Shadowlands Season 3 Ending Soon

Please consider extending CE to S4 or extending the S3 to Sep.
With less and less active players in S3, it has been already difficult in finding enough skilled players for the mythic raids. Especially some bosses in Sepulcher need very special classes/ranged/melee configuration which further reduce the passing rate in non-perfect teams. Raid guilds/players should not pay to such kind of unbalanced designs and loss their CE just due to insufficient adapting time.

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That’s… kind of abrupt, honestly. I thought this would be like any expansion where the final raid’s AotC mount would be available until the end of the expansion. This considerably reduces the time, and how I’d planned things. Can we get a delay on this ending please?

Our 2-day/week guild usually gets CE or at the very least goes down fighting in the final weeks. It really sucks that we just voted to break for 4 weeks AND THEN go casual for the “experimental season” because we have no chance of getting CE. I don’t understand why you would make one of the hardest and longest raids yet and then cut the season short by MONTHS. Apparently whatever timelines you’re working on for Microsoft take priority over your players.

“Go back and repeat old content” is not a new season. Heavy sigh. I just logged in to a new character I was excited to learn, sat there realizing nothing matters until November, and logged back out.

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Nope. I have zero interest in clearing/re-progging old content that I did less than a year ago. Giving them m+ like affixes sounds even more awful.

I’ve already told my guild I’ll go for the slime kitty mount and then I’m done. First time I won’t be raiding actively during the majority of a season since Wrath.

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Fine I will get aotc. brb

Aotc mount is not tied to aotc. Only mop had that. You only need to kill the jailer on heroic or higher until now and dragonflight launch (aka still available in season 4 and df prepatch). And this is the same behavior the aotc mount had in wod, legion and bfa.

Ok I got that silly little aotc achieve. You should make the jailer room have less holes. The mind control mech is cool. The timing of a few soaks is bad, try not to have mechanics where people spread right into a stack, please. Very annoying for casters and healers, we want to get things done over here.

My guild has achieved CE 5 times including the previous two raid tiers, but we are a 2-day raiding guild who planned our extensions around having CE last until the Dragonflight pre-patch.

The precedent that Blizzard has set is that CE and AOTC will be achievable until the next raid tier NOT the next season. I see MANY two-day raiders complaining about this in this thread alone.

Blizzard for those of us who raid 2 days a week and have planned our entire raids around the precedent that YOU set CE and AOTC should be extended until the next raid tier which has always been how this has worked.


What meaning would a CE have if they let you get it after they release gear that trivialize it? At that point it just becomes the same value as any random raid achieve you can farm any time you want.


just delete season 4. were all sick of recycled content


delete t3 transmogs.

Delete pants! This conservative society is killing me!

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This is horrible news. Really needed a bit more time to get our achievement. With the holiday we don’t even have another raid planned to get in a last push. Sadly, this tier has been rough for my guild and will be one of the first we have failed to obtain AoTC on.

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Please nerf jailer into the ground. And never make a tier this hard and time consuming ever again. It was so not fun.


Guild only just got to Jailor last week. Probably no AOTC this season :slightly_frowning_face:

Summer vacations are pretty much killing the raids in July for us.

If this is the finalized schedule, whatever changes are coming need to be significant and implemented immediately to have any effect. Mythic Jailer alone is still requiring at least 4 weeks of progress for guilds newly pulling it, so if the aim is for adjustments to multiple encounters in the tail end of the raid to facilitate Cutting Edge, you’re realistically looking at adjustments to reduce progress time on Mythic Jailer by upwards of one-half on top of making Lords of Dread and Rygelon complete pushovers of encounters that require very little progression time.


Well… This was by far the hardest raid to progress on mythic and we got less time to get the CE? Oh boy, I guess I won’t get that achievement after all.

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Really? Hope you’re right.

For the last tier of a raid, we should have until the pre-patch of the next expansion. I don’t know why they waited till we have no time left to tell us they decided to change that. We should have been given notice.

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