Shadowpriest underrated class?

How good is Shadow priest in classic, was thinking about mage/warlock/hunter. But being able to mind control people is so tempting.


Problem with shadow is most raids take 1

So you have to heal to obtain shadow gear… But they’re beast in pvp


You dont need to be shadow priest to MC people.

They are a mana staved spec that can put out some prety decent damage over the short run but fall off a lot in longer fights. Expect to put in more effort in order to preform middle of the pack than say a warlock or mage.

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I don’t think it’s underrated, everyone knows shadow is fantastic in PVP.

Good soloing but not the greatest, mediocre raid damage at best but provides a very valuable shadow damage debuff so raids want 1.

In PvE? Not great. They OOM pretty quickly in prolonged fights.

In PvP? Monsters when geared but still OOM quickly.

Basically Shadow Priests hit very hard but are very mana hungry.

Shadow Priests melt faces in PvP.


If you are aiming at pvp then shadow priest is a blast to play.
Go NE and you get shadow meld which only adds to the fun.

Shadow priest was an alt for me and I got to Master Seargent before then ended the rankings.

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Troll Shadow Priests are monsters in PvP.

Its on my short list of classes.

Shadow Priest
Ele/Resto Shaman
PvP Rogue

I go between the Shaman/Priest a lot, probably will have both eventually.

Its on my short list of classes.
Shadow Priest
Ele/Resto Shaman
PvP Rogue
I go between the Shaman/Priest a lot, probably will have both eventually.

I’ve played both. To me Shaman is infinitely more fun and engaging to play. Shadowpriest is really simple to play and gets kinda monotonous.

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Hits like a truck but is a mana hog compared to other classes. Literally that was the big thing they fixed in TBC that made them gods.

Pvp fights are short enough that they are brutal.

you will melt faces in pvp as shadowpriest


Yes, seems very much on opposite ends of the spectrum between managing totems and damage/heals vs … well a lot of the same set spells.

Part of the appeal for both depending on how I feel on the day. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m planning on playing both of those classes, and leveling using rested xp for both. It’s a solid combo to have.


I’ve never played Spriest but I am excited to roll one as an alt in Classic. Been reading a bunch about them and they sound hella fun in PvP.

Still debating which race tho. I’ll have a Nelf Drood as a main, seriously considering a Fem Dwarf. Undead is appealing ofc, but I kinda want to stick to Ally… but Orcs are super dope… dunno. I’ll probably change my mind 57 times and not actually decide until I roll the toon.

Either way, I’m pretty excited to learn priest.

When I played on Aegwynn there was a r14 Shadowpriest named Fathermeo who was an absolute monster in BGs. He ended up being recruited to play for DnT just after AQ patch release.

Spriests have a ton of tools to use in PvP and can pump out decent damage as a mana battery in PvE. They’re definitely not underrated just only room for 1 in any serious progression type guilds but my somewhat casual guild always had two, one for the mages and one for the healers. We also brought a moonkin to help roll ignites for our top mages.

Really depends on the guild and how you want to do content.

Keep in mind they’re “hella fun” WITH high end gear. You do have to raid to obtain the gear needed to make them “melt faces” as everyone says.

Spriests struggle with mana as stated already. Attrition classes like warlock and skilled druids will kill you every time. Also, if going ally, WoTF breaks mind control.

Mana battery was BC :slight_smile:

You can absolutely melt face in pvp as shadow, Though mana is a bit of an issue.