Shadowpriest underrated class?

More like overrated.

runs out of mana before you can say “good damage output for a short while”

It’s very hard to gear up but it’s so good at 1v1 it’s practically brainless. You can literally win every 1v1 without hardcasting a single spell.

Also goes oom insane fast.

I love spriest,but personally i’m planning to heal in pve, and shadow pvp mainly. I’m not expecting to be the 1 shadow slot since I do like healing still lol. Might switch it up at times though but it’s nice having options that are viable.

That’s what I loved about it, made me feel like a priest that turned evil muhahah

Mana burn.

Mana burn strong AF.


Ummm, no you don’t.

Spriests are pvp monsters with just the rep pvp gear and dungeon filler.

Shadow Priests are very good in PVP - yes.

Underrated - no.