Shadowlands: Voidform/Insanity Staying

Shadoworbs, wether it was with CoP or ASp, never came even remotely close to the ramp-up time VF has. In your worst case, it took 21 seconds to get three Orbs. In the best case, VF rampup finished at 40 seconds (one minute cycle, surrender, LI+Chorus all went past one minute ramp-up)

Further, VF (unless you chain pull) resets at fight end. Orbs did not, and with SW:D you likely always left fight with some orbs active. That alone is a big advantage orbs had.

VFs is about as bad of a ramp-up you can have in WoW, and as long as ramp-up has no advantage, yet clear disadvantages over bursty/cooldown-based designs, long ramp-ups can and should not exist.


it sounds to me that you just want spriest to be like fire mages…As I said, it’s all because some particular classes just outshine everyone else.
And you shouldn’t feel useless because Spriest usually have excellent Boss damage in that fight, and from what ive learnt from the others boss damage is more critical in Nzoth fights. On the other hand, if you need overall damage, you can give breath of the dying major a try.

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well, I can say ‘the pot calling the kettle black’ to you too. That’s just not helpful.

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I am absolutely not saying that. where did you read that? please quote me.

You’re the one telling people to reroll. Listen you have every single right to enjoy voidform and have it. What I’m saying is we are asking for another option of playstyle, so people who want voidform can keep it while people who don’t can find another playstyle.

I mean this would definitely improve the experience drastically depending on how fast the regen rate is (obviously something respectful). however doesn’t change the ramp up mechanic

It’s more that I don’t see where the value in me being so unique is.

Back in WoD I took the low initial damage on the chin because I knew if I got decent ToF uptime, and some SWD snipes I would be absolutely killing it in the last 30%. I took the lack of generic cooldown on the chin too, because while other specs twiddled around between their 2 minutes, I had a DP insanity burn roughly every 10-20 seconds for any important target that might turn up.

If I believed what you wanted for the spec, in its entirety, was something that was realistically possible, I’d be all for it. The last 4 years has shown no indication that it is, however, so I’m reaching for the thing that came before that I think bliz could actually make work.


actually you can’t. check his profile please.


dude when you have a glasshouse don’t start throwing stones.

I hope you are not trolling me. I have checked,and?

how are you comparing Motrin with Amideus. talking profile wise. you said he’s the pot calling the kettle black. when his profile shows how much he is engaged with the content. His profile is even better then yours you didnt do any raid this expan yet you are here as if you are the guru of Spriest in BFA

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I haven’t looked at your profile but I’m doubting you have ever played shadow priest at a high level in pvp or pve. You seem to be entranced by the lore of the voidform but have never actually played priest trying to be the best. Idk maybe I’m wrong but the priest you’re writing on is like 440 ilvl.


please do look.

You and Amideus both should both do some looking into Hpellipsis over at the shadow discord before further comments. I’m just saying.


Yeah idk. I’m not here to try and rest on whatever credibility people might want to think I have, because I don’t. That’s not really the point.

What I will say is that, given the state of shadow and it’s position in SL Alpha. We look set for a collision course to repeat the same mistakes as BFA if things don’t change drastically and quickly.


now now, please don’t be like this. I can also list top-tier shadow players that can support some of my points, like i said, it’s not helpful.

you’re right that was a bit rude of me. I’m just saying Amideus was the one calling people fake priests.

EDIT: we should not silence people based on there profile and history playing the class. Even if you only played priest in BFA your opinion is valid.


oh i know they are a good player. I am just sharing my opinions here because I don’t think getting rid of VF will make shadow better. And they had a very different idea.

As to voidform, I’ll try to sum up my thoughts.

The low damage, mana return healing SP of WOTLK had a purpose in raids, and that made our sub par performance in the other content bearable. That model has made less sense each subsequent expansion because individual spec performance has mattered more and more. Voidform and long ramp up in visions is just bad. There’s MORE individual content ahead not less. A spec that only shines on raid bosses is going to suck in Torghast, a major expansion feature. I don’t think that’s acceptable design.


i actually replied to multiple posts to express my anger and upset about the inadequate shadow changes(and one of them is yours i believe?). I just believe removing VF is too radical and I worry what they will give us next to replace VF.

I think that worry is perfectly justified. As a theorycrafter I’ve been glued to shadow regarding every little detail of anything, I remember writing the “State of Shadow” reddit post alongside the other team members. I had beta BFA alpha and saw the mess first hand, I’ve seen SL first hand too.

From where I’m sitting and with how things played out over the last 4 years, with both developers that ever touched Voidform shadow now working on hearthstone. I just don’t see a feasible way forward that involves keeping a core concept that, it wouldn’t be outrageous to assume, those new or remaining didn’t understand.


I don’t think it’s a stretch to suggest that even the people involved with it didn’t really understand it. Remember the S2M feedback from the moment it showed up on alpha? “This is going to be impossible to balance.”

Sorry for the derail, I thought I’d mention it just for the benefit of anybody who’s confused about why some of us might seem bitter about the whole process… that’s a big reason why.