Shaman for All Races

Khazra are actually a good comparison.

Like, it’s clear in the Diablo universe that the Khazra have tribes, that they have culture, that they see certain territory as belonging to them and will defend that land against anyone they see as a trespasser (which is almost everyone).

But they slaughter civilians, engage in cannibalism and extremely dark magic too.

Should I feel bad about killing them? I don’t think so. I could try to lower my weapons and sing kumbaya but all I’d get is an axe to the face for my efforts so… no, I’m going to kill them, and I’m going to enjoy doing it.

I think to a certain degree the “outrages” become performative.


I tend to agree.

Not to say there aren’t genuine issues that can generate outrage in video games. Using language that is racially pejorative is certainly one of them, as is relying on racist tropes and caricatures.

But I feel like some people have taken it way too far and will now go overboard about any small thing while lashing out at anyone who disagrees with them.


Troll, you just compared a colonized people to demons of Hell, which is very telling about your character, or lack thereof.

Anyway, ignoring the trolls here, there are, as I said, a myriad of ways to extend Shaman to the rest of the races. Hopefully they also address the, once again, legit groevances of the Trolls in this game while they’re at it.

If social issues are so important to you why are you wasting your time here?
Why aren’t you engaged in actual organizations aimed at helping and fighting for minority rights? Especially for first nation’s people?

You aren’t achieving anything here.


Dude. Take a damn chill pill and stop lashing out at folks.

Why do you think the Amani hate the Blood Elves? Because they had their land taken, their people killed in multiple wars (most of which they started because their territory was taken) and they’ve lost their leadership at the hands of Blood Elves 3 times.

And now you’re saying they should ‘make peace’ with the people who did that to them? To use the colonized/colonizer claim you’re throwing around, you’re saying that the colonized trolls should make peace with the colonizing Blood Elves, so that the colonizing Blood Elves can take more of their culture from them and twist it to serve their own ends. Because the Elves aren’t going to start worshipping the Amani loa, they’re not going to 100% emulate their cultural practices. They didn’t do that when they learned from Amani magic back when they first founded Quel’thalas, they aren’t going to do it now.

Is that ‘really’ the angle you want to take here if you’re so opposed to colonialism?


Have you considered going back to Iran and overthrowing the regime single-handedly?

So storytelling has no messages and affects nothing? That’s a far cry from your previous stances.

No because I don’t want to die.
Secondly who says I have to do it alone even if I wanted to? There are Iranian organizations abroad who do advocate for Iranians who are unfairly caught between both government’s interests.
But if you are curious I have donated to the PS752Justice organization.

What have you done?

You aren’t commenting on the story seeking to improve or make it more interesting.
You want to change to make it more socially palatable to you because you think that… at least that is how it appears to me that you think that would have positive effect in society.
And someone correct me on the gnolls since i haven’t played that far yet. Blizzard made it a central story message for the Sylvanas issue.
Colonizing gnolls doesn’t come anywhere near how much money and time they spent trying to redeem her and the Horde.
Very badly if I might add.

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The whole thing involving the Gnolls comes from a Dragonflight quest chain where a rather… shall we say… touched, Kirin Tor mage gives you quests to kill the Gnolls that are surrounding the lake that he’s been chased into. And as the quests go on the mage gets more and more unstable until at the end of the chain your character leaves and the Mage actually comments about your character leaving and saying that they’ll just find other adventurers to do his tasks.

It’s honestly an extremely stupid thing to get outraged over.

But apparently folks did, and because I didn’t take it seriously enough and thought it was a ‘making a mountain out of a molehill’ situation I’m ‘supporting racist narratives’ or some garbage like that. I don’t know.

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People who know my life story know what I’ve done and am capable of doing.

If you think that creating a story where victims of colonization receive justice is not an improvement, then again, that’s very telling. And besides that, it’s a way to get Blood Elf Druids and Shamans, even if you do not care about any of that. And this wasn’t my idea. This is Baal’s

No, you said every story has a message, and that includes side quest stories. You oppose one story on one set of grounds, yet are fine with another that fits the same description.

There was a lorebook you could find in Diablo 3, a journal from some dude who was actually attempting to communicate and establish diplomacy with the khazra at the time he wrote it. Sadly you get the journal from his corpse. Not hard to figure out how his efforts went.

Some peoples just aren’t interested in anything else except violence and killing of their hated foes. Right now, the Amani and the elves of Quel’thalas are such peoples. Can they establish diplomacy someday? Maybe. But not today.

Back to the argument about shamanism being spread among all races, it’s not exactly a difficult concept. Shamanism is widespread enough where anyone who currently doesn’t practice it can go and learn from those that do. Same honestly goes with formation of paladins, learning druidism, or even studying demonology and fel magic.

I think demon hunters and obviously Evokers are the only ones who’d be difficult to pull this off with, since demon hunter creation is supposedly a lost art according to some, and evokers are dracthyr specific.

No I didn’t. Khazra are a tribal people in Diablo lore as of Diablo3. They were actually human once but got screwed over by some of the Mage Clans who were experimenting with making an army of demon possessed troops. The end result was the violent goat people who are brutal and murderous towards the rest of humanity, also easily corrupted by demonic forces.

Lmao sure.

  1. Creating a tribe that is “not interested in anything else except violence and killing of their hated foes.” is a racist caricature. Even if this is true of the Amani, it is not good writing.

  2. It’s an ever-evolving game, and hated enemies have become friends multiple times.

Oh I’m not opposed to other races getting access to the shaman class. There’s no real lore that makes it an impossibility.

Blood Elves can be shamans, or they could learn to be shamans. Just not from the Amani who hate and despise them for what they’ve done and vice versa.

The way you behave sometimes doesn’t give me the impression that you actually have.
Like one week necroing two dozen posts with random messages as a… cry for attention?

Nobody thinks they are colonized. They are mobs we kill.
Just as we kill wildlife, demons, humanoids, tentacles, bugs etc, nobody cares. Because its fiction, my experience with Gnolls is that they make tents out of human skin so you know what? They have it coming my frost bolt goes pew pew.

Is the overall story beatings us over the head that COLONIZATION GOOD. EVERYBODY SHOULD COLONIZE. WHITE MAN COMES TO SAVE US ALL.
No? I thought so.
Its just terminally online people who see a forest fire in a candle. Its fine. Its chill. move along.

Yes every story has a message.
And the Dragonflight message is about the dragons losing their powers, locking away that did not agree with them and now the tables have turned.
That’s as far as I have gotten. Nothing too objectionable unlike Shadowlands and BFA.

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They already exist.

High Botanist Freywinn is one such druid, using nature magic from the Restoration spec and even uses the Tree of Life form during the fight with him (or, he used to, these days he gets killed too quickly to actually use it even during Timewalking Dungeons). The High Elves/Blood Elves, especially the Rangers, have always had ties to nature. So a Blood Elf Druid is already possible without the Amani needing to get involved.

And again, they’re part of the Horde. The Horde already has druids and shamans in it. Why should they make peace with their hated enemy to ‘learn druidism and shamanism’ when they can already turn to their allies for the same thing?

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That was a joke that sadly seems to have gone over your head. L2SenseOfHumor.

Given the notion that we’re currently playing in a game where there are orcs, trolls, and minotaurs, and even undeads actually aren’t always the default bloodthirsty rageboi tropes like your run-of-the-mill Tolkien or DnD setting, I’d say we’re doing better than most. Sorry if it still offends your standards, but oh well. There still has to be PvE villains for us loot-fiend lunatics to smash.

Like I said, it’s possible that the Amani and Quel’thalas might start peace negotiations someday. Today, however, any elf that wanders into Zul’aman can expect to get axes thrown at them.


Just to elaborate on my point before this thread fully goes off the rails: The game is already oversaturated with elves. We don’t need more of them.

Because that is what threads like these are really asking for: more elves. And I do not for one second believe otherwise.

Nobody is asking for shamans to be expanded to gnomes or forsaken. And if they are, it’s a insignificant amount.

So in conclusion:

Shaman for All Races

Stop asking for this please.

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Shamans and warlocks aren’t comparable.
Shamans are chosen at birth.
Warlocks are nobody nothings that make deals with dark powers for magic that they would not otherwise have.

Every race has someone desperate enough to become a warlock.
Not every race has someone chosen by the elements. Especially when that race is immortal and has been alive since Pax Nelfana.

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No, they’re not.

Thrall was not ‘chosen at birth’ to be a Shaman. He literally did not know Shamanism existed until he found his people outside of the camps after he was already an adult. He never heard the elements before hand, not once.

And that goes for pretty much every single shaman that exists in lore. None of them were chosen ‘at birth’ to become shamans, they chose to walk that path and the elements in turn offered them their power as long as they respected them (or in the case of goblins, honored their deals).

Do you think you choose yourself at birth?
He was chosen.
He did not choose.

Gul’dan was not chosen.
The elements would not heed his cries.
But the Legion did.