Shadowlands, Season 1—Now Live!

Arena has always had seasons.

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Raid tiers are a season, you farm the content until they are no longer relevant and then move on. The only exception was vanilla wow.

PvP has followed the exact same model of new season = new raid tier ever since TBC.


Yes, I am telling you that.

The 500 youtube viewers don’t make it an esport lmao.

I think you are confused on what you want to say or are really bad at explaining what you mean. GG

I don’t understand your logic in any of this other than you don’t like the term “season”.

Arena has had seasons since TBC, it hasn’t changed and it’s a universally used term. It’s also irrelevant how popular it is, Diablo 3 has seasons.

Since you’re gatekeeping the term, what’s the requirement?

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Wow is an esport. Its view count doesn’t determine that.

by your logic, womans basketball isnt a sport then?

Arena seasons are entirely different.

I remember seasons all the way back in TBC. Season 1 season 2 etc. Like Rethumtv said it’s the line of a beginning and end of a gear tier same goes for PvE Tier 1 - Tier 11 for example and start and end of progress.

Yeah, i had a dyslexic typo, i fixed it in an edit, I meant TBC.

So you have an issue with mythic dungs getting harder each season and raid releases? All MMOs release their content over time. Otherwise it would just be bad business.

I have an issue with everything being intentionally turned obsolete with every new season. The way seasons have worked has been overwhelmingly negative for the game and only increases apathy toward the game. It’s pretty simple.

But thats how allllllll MMOs are. Each patch/update/xpac new content comes out and gear either changes (ESO) or becomes obsolete.

You telling me, you want the same gear from week 2 to last you a whole two years of the xpac? Yikes, what a boring MMO.

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That’s awful.

It will take months to be fully geared!

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That’s not what I’m saying at all. Stop being so pedantic.

If it makes you feel any better, in Classic, everything has become obsolete with Naxxramas releasing, so it’s not just the other 90% of WoW it seems.

This is wrong. The TOTAL CAP increases by 550. They clarified it here: PvP Rewards and Item Levels

Yeah the initial way it was posted, I assumed they wouldn’t give PvP such a low cap every week and screw us over. I was wrong

the weekly Conquest cap will start at 550 and increase by 550 per week.

That’s not true. The conquest cap does not increase by 550 per week. Why would you say that when it’s simply not true?

FYI it clearly states in the bottom of the article that it does in fact increase per week

“For PvP players, the weekly Conquest cap will start at 550 and increase by 550 per week.”

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Have you read the blue posting stating the explanation of how the conquest caps work?
It doesnt increase the cap per week, it is 550 every week and if you dont earn the full 550 it folds over into the next weeks cap.