Shadowpriest underrated class?

I think the most underrated Class is going to be the Paladin. So many people are unaware of the spell power Paladin.

Looks like Shamans windfury procs pretty good in Classic also.

But Paladins are going to surprise everyone once we start hitting the endgame 2 years down the road. They are going to be really good.

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I’ve heard a bunch of people talkign down paladins for years, but after watching esfand and seeing just how much support they bring to the party, even as ret, i’ve rethought my stance on them.

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Underrated? No, Shadow Priests enjoy viability in both PvE and PvP. Most raids will take 1 so long as there are 4 warlocks present because the weaving output is significant enough to forgo another warlock, which diminishes gear competition. That being said, if you hope to raid as an S. Priest, you should min/max well and expect having low gear priority.

Why do people hate on druids so much? Do they suck in pvp

Paladins are much more than any one specific role.

They can heal the party when it’s taking massive damage. Bubble key players that need to be saved. Lay on Hands in clutch situations and Divine Intervention.

The Paladin is a very very useful class to have in your party.

Lots of players may not know how to utilize a Paladin to its full potential, but those of us that have been lifelong Paladin players are going to be very valuable Paladin players.

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It’s good in open world if you get geared, but the path to gearing isn’t fun. You’re in line behind 10 Warlocks / Mages for gear. If you rank for gear, you’re healing. They were rarely brought to WSG premades because they oom quick, and any smart opposing group won’t even kill you. They’ll just keep you in combat and let you sit there oom. You might see them a bit more in AB.

Elemental shaman got brought to WSG for it’s burst. It has the same mana issues, but it just blows people up before they knew what happened.

Who knows what the meta will look like on new servers with possibly more forgiving attitudes towards offspecs in 2019 though. If you love the idea of being a shadow priest give it a shot. The game will be around a long while.

No, they are good in PvP, and key in WSG I would think.

How does enhance compare to spriest?

Enhance is kind of a meme. You have hilarious moments where you get some good RNG and blow people up, but it wasn’t considered a serious spec by the hardcore PvPers. You can have some fun with it though.

P.S. Unbreakable died 35 times for every one of those clips

But you’re saying elemental is good for serious pvp? Better than spriest? I’m trying to decide between the two classes

Elemental gets brought to premade for burst.

Edit: Just to be clear, they oom quick as hell too, but they are producing bodies with that mana bar. They are going to get kills, and they are going to drink. A lot.

The safest caster choices for ranged dps is clearly the mage and warlock.

Only undead, troll for horde and night elf and dwarf and human can be priests.

here’s a funny video…40 druid raid on Ony.
Works so well…40 battle rez’s, 40 innervates and everyone can self heal. Works cause Ony is a 1 boss raid.

Actually quite interesting to watch…Ony downed and everyone is alive (due to the battle rez’s).

Not really a problem when 1 Shadow priest out of 5 total priests is 20% class representation; that’s actually really good.

Same can be said for the hybrid classes (paladin / shaman and druid).

If you have even Class distribution then do you really need 15 healers?? No, so why not just have some of the hybrid players utilize other builds?

Additionally who wants to gear more than 5 warriors? Most guilds will NEVER get to 4 Horsemen, so they don’t need more than 5.

Who wants to gear more than 5 of anything, because of how it actually slows raid progression based on gear loot drop averages.

No I said the casual guy; not I.

Play what you want, but if you play a priest you’re going to be healing in raids unless you know what you’re doing and have a good guild that will let you dps sometimes.

in pvp any class can be good if you have consumables/engineering and some skill.

The infamous legendary Chipman

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It really doesn’t though. I’m not familiar with every class, but just looking at some of the bis lists floating around, hunters, rogues, and tanks are the only ones that really go for tier sets. Warlocks and Mages seem to share a lot of the same non tier armor pieces, and share a few items with healers. Hunters, Rogues, and Warriors all seem to use fairly unique armor and share some non armor pieces.

By going with 5 of each class, you will likely end up lighter on melee, which means casters will take longer to gear up.

Aaah, the days before Forbearance. Happy days don’t last forever, but they ended too soon.

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There is a lot of fierce competition in the weapons department, not to mention those 3 classes have a few progressive BiS that are shared in armor slots. Once you get to AQ, the minor overlap goes away. As for casters, it will always be a race to who gets the off pieces, but at least warlocks and mages tier gear is a really nice alternative, compared to hybrids not getting tier gear to play their play style.

I don’t have much experience with Vanilla. Can you Shadow priest from level 1 or do you have to get to a higher level before you can choose that play style?