Shadows Rising Interview with Author


Hm. Interesting. Well maybe, depends on how they’ll go with it.

Wait… is this epilogue post-helm breaking?

I won’t lie I’m not fond of bickering romance, they often come across as toxic, but Flynn and Shaw did seem more jovial about their jabs .




Sylvanas is standing on top of Ice Crown, the helm broken, when Nathanos appears by her side. She gave him a vial that contained what seems to have been Shadowlands anima type magic and brought him to her. So, within minutes of breaking the helm, Nathanos tells her he failed at killing Bwonsamdi.

I think its interesting to note how Roux is a fan of Night Elves. Pity they couldn’t be included more in the story, but at least it explains why Tyrande’s scenes had teeth.


Wow okay. Hm. Thanks for the quick clarification. I guess when Nathanos left Dragonblight, Sylvanas was getting ready to raid Icecrown.

Also, how does Bolvar survive this? Is he in that scene?

This also means the end of the novel is right before the beginning of the pre-event.


I don’t recall him being mentioned other than a brief recap of how she came to break the helm.

Maybe. Depends when the event starts.

Makes you wonder if the Horde has anyone in their corner anymore when it comes to the writing team. I know people love to scream horde bias, but they’ve been looking like losers for a while now.


Not gonna lie, even I felt a bit bad for Nathanos after Sylvanas told him to get lost. Even when the epilogue was from her perspective you could tell that cut him deep.

I do like how Saurfang’s “You just keep failing” got to her. Because she basically failed her way through BfA and she was probably aware of it. So when Saurfang pointed it out to everyone else she took it hard.


Anduin did have the Divine Bell break on top of him so it’s no surprise that the Sha are influencing him.

“The boy king serves at the master’s table. Three lies will he offer you.”

Sylvanas gloats about how the Boy King lies to himself and his people.

What was the first lie? Presumably his declaration that no one not even the King is more important than the Alliance since he blatantly claimed that if Saurfang killed him the Horde would have won which indicates that he thought that the King was infact more important than the Alliance despite his speech.

The second lie(made not just to others but to himself) was mentioned by Sylvanas herself as him thinking the war as having been won.

Anduin fighting against N’Zoth of course makes sense since Y’Shaarj once fought with N’Zoth.

Y’Shaarj has his trump card in Anduin while N’Zoth has his trump card in the tampered with Forge of Origination(which can create his Black Empire for Void Alleria despite his demise).

Y’Shaarj gloats that every thread unraveled takes the Player one step closer to his realm. We saw N’Zoth’s realm Ny’alotha(which can be recreated by the Forge of Origination) and killed him there(theoretically killing him deader than dead) but the realms of the other 3 Old Gods were never visited truly.


Which raises questions about Nathanos as a world boss, since his last line before the placeholder cutscene is along the lines of “As you command, my lady.”

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Like father, like son.

Sweet. I knew they weren’t building up Nathanos’s questioning Sylvanas for nothing.


The slow and steady march to retcon all aspects of Sylvanas’ character that aren’t generic ebil continues. Naturally I’m sure they’ll tell us that all the times Sylvanas clearly loved Nathanos and did things for him were actually 4d chessmaster lies.

Soon we’ll find out Sylvanas never existed at all.


Look, I fully understand that you’re angry about losing Sylvanas – but are you not at least glad you might be keeping Nathanos? It seemed like we were flat losing the both of them.


I’ve no interest in keeping Nathanos around if its part of some hamfisted plot that makes both characters lesser for it.

WoW has enough soulless husks walking around


The novel showing how devoted Nathanos is to Sylvanas is not necessarily an indication that he’s going to stop being devoted to Sylvanas just because she doesn’t love him as much as he loves her. If anything, might just make him wander off and get himself killed if he doesn’t feel like he has any purpose any more.


I really hope this book sells well. Roux has an amazing mindset for this franchise.


Well, she certainly has an Alliance mindset for this franchise.


Yeah, it’s pretty sad that the Horde finally gets another focus book and they get a self-proclaimed “massive Night Elf fan” to write it. Right after the burning of Teldrassil, too.

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You got a bunch of troll development. Talanji, Zekhan, Bwonsamdi. Development for Nathanos as well.

She’s able to check her bias and write for other races. She’s exactly what we need.


So… why is everyone talking about the parts of the book that have focused on the Alliance?

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