Shadowlands: Voidform/Insanity Staying

Go play a shadow priest in classic and tell me how viable you feel in a fight that lasts less than 24 seconds, or longer than 60. This is a problem that has ALWAYS existed for shadow, voidform or not.

Well we absolutely are trading frontloaded damage for backloaded damage, that’s WHY we keep getting nerfed. We clearly are the beneficiaries of the tradeoff. It’s just that people don’t like not being as viable as other classes for M+. Which is a fair criticism.

Because if you do less raid and boss damage than a shadow priest, you are still effective in the role and you still get to go to raid. If you do as well in M+ as shadow, you don’t get to go to M+. That’s the problem.

But Shadow isn’t even the least represented M+ class. That distinction goes to warlocks.

I’m not saying you are denying it. I’m just telling you that you said you are okay with it.

well the overall damage is in the first 20sec in all content except raids and boss.

higher end content actually last longer. once everyone reach end game with good gear everything except raids, bosses, and high M+ keys melts away in less then 20sec.

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classic and retail/alpha are two very different games. I don’t know why you are comparing them.

I’m not, I’m pointing out that your issue is with shadow priests not voidform. You said that you don’t like being non-viable on sub 20 second fights. Don’t play shadow then. Because that’s NOT voidform that does that. It’s the entire class. From classic to now. It has ALWAYS been that way.

okay lets say that’s true (even thought Cata-WoD shadow never suffered from that because of orbs system). In modern wow we need to move away from that design for a spec to be playable. Because the game is made to be more fast-paced. Just because it was always horrible doesn’t mean i need to deal with it or change my class.

talking about just rolling. I don’t see how its okay for you to tell me to just reroll because you like voidform when I spent +10 years on my priest. You played in vanilla stopped and then came back in legion and all of a sudden you have the right to tell me what to play.

We understand some people enjoy vodifrom that’s why we are asking to make it an option not to fully remove it. Give us another option if we don’t like voidfrom.


No, my problem is not inherent to or caused by being dot based class. Not in the slightest. The ability to reach a peak of dps quickly by some method has been achievable by numerous different specs in numerous different ways, the 3-4 GCDs before that to apply some dots hasn’t been much of a problem in the past.


Im not following you,could you be clearer? what point are you trying to make? And are you agreeing or disagreeing with me?

please be clearer? what are you talking about? are you talking about dot class in bfa? or are you talking about dot classes in the past? or are you talking about shadow in the past?

Actually it was. Shadow Orbs were only generated by mind blast, which had a 9 second cd reduced by haste in WoD. That means on average it would take you 21 seconds with a reasonable amount of haste to generate the 3 orbs for devo plague. What you might be confusing is the mind spike benefit, that allowed you to cast three mind spikes into a mind blast for SOME damage if a target would die faster than your dots would let you manage. But Orbs were a build up mechanic, sorry. And it doesn’t help you on sub 20 second fights.

I played this priest in vanilla, tbc, wrath, cata, mop, wod, legion, and now bfa. Do you have the right to tell me that just because you don’t enjoy voidform I have to lose it? That doesn’t seem fair.

Here. You said your issue is with no viability in sub 20 second fights, and that makes is bad outside raid and boss fights. I agree with you. The nature of content for M+ makes that very bad. I said this back in Legion. I also made the following proposal to fix it:

Let insanity generate passively outside voidform. Allow shadow priests to start fights with 70+ insanity for voidform. Make the Twins effect baseline/talent.

If you could start every fight with 100 insanity, and not have to save voidform on pulls anymore. AND your first mind sear after entering void form would spread your vampiric touch and SWP to all targets in 10 yards, would that be a welcome change for you?

It actually has always been a problem for shadow priests. That’s why they changed Mind Spike in MoP. It was actually explicitly stated that the purpose of Mind Spike in MoP was to give shadow priests something to do in fights where enemies died before they could cast their dots on them. because they didn’t have anything. And that it was a major shortcoming of the class. You are just factually wrong about this and there’s 16 years of proof in the game to back that up.

Multiple classes throughout their past. Affliction has had ample and effective opener dps, and priority target damage for the past 4 expansions whilst being the quintessential dot spec. Shadow in WoD was incredibly effective at short notice priority target damage with DP and MFI.

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You either played CoP, which cut mind blasts cooldown to a hasted 4.5 seconds (Ish idr), or you played AS which made every SWP crit generate an orb. Either way you had your first DP often enough within the first 10-12 seconds.

Also worth noting at this time we were trading a low opener for very VERY high execute.


You do realize that Shadow Orbs is a build up mechanic right? And that you don’t have immediate access to those. What you stated is not true. And honestly, I am getting confused as well.

Devouring Plague and MFI would NOT make shadow viable now for the situations that they aren’t viable in. it’s not a solution to M+ trash, and it’s not a solution to other shortcomining from voidform. it solves no problems.

Just admit that you don’t like playing shadow and move on.

And that still doesn’t make Shadow viable. Do you not understand what the problems with shadow are? This would not fix shadow. At all. If anything it would probably make the class worse.

I don’t like playing shadow right now. You’re right. I did 240 pulls of mythic nzoth and I frankly despised it. I hated the monotony of the rotation, I hated how ineffective I was on the constant short lived targets, I hated how much effort I had to put in to set up my burn following the first psychus and comparatively how little I got out of it, I hated feeling like a paperweight during the second psychus, I hated that even through all of that and getting to play out perfectly executed lucids in P2 and P3 I was still millions behind the hunters and warriors who apparently are execute dps on top of everything else.

I hated feeling like a burden when I couldn’t provide any valuable utility to handle raid damage or soaks.

And above all that, I hate that despite being at the peak of my power for a whole expansion, nothing feels mechanically different to the end of uldir.


Cool. One fight and you’ve decided the class is unsavageable and should be scrapped. Better not every play a melee class on fights that have mechanics that make you get out of melee a lot. This is why I hate the forums. A bunch of fake priests claiming that the class needs to be completely changed because they can’t be bothered to handle the lows.

lol probably the funniest thing about the priest forums is watching people act like posters like hpellipsis and yvaelle are fotm re-rollers who started playing shadow like last month


Can we chill with the name checking please. As much as whoever might wanna think it, I’m still just a dude with an opinion and some memories of enjoying something I’d call shadow that isn’t from the past 4 years.

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Your profile might not be your main but if it is it says a lot about who the fake priest is. Because that statement is just straight up dumb.