of damage that lasts 30 seconds?

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This sounds accurate AF and I’ve played my shaman since BC lol

Take with a grain of salt guys…

Why would do many people assume any form of tank? Shaman hasn’t gotten any kind of love or attention for ages… Now you’re thinking they’re going to have an entire additional spec like Druid? Get real

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Give shaman spells that seem like they are manipulating the weather. Especially elemental!

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I’m not that familiar with resto this expansion. Does PWave make resto devolve into just spamming 1 ability over and over again for 60% of your casts like it does to ele?

Blizzard, please, I will give you the deed to my house for updates, for the love of god give us something, even if it is: “Shamans are now called Stinky Doo-Doo.”

Then go play one of those. They already turned Enhancement into a Fury clone once in Legion, and it was the worst version of the spec to ever exist.

Having a hydra for a rotation is what makes Enhancement unique.

Primordial Wave is absolutely amazing for Enhancement. Besides being a massive funnel cleave on a relatively short cooldown, it’s also a personal Bloodlust every 45 seconds and instantly takes ~20% off the cooldown of Feral Spirit every time we cast it.

For Resto, it’s a solid addition to the kit that mainly suffers less from its own design, and more from a lack of compelling alternative capstones leaving it still the best pick even in situations that don’t directly favor it.

Elemental is the only spec it sucks for, and at this point that comes down more to Elemental as a whole being an abandoned spec with godawful mechanics all around than anything to do specifically with Primordial Wave.

Like, the spell could have a couple tweaks to make it better. Specifically, it would be a huge QoL change for both Enh and Ele if it applied Flame Shock to its maximum 6 targets instead of only to one and then needing us to spend additional setup time spreading it around manually. But the root spell is much better than anyone moaning about it just being an extra Flame Shock button gives it credit for.

You can’t just say Pwave and expect us to know whose Pwave you’re talking about.

…I’m going to assume you meant Fae Transfusion, because Soul Shape is just Ghost Wolf with a cooldown and a Blink.

I only tried Night Fae extremely briefly because a channeled, reticle-targeted spell felt absolutely godawful as Enhancement. Even worse than Primordial Wave did before they added Flame Shock spread to Lava Lash and you could only realistically maintain it on 2-3 targets.

No, it’s a burst healing CD for Resto that causes your next Healing Wave (a spell that Resto never casts otherwise) to cleave onto all allies with your Riptide on them.

I’d love a permanent earth elemental tank pet for AT LEAST elemental spec. When we look at the disparity of “soloability” among classes, Shaman are often cited as a “worst case scenario,” and a tank pet would bump them up huge among my one-alt-per-spec alt army.

Yes, every spec can solo, but not all solo experiences are created equal. A tank pet would be HUGE!

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Incoming Chemtrails Totem


No, but HW is just not a very strong spell to begin with. Outside of Undulation procs, it’s like splashing a cup of water on a roaring blaze. If you need to heal multiple people, you’re far better off with just using more Chain Heal. It’s more mana intensive, but trying to spread Riptides to then cleave HW just can’t keep up with CH, especially when High Tide procs remove the healing drop-off on the jumps.

I do want to note that my perspective is purely in Raids. I almost never do M+ and don’t have any knowledge of how much changes between the two environments.

Haha that’s good.

Shamwow , that’s the name

So… 30% buff to all ele damage is all I see in the hotfix…