Not sure if World of Warcraft or ElvUI, but just in case it’s WoW…:
Icon: Mushroom Network (Night Fae Transportation Network) Icon for Gormhive, Ardenweald
Typo: Hovering over the purple mushroom icon for Gormhive shows a tooltip that reads “Gormhide”
Fix: tooltip should read “Gormhive”
Necrolord Covenant Renown Reward 2: Deepening Bond has a typo. It says: “Your connection with the Nerolords grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.” Should be fixed to read Necrolord.
Item: Pristine Vulpine Pelt
NPC: Trader Ta’bix
Location: Transfer Station Ta, near Citadel of Loyalty, Bastion
Typo: (tooltip reads:) “Trader Bix in Bastion has cornered the market in these luxurious pelts…”
Fix: “Trader Ta’bix in Bastion has cornered the market in these luxurious pelts…” (“Trader Bix” should be “Trader Ta’bix”.)
Quest: Runestone Roundup (Night Fae Anima Conductor Daily)
Location: Hibernal Hollow
NPC: Guardian Dazzlewing
Grammatical error / weird syntax: “Stone, is a material rare in Ardenweald.”
Fix: “Stone is a material that’s rare in Ardenweald.” or “Stone is a rare material in Ardenweald.” (The comma should be removed. Also, the syntax of the last half of the sentence is strange and should be edited accordingly.)
Demon Hunter Metamorphosis spell description has an extra period at the end: “…health by 50% and Armor by 200%…”
Adventure Guide info for the Huntsman Altimor fight: “Utilzie crowd control…” should be “Utilize crowd control…”
Dinner Bell description on Belligerent Waiters reads, “All damage dealth…” this should be “All damage dealt…”
Path of Ascension quest popup which asks, “Are you ready to face the Path of Ascension with you current selections?” It should read, “Are you ready to face the Path of Ascension with your current selections?”
Grandmaster Vole text line states, “I can’t believe their trying this strategy!” It should read, “I can’t believe they’re trying this strategy!”
RSVP: Sika quest mentions “Find others in Olympic Village”
Olympic Village was renamed Aspirant’s Crucible during beta.
Also in the Ember Court scenario, the zone name for the tower is still “The Spire of the Unseen Servants”, the original alpha/early beta name. Should be Spire of Unseen Guests.
Nuuminuuru says: May you and your soulbinds ascertain the lessons of patience, unity, and cooperation that we circulate.
It unfortunately is not allowed to show here due to the limitations of the website forum, but there’s an extraneous empty space between “soulbinds” and “ascertain” in the NPC dialogue.
In the description of the item [Eternal Phalynx of Loyalty] the prerequisite reads, “Earn the [Death Forsworn] achievement to purchase this mount.” However the achievement is spelled [Death Foursworn] in the achievement log. Which one is correct?
Clora, the Kyrian follower, has her title listed as “Aspirant”, but the model uses the Ascended (with wings). Also, the quest where you recruit her refers to her as an ascended, not an aspirant.