Shadowlands Typo & Grammatical Error Megathread

Typo during “Fang and Minds”

Reads “join me and reclaim what if rightfully yours!” should be “is”

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Item: “Spiked Cudgel fo the Inquisition”
Should be “Spiked Cudgel of the Inquisition”

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Adventure Guide > Halls of Atonement > Echelon

“The mighty stoneborn known as Echelon has always held outsiders, especially mortals, in contempt. He watched the Halls of Atonement from the sky and will crush any who attempt to transgress the threshold.”

Should be watches, no?

Adventure Guide > De Other Side > Dealer Xy’exa

“Dealer Xy’exa is a cunning aquisitionist, wielding an array of [blah blah blah]…”

Should be acquisitionist.

Adventure Guide > Sanguine Depths > Executor Tarvold

“manifestiations” should be manifestations. and in the same sentence, “imprisioned” should be “imprisoned”

I can’t read the adventure guide anymore lol

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The tooltip of the item “Sticky Muck” (ID 180707) says:

“Use: Throw the muck at a location all enemies within 8 yards will be…”

There should be a period:
“Use: Throw the muck at a location. All enemies within 8 yards will be…”

Huntmaster Constantin’s dialogue says

“The Penitent hunt is not just a task. It its a duty.”

There is an extra space or two after “hunt” where there shouldn’t be (I guess it doesn’t show up on the forum when I type it), and “It its” is not grammatically correct.

it should say

“The Penitent hunt is not just a task. It is a duty.”

The Tormented Shades for the Maw daily quest “A Shadowed Fate” say:

“No! Pain! Dispair.” It should be “Despair”, not “Dispair.”

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Upon accepting the quest Rightful Resting Place, one of Haetio’s lines of dialogue is:

“Let us take this offer and leave without any more quarrel. I will meet you at Elysium Hold.”

It’s Elysian Hold, not Elysium Hold.

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Quest tracking for the Bastion World Quest “History of Corruption” shows “0/1 Vesper of History rang”. It should be “0/1 Vesper of History rung”.

Quest [Trading Favors: The Other Side] - should be De Other Side to match the dungeon title, no?

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Gray item [Tranquility Stone] from Tribute of the Paragon says “…often crafted in to simple jewelry” . It should be “into” not “in to”.

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[quote=“Baalsamael-turalyon, post:260, topic:728540, full:true”]
We need this re-stickied[/quote]

Agreed! bumped for support.

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Quest item “Call Marz” for the Maldraxxus quest “Field Training” has the description:
“Use: Call Marz, incase he is missing or dead.” (should be “in case”)

It’s likely that the other Abomination Factory quests have this error as well.

During the quest “The Traitor Unmasked” in Maldraxxus, there is a mismatch between audio dialogue and text dialogue:

Text says: “Baroness?! How dare you!”
Audio says: “Ninadar?! How dare you!”

The Night Fae campaign step “Receive the Queen’s Blessing” misspells “Receive” as “Recieve”.

Quest: My Heart is Full (Night Fae Covenant)
Location: Heart of the Forest, Ardenweald
NPC: Lady Moonberry
Grammatical Error: “[Champion]! Can you believe it!
Fix: “[Champion]! Can you believe it?OR “[Champion]! Can you believe it?!
(The exclamation point after “it” should either be a question mark or a question mark with an exclamation point.)

Quest: Queens and Future Kings
Text: “Slay 1 marrowbore queens, and collect 5 morrowbore larva.”

0/5 Marrowbore Queen slain
0/10 Marrowbore Larva

With Twigin’s help eliminate the queens and recover larva from the eggs.
I have a plan for the larva, that may allow us to use the marrowbore to our advantage."

The Text and the Requirements do not match, larva is missing “slain”, capitalization across text, requirements, and description does not match, the comma in the last paragraph in my opinion should be moved to “With Twigin’s help**,**” as well as removing the comma from the Text.

Anima Cell Power: Fae Empowered Elixir (Epic Quality)
Location: Torghast
Typo: (Description reads:) “The cooldown of The Hunt is reset if the marked enemy is killed with 20 sec of its application.”
Fix: “The cooldown of The Hunt is reset if the marked enemy is killed within 20 sec of its application.”
(The “with” between “killed” and “20” should be “within”. Also, a period after “sec” might be included, but I don’t think it’s necessary.)

Random overheard conversation by the Theatre of Pain in Maldraxxus zone.

Grandmaster Vole: I can’t believe their trying this strategy! When has this ever worked?

Their should be they’re.

Item: Wild Godrune

Description: The flavor text has a grammar mistake.

Currently, the flavor text reads:

“Spirit Tenders who hold vigil over the rebirth of Wild Gods often fill quiet hours often carve the god’s likenesses as a keepsake.”

Recommendation: Rework the flavor text to be proper grammar.

Speaking to Pelagos during the Kyrian campaign in Revendreth opens a dialogue that states, “Normally aspirants are not sent on missions of such import. I must admit, I am nervous to be outside of Baston so soon…”

This should read Bastion.