Shadowlands Season 3 Ending Soon

Are the m+ portals still obtainable by completing a lvl20 keystone during S4? Or is that also going away with the completion of S3?

My understanding is, the 3 shadowlands raids will rotate weekly. Still, a majority of us would much rather have a NEW raid or maybe an OLD raid recycled like kara or icc.

Honestly… its a stupid decision to cut them off there.


I agree. The past several tiers were not over tuned and we had more time, allowing us to do alt runs long before the new raid launched. We’re decent raiders and just got to heroic jailer this week, now we have people taking off next week for vacations. It’s summer and people have real lives, they launched the raid knowing it was WAY over tuned. How can blizz think this is okay? We’re the ones paying their salary. Plus a majority of the player base do NOT like what’s to come in season 4.


Posting on alt bc 8/11m lol

Does this mean AotC and CE are going away too, or are both staying due to no new raid being released?

as of what they annouced they are going aways… cause they dumb


Doubt they care. I mean the fact that HOF Still has like 10 - 20 slots open. To already roll out S4, literally going to kill more guilds than before.


Do you expect there to be a Server specific lock on Season 4 raids, or will we start the season without the server restriction?

you think nerfs are gonna let guilds clear bosses in 4 weeks they havent seen at all? you live in the clouds then, no amount of percentage nerfs will make mechanics learned by players at 16 times normal speed. frick season 4 raiding just leave it the same and give us new m+


Uh excuse me sir, didn’t you hear that blizzard only caters to the 1%?


Why don’t you get some balls, stop crying like some petulant child, and put your real character so we can see how crap you and your guild is?

So still nothing coming for those of us who prefer random queues to organized huh?

Raid, m+, rated or die? No tuning for casual BGs? No Chromietime at max? Nothing?

Ilvl disparity will continue to grow making heroic dungeons a joke. LFR will be dead. One shot in BGs.

Cant wait!!!

S4 should not have been implemented like this. Now, people are upset about S3 being shortened, and very few guilds will raid seriously in S4 because it is only like 3 months.

They should have just let S3 last until Dragonflight prepatch. This would have given guilds plenty of time to get CE, farm mounts, etc.

And all the experimental stuff they want to try in S4 could have been just a part of Dragonflight S1.

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Please consider extending. We do AOTC and have had it for every expac … to now :(. We are a social guild with a mix of players, including those with disabilities. People are beating the fights and mechanics, but it is just not at a quick pace this time for the last 4 bosses. The Holondus bug cost us two weeks of Anduin time. The only way to the back end is for someone with the skip to come in the raid. It’s a catch-22 as a guild leader. To push harder but bench/lose long-term and loyal team members or to have top players drop away or leave as they see the road ahead is no AOTC. As a Heroic-only guild playing Alliance on Oceanic servers, it is a tiny pool to start with.


excited for season 4!

I notice you’re doing this IMMEDIATELY after everyone shelled out major cash for your new expansion. “oh yea, we got their money, now lets make it harder for them to complete the current tier.” good job blizzard, thinking with other peoples wallets instead of your brain.


Please consider extending CE to S4.
We are a 2 night a week raiding guild and this feels really bad. Usually I’m excited for a new season and an incoming xpac but with how difficult this raid was, we’re probably not going to continue raiding mythic into season 4, since there doesn’t seem to be a point anymore without CE.


I’d rather see season 4 to be shorter by 1-2 months than season 3 to be cut so early…


It seems that the concern has way more to do with the Feat of Strength than the raid or encounters themselves.

The only different between your suggestion and what they are already doing is a FoS.