Shaman, It’s happening

Because it’s flame shock again.


And chain harvest is only chain lightning again.


Ps. Pwave is not only flame shock again. We forgetting part 2?

I never mentioned chain harvest, but ok.

That functionality always struck me as very redundant. Making lightning bolt hit more targets, on a class that already has chain lighting? Also known as the lightning bolt that hits multiple targets. But also requiring the tedious prerequisite of getting flame shock on as many targets as possible to make it worth a damn. Awful.


Enhance spreading flameshock is awful?

It’s like…a natural part of the rotation you do

And throw in how it effects the other 2 specs.

I am just sorta personally tired of this over simplification of pwave. It’s just not really fair.

Technically it’s not. You have to talent into it. But also I wasn’t referring to enhancement. This started as a conversation in regard to elemental.


PWave is fine for enhance and resto.

It’s horrendous for ele and resulted in the completely degenerate playstyle ele has had for 2 seasons now and will continue to have with the Farseer hero talents in TWW.

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Fixing Shamans only 60% of the time, works all the time.

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Looks like you were to me

That was more the tier set than anything

The storm hero talents allow the degenerate lightning play style though.

You know elemental has chain lightning, right?

You know elemental doesn’t hit everything with lightning bolt with pwave right?

Oh yeah, it’s lava burst, right? Still a tedious spell.


If you say so

But man. Ya get how this conversation gets tiresome from a shaman main I hope.

My biggest gripe of elemental shaman is why I can’t get a flame shock spread that’s easy. Instead they give us a totem to do it, and even then we’re target capped


Also add customizing elementals. More elementals. I’ll take an elemental spec or hero tree. I had always thought Shaman was an easy pick for the games first support spec, but blizzard showed me. Time for the Shaman spells to really look like they are throwing volcanoes and lightning. The lightning bolt looks and sounds like pew pew water shooter.

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You and me both. Remove pwave and change the ascendance model and I’ll be dusting off the ole Thundabunz and slinging some lightning.

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I’d laugh if it’s just percentage tweaks… Hope you all get some much needed reworking and fun stuff! Rootin for ya sparky bois.

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It would be so unbelievably embarrassing for them if this were the case considering this week is exactly that.

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Of all the abilities that came out of Shadowlands, Primordial Wave was the worst. They should have just gave us Soul Shape and I think more people would have enjoyed that. Well at least more than the 6 people who actually like p-wave and wouldn’t instantly be okay if it was removed.


agreed , the other guy doesn’t get it