Shadowlands, Season 1—Now Live!

Ahh i understand now sorry, i wasnt reading the proper post i was reading the extra addon sentence which i stated in my last post :/.

Can I just say, thank you Activision-Blizzard.

Honestly, I was really worried about my next semester. I was really, really enjoying Ret finally being in a good place for PvP. It felt balanced.

You have classes with absolutely insane burst like Sub Rogue, Balance Druid, Mage… but you chose to give Retribution Paladins an overall effective 60% damage reduction overall in PvP. Absolutely gutting any kill potential that we had.

Thank you. Honestly, I almost gave you a year of my life when I should be focused on other things. Thank you for gutting the 1 thing keeping me in this game.

So long; thanks for two weeks of fun. Have a good expansion guys!

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What time roughly will Oceania servers be back online?

Yea ^ anyone knw?

Btw your link leads to a 404 page.

Except that it doesn’t.

I really hope blizzard listens to this post. 550 conquest points is too low, and the cap should be increased to approximately 900. A piece of gear costs 875 conquest which means right now you won’t even be getting a piece of gear each week minus the great vault. Just a slight increase in conquest cap would keep pvp gearing relevant and make sure there’s never a week where you get nothing.

We shall see, only time will tell.

more time gated garbage. no one cares. fix the class balance already before my sub runs out.

This might be the most bonkers season I have played yet… No real balance and expect players to deal… I hope people start cancelling their subscriptions…