Shadowlands worse than BFA?

I will say it again, War Mode killed ED. We fought to keep it alive for an expansion but the wpvp isn’t organic like it used to be. There were no wpvp rewards before War Mode and it happened then way more than it does now. For all you people making other excuses, meet me in TBC on Grob.

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Yeah, it wasnt the server being flooded with PVP bros ganking with bad attitudes. Taking stuff to twitter etc.

Wasnt all of the people who ran events, guild masters, big members of the communities leaving or deciding not to mess with anyone because the server is hostile.

Wasnt just the general bad attitude the entire server has, this “back in my day” bs everyone has going on, with no intitiative. And just a general unwillingness to try or do anything different.

Vigilantes, you guys are great, we had fun most of BFA, but… you were legit the only crew besides Lionguard every now and then actually running around.

There are no other Alliance leaders looking to do that sort of thing, and not many players either. Theyre gone. And your guys crew is so small.

Warmode didnt make those people stop doing WPVP. They always opted in before.

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Lol dude it 100% did?!?! I’ve been horde since classic. Then legion and even more so in BFA I got tired of running around, finding some alliance dude, picking a fight and then 3-4 other offrealm random hordies show up and make it a 1v5. How is that fun for alliance? How’s that fun for me?

It is 100% a warmode + phasing + crossrealm issue. I came from “PvP” servers in mop because they were a joke. 95% one faction no actual wpvp. Then Blizzard came and dumped everyone else’s problems on Ed.

I play alliance now because I’d rather play the underdog and I actually want to help the faction balance. I go out solo and it’s still 5v1 and if we go out as a group it’s a random off realm lfg raid or two coming down on us. The only time wpvp is worthwhile is in set up cross faction events.

I also take major issue with this. One of my alliance rogues transfered over to wra in one of the xfers. That guild lives in warmode off and does less warmode nights than my PVE guild here on ED.

No man. You’re victim blaming ED. Blizzard took everyone other realms crap attitudes toward faction balance and made it our problem.

If you think it’s an alliance problem I encourage you to swap mains and become part of the solution to faction balance and wpvp.


Some Horde people complaining about faction balance is astonishing. If that is the issue then faction change to help. See if it helps. It won’t, War Mode is the issue.

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Ironsworn, Warsong, D7, Syndicate, Terran Empire and im sure many more can bring full groups out for wpvp.

Name more than two Alliance guilds that can and do do that. Battlehammer once a week? The Order?

Alliance is smaller 10-15 man guilds, if that big.

And im not saying those Horde guilds are actively out, theres no reason for them to go out.

But i know anytime ive put word out, i have to tell horde to ease up on numbers…

Alliance has no leadership.

You planning to faction change to fix this issue?


Faction change your guild then. But of course you rather whine on the forums instead of being the change you constantly ask for.

Im waiting to get rejected by the girl im creeping on before I switch over. Thats how it works right Alt?

I have no desire to lead a wpvp guild.

Im gm of a goblin RP guild that WPVPs some times, and honestly hasnt in awhile.

Will say, Ive done more to put together stuff for Alliance than a lot of Alliance leaders, already. But keep deflecting to me. Just kind of proving my point Alliance has no leaders when your only retort is “well switch then.”

Ruin was the biggest guild on the server. Anyone could have came in and took those members, and created a large wpvp guild, if they wanted to or had the drive.

I saw Devilx switch over and his guild became huge in no time, but he doesnt have the desire to play alliance and didnt get too far before switching back. But was just proof positive that anyone that actually took initiative can easily do it.

Theres just no one doing it.

I dont care if anyone does or not, just quit blaming war mode.

Alliance has had great leaders in the past and there’s currently someone I think highly of running a guild on Alliance. The issue is these people never end up getting the man power they need, since a lot of it soaked up by those other people I mentioned.

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Goblins cant join the alliance, silly.

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We should all just go Horde and reroll Vulpera! If will be a lovefest in Org…


War Mode killed ED.

Goblins are just as disgusting as gnomes. Change to a gnome guild.

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Go back to Call of Duty noob :stuck_out_tongue:

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Back on classic and just waiting for TBC. Shadowlands has forced me to play CoD some. Sad.

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You can point to War Mode as killing ED, but that’s not actually true. I always had War Mode on. If I die, I die. If someone SS it, whatever. Frail egos are what killed ED. That’s why many of you joined zerg guilds…because you’d rather face roll than die in a video game.

Too many players are soft and get triggered so easily. If you weren’t such babies, then War Mode functionality would be a non-issue because you would all have it turned on permanently.

Also, retail sucks.


Finally someone is getting back to what OP was about lol.

My point stands. TBC is where it is at. Retail sucks.

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Classic literally has everything people on this thread are complaining that retail lacks. If you’re still playing retail and complaining when classic exists, it’s your fault and you probably just want something to complain about.

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Classic has a solution to the issues being discussed here but it presents problems of its own. Whats going to happen when some guilds wanna stay on classic classic instead of TBC classic? What if theres a big exodus back to classic classic several months from now? Will people want to stay on TBC when Wrath comes out?

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