Shaman for All Races

You couldn’t be more wrong.

Again, no shaman is ‘chosen’ at birth. There’s literally no evidence written anywhere in any lore that mentions that.

As for Gul’dan, he reached out to the elements and they did reach out to him, only to recoil and abandon him after sensing the darkness in his own heart. That’s quite literally the lore of his character:

The bitterness that had sustained him all his life ate at him until nothing was left. After months of starvation and wandering alone through the wastes, Gul’dan began to consider that the safety of a clan might be better than endless suffering. He finally heeded the old shaman’s words and, dragging himself to the Throne of the Elements, offered himself in the service of whatever would end his anguish. The spirits of fire, earth, water, and air approached him but, sensing the darkness and fury within the orc’s heart,[10] violently recoiled from him. However, in the absence of the furies, Kil’jaeden[10] began to whisper to him. The demon lord offered Gul’dan power in return for becoming the harbinger of his fury.

Son, you think that races can’t beg dark powers for power.

wait…that’s what they are angry about? We have a class called warlock which quite literally has a class order hall full of slaves and pets that are slaves and one can even argue that their use of soul shards is an even more horrible version of slavery. And they’re angry about the gnolls? The one species in the game that’s whole thing is just violence and bloodshed. If someone isn’t going to feel sorry for demons in warcraft how in the world are they going to turn around and feel sorry for the gnolls?

I never said that couldn’t happen

What I said, quite clearly, is that no shaman is chosen at birth. Then when you argued that elements rejected Gul’dan’s call, I told you that also didn’t happen because the elements did reach out to him, only to recoil upon sensing the darkness in his heart. It’s literally shown in the video released by Blizzard that the elements answered him at first.

Gul’dan only took up Kil’jaeden’s offer of power after the elements, his last hope at being ‘someone’, rejected him.

That’s what some players were angry about, yes.

Which I felt was them making a mountain out of a molehill, because those quests are really no different than the many other quests we’ve gotten to kill various creatures like Ogres, Harpies, Centaurs, Troggs, Quillboar etc.


Oh, so you’re replying to that…

Yeah I remain perfectly firm on my stance that not all races should have access to the warlock class. That’s not going to change. Blizzard clearly doesn’t agree with me, which is fine, but I’ve planted this flag and I’m not budging.

Nor does anyone with a bread crumb of common sense, given that warlock is literally the “i am worthless and have nothing, and am begging dark powers to make a deal with me” class.

Actually there are more than a few people that agree with me and debates have been had over it for weeks now, ever since the change was announced.

Maybe pay attention, or, perhaps it’s good that you haven’t, I don’t imagine you’d be constructive towards the debate.

It doesn’t matter though as this thread isn’t about that. No point derailing any further.

then they don’t have a breadcrumb of common sense, because

Because they dont actually want to help anyone. They want to virtue signal over others all the while feeling like theyre doing a good thing. All on the forums of a 20 year old rotting dinosaur corpse of a video game franchise.

I can’t say I agree with your take on warlocks available to all races. Anyone who can cast magic, be it a shaman or mage or whatever, can get tempted enough to start dabbling in summoning demons and messing around with fel. Draenei or even Lightforged Draenei are no exception to this rule.

The only concept that’s weird is that they would be accepted into their respective societies and be continued to operate as warlocks. However, they’ve been operating in societies you would not expect them to since the beginning of WoW. Gnomes, humans, even orcs. There aren’t many who hated demons and warlocks more than orcs when WC3 came to its conclusion, but they’ve still been part of Orc society since the start of WoW.

It’s weird, but it is what it is.

That being said, if draenei warlocks get to be a thing I better be seeing some orc paladins at some point.

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This is also assuming new races getting shaman go about it the orcish way, which is just the orc priest problem but in reverse. Like how Kul’tirans partially do it with their tidesages or trolls partially represent it in their witch doctors, new races could have their own takes on calling on the elements.

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If Goblins can be Shamans, anyone can be Shamans.

So I skipped all the psycho racist replies here from the trolls here. They are an advertisement for how vile and intolerant the community is. I assume the thread has gone back on topic now. Since this is the case, I’m gonna go ahead and link the interview where Blizzard said they’d be working for all races to all classes.

Yeah, you know, we kinda have this broad direction. I don’t wanna make any huge promises but we kinda feel like we want to move towards a world where the race of a character is not a limiter for what they can or what they can become in the world of Warcraft.

So, since this is happening regardless, it would be nice for Blizzard to come up with cool, race-specific Shaman lore.

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Alternatively, in the future the Void Elf Shamans, Druids, and Paladins are just… High Elves, Lorewise. Some High Elves learning Shamanism from their Wildhammer pals in the Hinterlands is a ready-made story that doesn’t even really require suspension of disbelief.


Ah, good.
I look forward to orc demon hunters that should’ve been in the game since day 1 of Legion.

Curious when we’ll get it to where Dracthyr teach everyone how to be Evokers and everyone teach the Dracthyr how to be everything else. Not sure if non-Dracthyr evokers could work though since some of their attacks kind of depend on having wings and breath attacks.

Then again, monks have a fire breath ability. :thinking:

Technically supposed to be ale with which is lit on fire, but I would assume that the fire breath abilities are magic anyway, so can be imitated if not completely replicated.

For me the question is whether does the practice come from, for which there are 3 options:

  • Ancient Tradition being revived in modernity
  • Tradition taught by an in-race minority group or faction
  • Faction associated race teaching them

So here:

Humans / Gilneans

Easy enough, there are multiple pathways without using other races:
  • Kul Tiran Church of Tide spread to the other Kingdoms
  • Gilnean Harvest Witches begin to work more intimately with the Elements
  • or both!

Night Elf

Given canonically Cenarius can summon lightning, rain, storms, tornados, earthquakes, and more typical "elemental" magics, simply borrow a concept used for the Trolls: Certain Ancients have a greater elemental affinity, to Night Elf Shaman are just Blessed by Ancients rather than taking on their forms:
  • Aviana = air
  • Malorne = earth
  • Aessina = fire
  • Nesphirah = water

Gnome / Mechagnome

Have one of the “Elemental Nobles” from each plane really be into technology, and offer Gnomish engineers their powers via elemental essences imbued into technology. Like Shaman Iron Man.


I stand by my idea that in Capital City there were people from all the other cities that are now undead and adapted their practices in undeath, including but not limited to

  • Kul Tiran Thornspeakers
  • Kul Tiran Tidesages
  • Gilnean Harvest Witches
  • hypothetical Stromic Titan Cult worshippers
  • and more

So Harvest Witches, Tidesages, and Thornspeakers adapting their shamanistic abilities in undeath would slap

etc little low energy rn to continue