Shadowlands Season 3 Ending Soon

Token sales probably about to skyrocket for all the seasonal mounts tbh


Just have AOTC/CE extend into season 4, like you did with AOTC/CE Helya extending into Nighthold.

We don’t need additional tuning, we need more TIME. Unless you can magically conjure more raid hours for people that won’t interfere with their jobs and lives, nerfs won’t matter unless they’re absolutely ludicrous (like, “half the mechanics from the bosses have been removed” ludicrous).

This is one of the largest tiers ever released, definitely the hardest tier ever released, and now you’re making it one of the shortest tiers ever released.

That’s a stupid combination.

Just extend AOTC/CE into season 4. You’ve done it before. Do something to make people happy, for once.


:rotating_light: MISINFORMATION ALERT :rotating_light:
ranged only move when boss is dead, this is scientifically proven.

There’s a reason it’s called “Cutting Edge” and not “Participation Trophy”, if you haven’t killed Jailer yet, you’re not really… cutting edge…
If you’re on Jailer now, play better for 3 weeks


I think you hit the nail on the head.

I’m glad this game’s no longer relevant to me the way it used to be. Maybe I’ll spend the summer in ZM getting all the mounts and pets. Maybe I’ll just let this game expire from my life. /shrug… it doesn’t really matter.

What I won’t be doing is paying blizz to be a software test engineer in any case.

For some of y’all in this thread. Just know if for some freakish reason we had to complete a project, I would pick y’all for the task. Very sensible concerns and expectations on when things can be done.

We’ll see how sturdy this car is come DF season 1/raid launch.

Seriously, consider just allowing for for guilds to still achieve CE and AOTC during the experimental season. This feels very bad for 2 day guilds!


I thought about this, but I’m just going to save my gold for Fated carries since those have tangible rewards.

What is happening to the tier sets we currently have? Are we going to keep their effects in season 4 or will that trivialize fated CN and SoD since they werent tuned with double lego and tier sets in mind?

Those raids will be scaled up to compensate for more gear. Also why they aren’t going to have domination slots active since they want us in tier gear.

Hm okay, i just don’t want to refarm tier at any cost lol so if things are scaled up to compensate for us keeping s3 tier that sounds good to me

Uhhh. I am pretty sure they are bumping tier up as well. Like even the freebie lego belt from ZM questline, has an alt sourceID for the same appearance with the same name. Which means they are likely going to give a new free belt above ilvl 265. Tier pieces have the same sourceID for appearance listings in ATT.

So like when collecting mog for a visualID (mythic shoulder for warrior):

  • Mythic BoE
  • Warrior tier piece
  • warrior tier piece (marked as unavailable) but has same name as existing tier.

Thats fine though, for a lot of specs the effects themselves are worth more than the ilvl increase, so its more bearable to slowly change out one conquest piece a week for higher ilvl tier than start with 0 tier imo

Really want to avoid 2-4 set power spikes due to rng while unluckies have 0 tier for next season if possible

Maybe you should relax and enjoy your participation trophy.
You raid 9 hours a week and killed Jailer last week, after the latest round of nerfs.


If they’re absolutely sure that the content would be trivial with items 26 ilvls higher but somehow nerfing the mechanics by up to 30% is fine, they could also just, y’know, pull a “Herald of the Titans” and give you credit for CE during Season 4 as long as you kill the final boss without any Fated or M+ Season 4 items. Yeah that would be a hassle, but one that I imagine CE players would be willing to jump through.

It’d also suddenly add a lot of value to raid loot, as raiding would be the only way to get 278 non-S4 items during S4.


Cut the tier by 3 months while introducing some of the most challenging content in the entire expansion… brilliant! Couldn’t think of a better way to retain and excite the player base. /s


Clown fiesta of a tier with experimental design that shouldn’t have happened as long as it did gets a fitting clown fiesta ending.


Didn’t realize the Cutting Edge achievement had a new minimum requirement of having to be in a 3-day raiding guild just to get the title.

Getting boss kills is more about getting the pull counts in than git gud. Jailer is at minimum a 30-40 hour progression boss.


This is a 30 day notice to get good or get out. I was under the impression achievements were not removed until the final patch of the expansion, or another raid comes out. This feels wrong.


That’s gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.

Love not being able to finish a tier just to be thrown into recycled content instead. At this point I’m sad I subbed back for this tier, might as well have waited to see if DF was gonna be worth it.

Nerfed content to this extent doesn’t even begin to count.