Shadows Rising Interview with Author

the fact that you think a mother making a comment (probably half jesting) about a character in fiction she engages in, is unprofessional says so much about you

you’re too far gone to even remotely engage with.

I will happily ignore you but you have my sympathy as well.


The fact you act like her/their White Knight champion while ignoring their gross behavior regarding the customer base says a lot too.

How about actually putting weight to your words, Mr. “muh innocent writers that lied for an entire expac but they´re SO professional”.

You´re hopeless. I agree, no point in wasting my time with you.

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two posts criticizing someone who is making character judgements from Twitter does not make a white knight

like, wow. youve taken us v them to new heights. i have like 8 total posts in the story forums, period.

please go outside. just enjoy life because this aint it chief.


Anduin exists.


If I can interject, I am a Horde fan who had read Shadows Rising, and I can tell you that I loved it. The Horde character interactions are portrayed wonderfully.

The Horde seems capable, competent, and in many ways are more unified than the Alliance seems to be. The main conflict in the book for the Horde was the rift between Talanji and the rest of the Horde, and by books end that rift is healed.
You have characters like Ji and Thrall; Talanji, Rokhan, and Zekhan; Lor’themar and Thalyssra; and even a bit of interesting alignment between Baine and Calia that show that the Horde cast of characters are … well… more alive than I’ve seen then for a long time in the narrative.

Each one has thoughts and opinions that sometimes clash, but in the end the Horde was able to reach consensus on their disagreements, band together, and in the climax of the book win a major engagement by combining Orcs, Tauren, Elves, and Trolls fighting together.

The Horde is shown as competent, effective fighting force that makes good use of magic, physical might, and even some goblin technology to overcome substantial obstacles.

Meanwhile, the Alliance has a major split that does not get resolved in the plot: Night Elves and the rest of the Alliance, as well as several widening rifts between characters that also do not get mended. It’s not like the Alliance is falling apart, but they are also not shown to be in some sort of dominant position.
Anduin even comments that the Alliance could not survive another war, showing that both Horde and Alliance can’t really afford to re-enter a war.

If you want some further spoilers that haven’t really been talked about anywhere:

More Spoilers

Matthias Shaw gets captured by the Horde. He is only given back as a gesture of goodwill by the Horde, along with Sira in tow.
Ultimately, the Alliance only get any positive results from the book due to the Horde’s good will and generosity. The Horde giving over Sira as a token of goodwill (with ‘more to come’ with Sylvanas’ head) toward the Night Elves.

In the end: The Alliance and Horde are both done well in the story, by my measure, and it would be a mistake in my opinion to say that the Horde gets nothing out of this. Ultimately though, people have been focusing on the Alliance stuff because that strife leaves a lot more unresolved plot hooks.

I mean, Ji Firepaw even lays some verbal jabs against Anduin. Before this book would anybody have even thought that possible? Ji Firepaw having a role?

The book get a glowing recommendation by me. If you like the Horde you’ll certainly not be disappointed. (And if you like the Alliance, you’ll like it too, imo)


Glad I didn’t fall for the marketing and buy the book then.


None of this is relevant if it’s not presented in game in an effective way.


It probably also brought back memories of her constantly failing to stop Arthas, which led to her current situation.

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I wish it was done differently. Becuase Horde aid came at expense of Zandalari’s own competence.

They had army which chased away Alliance, but in book they couldn’t gather even a plutonium. A lot of people didn’t answer call to arms because of supposed propaganda, while trolls should be more infuriated with blackmail options to crush those who threathen them. Especially after G’huun arc.

Also no other Loa made a presence to aid Talanji. How convenient.

It was all done to make Horde look good.

I think it would be better if Rokhan was the main force that came in to aid her, he had experience and he was well aware of the territory with his shadow hunters.

Wouldn’t it be better explanation, that not entire army returned from Uldum and some are meant to protect the city, so she gathered the ambush force? And then use additionally other Loa’s aid?

But that would mean that Horde presence is pointless if they have enough army + divine intervention at hand.

So again Horde support came at expense of Zandalari competence.

The book is massive hit and miss for me. Some stuff is done greatly and some stuff is outright ridiculous imo.

What marketing do you mean?

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The first lie has been offered before BFA according to Ogmonts journal. I think Arthas is the boy king.

You can still enjoy the material. Even stuff in game gets changed, removed, never referenced again.

I think her mindset is good.

I still think Blizzard is failing. Sending Calia to Nordrassil was stupid.
Or Zekhan boot licking Thrall and take a “Proudmoores are nice” stance in front of Talanji.

Let’s hope we get more of the mindset that all races should be represented and from their point of view.
Even villains are mote interesting that way.

Howling with laughter at this part. They don’t seem to genuinely care if people understand the story at all in the first place.

They gutted WoD, they ripped out essential story components pieces from BFA, and they entirely left a good chunk of the characters’ motivations unclear throughout the entire expansion.

Blizzard writes for big moments, not coherency or seamless narrative progression.


No. The first lie is that Varian is Anduin’s father. The shadows at the end of the book are proof positive that Anduin is the boyking.

Sure, but WoW is a video game first, not a book series. This franchise will not live or die based on the novels written about it.



Just realized Roux isnt an employee of blizzard :P.

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Not sure if serious or trolling…

And how does this “prove” that Varian is not Anduins biological father?

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