Shadows Rising Interview with Author

They keep hinting at Anduin’s connection to Arthas. He looks like Arthas, acts like Arthas, occasionally has his model switched with Arthas. Varian was missing and Arthas was present during the appropriate window for Anduin’s conception.

Garrosh compared himself to Arthas in War Crimes, does that make Arthas his father instead of Grommash?

Varian was missing? Varian was kidnapped when Anduin was around 10 years old, not when he was still inside Tiffin.



As in, he was not in Stormwind. Not that he was kidnapped.

More importantly, this would be Afrasiabi taking Metzen out at the leg for Garrosh.

But that is the argument you are making. When a character compares themselves to Arthas, they must be the offspring of Arthas.

See how stupid that sounds?

Stormwind was rebuilt before Varian married Tiffin btw. And the two of them lived in Stormwind from then onwards. Until Tiffins death that is.


No, it isn’t. You strawmanned my argument. There is more to my argument than “The two characters are comparable.”

Okay but in the book Arthas, Varian is not there when he visits Tiffyn.

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Anduin was already born by that point, and Arthas and Varian sparred during his visit. You are not very good at this. And who is Tiffyn?

Yes it is.

No there isn’t. Are you pyromancer? because you make up baseless speculation just like him.

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Educate yourself.

Garrosh is not human.
Garrosh does not look like Arthas.
Garrosh is roughly the same age as Arthas.
Garrosh’s mother was never present on Azeroth.
Garrosh never, ever, ever, ever, ever has his model replaced with Arthas’s.
Garrosh is objectively only like Arthas in that he goes to the furthest extremes. He shares none of Arthas’s positive traits (what few there were.)

This I didn’t know. I haven’t read Arthas. My buddy told me about the visiting Tiffin thing.

You’re being obnoxious.

Sure there is. Such as why Sylvanas takes such keen interest in Anduin. The two spend almost no time together, at all, ever. Sylvanas has more beef with Genn, Tyrande, Thrall, Baine, and Malfurion than she does Anduin. Yet… she personally attends strictly and only to Anduin.

“Your father would be so proud of you.

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So when did Anduin?


I’m sure he would if you put a blond wig on him.

You can age someone via magic. For example Garona and Khadgar got aged via magic.

When has that stopped anyone?

So you based your argument mainly around something that you got false information from and something that could’ve been easily corrected by simply visiting something like WoWpedia (which cites the source to the page number) or reading the actual novel?

Guilty as charged.

Because he is the leader of the alliance and a champion of the light? While Sylvanas was the leader of the horde and an undead?


Did you not click the video I linked?

I’ve watched it numerous times. Still don’t see where Anduin’s model replaced Arthas’s. You are reaching hard and are still holding onto something that got debunked in this very thread.

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He looks like his mother too. I think you are reading way too much into this.


He probably thinks that someone having blond hair can only have parents that both have blond hair.

Brown cloak turns blue.
Hood disappears.
Clothes turn into metal.
Face is Arthas.
All is immediately reversed when he tops the staircase.

Yeah you are reading too much into this. Hell your whole “Arthas banged Tiffin before Anduin was born” got debunked by simply doing a google search and checking with the novel.

Again, just because a character compares himself to another does not mean they are related.


We’ll see. Feel free to bookmark my post. If I’m wrong, you can laugh it up.
If I’m right, I’ll pat you on the back and tell you it’ll all be alright, sport.

inb4 you beg to blizzard to retcon the lore because your ego got hurt.

Somehow you seem more tied up into this than I am.

I’m bored. As clearly demonstrated by my silly answers to your “Garrosh is clearly not Arthas’s son” rant.

He was against meeting with the Alliance believing that they should stay off Horde lands and if they really wanted the captured Shaw back then they should pay for it, instead of expecting the Horde to just hand their spy over.

After most of the council voted in the favor of Thrall and Ji meeting Jaina and Anduin, he decided in favor in the hopes that it would lead to the capture of Slyvanas. His hope that if Sylvanas was captured, they could move on, and could focus on Horde problems.

I really liked seeing them interact, especially since I didn’t expect it. Plus seeing more of Kiro was neat too.

While I don’t love him, I’m still sad that he remained loyal to Sylvanas. I really thought that those moments of doubt in Sylvanas (Sacrificing his cousin, killing the Desolate Council retreating back to her as commanded, obeying the order to burn Teldrassil, and destroying Undercity) were building somewhere, especially since Blizzard seem to have him everywhere.

Like what if when Sylvanas fled after killing Saurfang, Nathanos would of been in Orgrimmar, where upon being interacted with he would voice surprise at staying when she left. Then he would have been the Forsaken leader, which would have been really cool.


That is VERY strange, but it’s not clear if that’s Arthas or not. Though, I think most people would definitely look at that model and think of Arthas.

The theory that Arthas is Anduin’s dad is pretty interesting conceptually, but it’s rather far fetched.

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