Shadowlands: Voidform/Insanity Staying

Uh, that’s not hypocrisy. But carry on cherry picking my posts. Or actually don’t. Because it’s just harassment at this point.

I’m sorry I don’t want to bother you. but once you go around acting morally superior and telling people there opinion is invalid because they don’t agree with you or because they didn’t play shadow priest since vanilla. when all we are doing is voicing our opinion on a post that has the topic in the title.

the topic is “Why do you hate Voidform?” If you don’t then why are you here. this is a space to share why you hate it. You came to devalue our opinions and preach yours as the truth.

all i got to say is live and let live. lets agree on disagreeing.


Never said that. Go on a quote me where I said I was morally superior and that your opinion was invalid because you disagreed with me. Or that it was invalid because you didn’t play since vanilla. You can’t quote me on those because neither of those things are true.

I asked you to give me mechanical discussions and not to try and devalue my points by claiming that “People who love voidform are the minority, I am the majority, and my opinion is therefor more important and voidform should go away, and I guess toss those in the minority a bone or something.”

Because that’s exactly how you acted when I decided that I actually like the idea of keeping voidform and not moving to shadow orbs.

Which is also funny because you’re again trying to silence my opinions with logical fallacy. I am here because the idea is that “everyone hates voidform” which is in fact, not the case. So if I don’t voice my opinions on the situation, then should I just let you have free rein to make suggestions and change the class? No. I should be able to voice my opinion as well. Because maybe I don’t hate voidform, but I also don’t like everything about it either?

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Hi there, I agree with you. I have actually spent time on spriest in 8.3(I am a mythic raider and have done all 15+ keys) and I think your points are way practical and realistic. At this point some people just have pure hatred for VF, but it really is dev team’s fault because the current design is not ideal for both sides.

I’d be interested in your opinion on the shortcomings of shadow in the current environment and what you’d like to see in Shadowlands?

  1. making the 3 mandatory talents(lingering insanity, shadow word void and legacy of the void) baseline so that we may have more talent choices to adapt to different game contents. 2. making void-form more rewarding because we are naked once again without our az gears and essences.
    I’m against bursty cooldowns because i think the current playstyle is the charm of shadow. I have a destro lock to enjoy the burst.
    im not against creative changes to VF but i think having MOP/WOD system back is unrealistic(and i personally think it’s backwards and boring)
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If li is gonna be baseline it needs to be the pre 7.1 version, not what we’ve had since then. The strength of voidform should not be in rewards carried forward into the next one. LI should take its original purpose, bridging the gap between the end of voidform and making the drop not feel as jarring.

Shadow needs frontloading or a way to organise / point it’s damage of some sort, burst cooldowns I’m not really a fan of either, never have been, but shadow needs some way to be relevant in short form content. Being useless for the first 20 seconds of anything is just bad design from my perspective.

One of the things I have thoroughly disliked throughout legion up to now is the lack of ability to do priority damage unless I set up for it a minute before I need it, and even then it lacks compared to everyone else.


that’s why i think freeing up some talents might help.

too be fair I think this is more about ‘taste’ than ‘design’

it is absolutely true however it also means we never have to worry about cooldowns when switching targets. To be honest, priority/boss damage in cleave fights is actually our strong suit.

I enjoy the current shadow because it is rewarding to play it well. I am pushing my limits each pull and i think that’s fun(and it will be more fun if i can get better gears, that’s the core of this game isn’t it? ). It is extremely punishing so i fully understand some of the frustration. I am also aware that it is an abomination without secondary stats, and this indicates a huge base design flaw.

I absolutely agree with this. I think Shadow is really good and fun because it plays in a way that is unlike other classes, and really has it’s own class identity. People talk all the time about how the game has become homogeneous and that every class is the same. And shadow is living proof that is a lie. No class plays like shadow, and rightfully so. I would hate to see us step back and just become like everything else again.

I think that voidform is a great playstyle and a personal enjoyment of mine. What I don’t like is their balance around it and the lack of choice in talents and the lack of viability in low tier mythics.

Just wondering to you how is being useless in the first 20sec of a fight a matter of taste rather than design. could you please explain.


While I don’t feel it is great for the reason’s we’ve discussed elsewhere, I can say it has its charm. My problem is given the last 4 years it’s pretty clear Bliz don’t know what to do with it, and if that’s the case I’d rather move on to something they know what to do with. If that’s backwards or forwards I don’t really care, I’d just say backwards is easier.


lower tier mythic is really a different story…but i believe having a good final talent for short fights will improve m+ experience a lot because we are stuck with LotV at the moment.

because I don’t mind trading the initial 20 secs for overall damage? We can’t be good at everything you know? and as shadow we were never good at the first 20sec of most fights so it’s never been my expectation.

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Well, I think for a lot of people that’s where they see themselves as having issues. I think if Insanity generated out of combat up to 100 instead of having to start at 0 would be very strong. One thing I find annoying is that I naturally want to tap dot trash pulls, but doing so isn’t going to give me enough insanity to void form. Or I find myself holding onto insanity instead of going into void form to have it ready for the next pack or boss.

These feel like choices I want to make but end up hurting me anyway for making them, and leaves the player without a clear goal. So allowing shadow priests to always have void form ready for the next pull without feeling like they can’t get up to it in time would be very nice imo.

This isn’t a trade we’re making though. Shadow does not deal more overall damage than other specs by design, it has happened to but it’s not intentional. You can just as easily be sitting there at the bottom for 20-30 seconds, only to rise up to at best average. That doesn’t feel like a trade, more just a straight up loss.

There is no inherent value to backloaded damage in WoW, while there is to frontloaded damage. What shadow used to trade a slow start for was execute damage in MoP, WoD, and early Legion with S2M. That’s been gone for near enough two expansions, and with whatever the hell SWD is shaping up to be, looks gone for another one.


you see that’s the problem with voidfrom though. the only fight that lasts longer than 20sec is bosses and raids. in other words you are confirming that we are only viable in raid and boss fights.


Voidform is not fun to play. Every prior version of Shadow was fun to play.


the problem you mentioned is about dot class right? i don’t think it’s a shadow problem?
I agree i would like some stronger execution, the new sw:D is just disgraceful.

In the end it’s all about comparison, right? the way you feel is not because shadow is that bad, it’s because some specs are just brokenly good at EVERYTHING. They are adding caps to cleave spells is a sign.

That’s an opinion that you have. And you are free to have it. And you are also free to play a different class.

In higher-end contents, yes. And im very confused by you because I was NEVER denying that???