Shadows Rising Interview with Author

That’s literally Arthas’s model.

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I really can’t tell. His right arm while going up the stairs doesn’t quite match the model you linked, but it’s unclear enough I’ll readily admit I can’t confidently say whether it is or isn’t Arthas’s model.

That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is Blizzard’s next big play to drum up interest. Arthas is arguably the most popular antagonist in the series, and I wouldn’t put it past them to try and cash in on his legacy with his son or something. A sort of “in case game is failing, break glass” back up plan, similar to what they did with Illidan.

I have noticed some weird Arthas parallel’s throughout BfA, between both Sylvanas and Anduin, so I think I could buy it if Blizzard gets clever with it.

Anduin is also a visual copy of Valerian Mengsk… Even right down to the voice…

Arthas visiting Tiffin after Anduin is already born in the Arthas Novel is evidence against him being Anduin’s father. Other Blond Men could still have secret ancestry though…

Tiffin Ellerian Wrynn:

The Menethil Bloodline could easily have spawned the Ellerian family since we know nothing about the Ellerian Family.

Yea, that’s a lot of why I think it’s pretty far fetched and unlikely.

The problem is Blizzard has taken to retconning their lore to make a plot point work, seemingly at the drop of a hat.

Would Blizzard further tarnish Arthas’s story to make more money off it? Is the space pope reptilian?

His arm looks the same to me, specifically the weird white straps on his sleeves Anduin has.

I would agree if Blizzard hasn’t been clearly footing around with dealing with dead characters in Shadowlands.

Anyway, it’d be a pretty abrupt retcon given Chronicle 3 says Anduin is Varian’s child among other things.

Abrupt like if most orcs sided against Garrosh? Or something like Draenei corrupting Sargeras? Or if Illidan actually just wanted to defeat the Burning Legion all along? Or if Sylvanas was actually lying to herself when she thought about not intending to become Warchief, or how Vol’jin died?

I didn’t deny retcons happen.

It would be something of a twist if Sylvanas’ end was at a knife in the back from Nathanos. Not so much as at being angry at her betrayal but just to bring things to an end. Nathanos has been loyal and devoted to her since before they both died. His thoughts in the past seemed to indicate he felt that eventually the time would come where they would embrace death together and let go of their fate, even if it meant ending up in hell. That said, such a death for Sylvanas would likely be very unsatisfying for those hungry for vengeance and Nathanos would probably not intend to live through it.

Sooooo I was reading WoWpedia’s info on characters from this book.

And Thrall’s wolf is named Moonpaw.

Glances at Thrall’s white wolf coat

… Snowsong?


You are right, thralls wolf is Snowsong. I cant recall what they used int the book. Though wolves don’t get that old. Perhaps it was another one.
It’s… strange for sure.

Wowpedia says Thrall’s wolf in the book was called Moonpaw, which honestly makes me think Snowsong is dead.

I don’t mind the Moon part, but combinding it with Paw isn’t great.


According to War Crimes Snowsong is too old to ride into battle any longer. So I guess Moonpaw is his new mount of war.


Thrall rode Snowsong in WoD. While she was old, she was still battle capable even after War Crimes, though that was a few years ago now.

My concern is from the fact Thrall is clearly wearing white fur on his new model, and it’s a Frostwolf tradition to wear the fur of your fallen wolf companion, and not nessecarily from the fact he has a new wolf.

It’s possible Snowsong is with Aggra and the kids, but looking at Thrall’s model, I think she’s dead.


I just assumed that she was with the Aggra and the kids…never thought of the possibility of her being dead.

Could have it that moonpaw is snowpaws child.

But yeah, it is highly likely that Snowpaw is dead.

Rest in Pelt.


i think is interesting that she tells us that the info she has is limited.

it speaks volumes of her professionalism that she wasn’t blinded by her bias and (probably) hate on the horde.

is nice that she seems to understand every single character.
and i can appreciate minor characters like mama proudmoore.

Now… shaw being captured is just another proof of his incredible incompetence.

but i can understand the need to show some good faith from the horde if they ever pretent to somehow mend the wounds they inflicted.
i hope this good faith doesn’t go into the thrash when the zandalari try to get revenge on kultiras.
because giving shaw… or sira… or even sylvanas would mean nothing if they attack an alliance nation again.

she did a pretty solid job on the characters
But then again, the author did what she could with the info she had.

so i don’t feel it depends on her.