Shaman for All Races

I guess Draenei are dark shamans since they were alive before azeroth even formed.
Makes sense given how many planets they ruined.

What do they want to learn to overcome? Umbric himself used the Void to resurrect Dinosaurs against the Zandalari. This, among other things, should show that he, and other Void Elves, have no problem using Void magic in a “dark” manner.

Most of Alleria’s plot, is defined by her intention to take control over it.

Yes, Umbric utilises it, but I always felt that the overarching theme was more about them learning to live with their condition. Not to take advantage of it.

That may be my personal impression, but I think its due to the fact that contrary to other users of this sort of magics, Void elves didn’t ask for this. It came to them as an accident.

Weren’t they studying the void in the telgorus rift in order to properly wield it without falling to it’s corruption? Than they all got accidently infused with it after fighting whats his name? I’m drawing a blank on the particular NPC that attacked them.

So, they certainly intended to utilize it against their enemies, but you’re right, I don’t think it was their intention to actually become infused with the stuff.

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That’s more or less my take on them, yes.

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I don’t understand. If the Void elves are in control of their magic, what does that have to do with their specific intended ways of using it?

Even before becoming Void-infused, Umbric and his exiles were exiled for studying the Void. They would have continued to do, regardless of if they became infused or not.

This is all a moot point regardless. Like you implied earlier, just because Void elves are infused with the Void, doesn’t necessarily mean they have to use it for everything. After all, Void Elves have plenty of other classes besides Warlock, Shadow Priest, and Rogue, all of which use the Void.

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Shamans are the only playable class elves haven’t touched.

I would like to keep it that way.

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Because I don’t see them leaning on their accidental condition as the defining angle that dictates how they’ll utilise or approach shamanism.

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Blood Elves? Making peace with the Amani? Hah, good one.

Wait, you were serious?

Oh, okay. Yeah no, that’ll never happen. If they learn shamanism from anyone, it will be from other races within the Horde.

Shaman invoke the spirit of the wolf to turn into ghost wolves and summon them as well. Perhaps we learn it from Goldrinn.

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Paladins and shamans should have stayed faction locked. It was cooler times


Yeah, I know you think colonized peoples deserve nothing. On the other hand, the Blood Elves making peace with the Amani would be a wonderful way to both address the Amani’s legitamate concerns and give the blood Elves some sweet new classes, as well as a possible Forest Troll allied race.

Okay, but imagine if they had not become Voi-infused. They still were exiled for their studies of the Void. It isn’t too far off for some to want to become Dark Shamans even if playable Void Elves aren’t Dark Shaman.

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Serious projection going on there.

Will never happen.

The Amani see the Blood Elves as invaders, invaders who have taken their sacred lands, slaughtered their people and been responsible for killing not one, not two, but three of their leaders.

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It was also really hard for blizzard to balance. That’s really the main reason they added both classes to both factions in BC

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Praying that you stop supporting racist narratives.

Also praying you grow an imagination and learn that lore can be expanded upon.

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You still going on about the fact that I’m not pro-gnoll?

Yeah nah man, Gnolls are violent, territorial cannibals that engage in slavery. I do not, and will not feel sorry about killing them in WoW.

Get over it.


I wouldn’t worry about it too much. If half these people got what they wanted, WoW would be so santized, blizz might as well rebrand it as their version of Hello Kitty.

Because, to some people, heaven forbid a evil monster race exists within a video game.

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Apparently I support a ‘racist narrative’ because I am not of the mindset that Gnolls shouldn’t be killed.

It’s just sad.

Like, how do these folks seriously play any fantasy video game? Do they do no kill runs where they just level via gathering like DoubleAgent does? Max diplomacy so they can just talk their way through every hostile encounter?

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Im aware. 10char

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I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about.
I intend a full diplomacy build in Diablo 4 and by endgame I’ll have the Prime Evils and the Angiris Council all at the table and then shaking hands after the Eternal Peace Treaty’s been signed. Diablo and Imperius will even hug it out.

Good times.

/emote puts another Khazra skull on the mound.