Epilogue: Judgement spoilers

I am only talking about the story.

I never said I don’t draw messaging from Blizzard’s story telling and how it relates to real life.
Everyone does it here, Baal is more focused on social commentary and Ren talks about it as female experience and their place in the world.
This is completely different than the accusation you have leveled against me that actually implies I am somehow identifying myself as a night elf and the slights upon them are slights upon me. Which is absolutely insane.

No I am not a night Elf and I don’t identify my life or personhood as a night elf or their story in wow. If anyone here does should probably seek help.

Yes because every story has a message and if that message is a bad take then that deserves to be criticized. Baal has an entire twitter army ready to mobilize at the slightest hint from Blizzard (no complaint from me) or community Council members (I don’t support that bit)

As a character, her personality and her journey she is exactly where she started out as at beginning of BFA. You are conflating character growth and character exposure as one and the same.
Here is a little exercise.
As a character where was Sylvanas when BFA started and shadowlands ended.
And where was Tyrande?

Sylvanas got her soul back, she is more collected, she actually has remorse and self reflection. She got closure on many issues and is now going to hell to make a penance.
I can clearly point towards differences of behavior and personality of Sylvanas.

Can you do the same to Tyrande? Or is she merely appearing in the expansion enough of a character growth?